The Bloop Sound: Caused by the Biggest Creature Ever?
Posted by: Max Hawthorne on September 20th, 2014
The Bloop Sound: Caused by the biggest animal or creature ever? An enormous underwater creature, many times larger than the blue whale, caused a sound so loud it was heard by scientists 3000 miles apart. Was it a blue whale, a kraken, megalodon, colossal squid or maybe even Cthulhu awakening from his slumber?
Max Hawthorne
Max Hawthorne is the author of Kronos Rising, book one in a new marine terror series. He grew up in Philadelphia and graduated with a BA from Central High School and a BFA from the University of the Arts. He is a world record-holding angler whose writing has appeared in a multitude of outdoor magazines and periodicals. He is an avid sportsman and conservationist. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, and the collection of fossils and antiquities. He lives with his family in the Greater Northeast.
According to NOAA, it was icebergs breaking apart as they floated into warmer waters. But I think Cthulu is much more likely.
Except the “Bloop” was finally discovered.
Oceanographers finally figured out that when icebergs or glaciers calve or collide, the ice itself can create low-frequency sounds that carry for miles. Now that they know what to look for, they’ve noticed it with others. This one has been confirmed and is no longer in the “mystery creature” realm.
There have been all kinds of theories about it from critters to seismic activity to icebergs and all kinds of unknown anomalies. While I’m open to all of them, this is one of those classic cases where people come up with something close (like icebergs or deep underwater activity) and then just subscribe some theory to it.
The case is still open to me. I doubt there’s some gigantic critter roaming the bottom of the ocean that wakes up every now and then to let us know it’s there . . . but so far none of the theories coming out have my complete buy in.
As for the kraken…everyone’s decided it has to be the giant squid, but if you actually read the stories associated with the “kraken” they were talking about something that sailors thought was a floating island. A giant squid hardly invokes the image of a floating island. I don’t buy that one either.
If they said it was a weather balloon would you believe that too? Never, Ever believe what THEY tell you about ANYTHING. Do you think for one moment The G-men would admit to the American public that a gigantic behemoth was swimming about? C’mon, man.
This was determined to be icebergs colliding or scraping across rock a couple of years ago. No longer a mystery.
As much as I would like to attribute to to Cthulhu, I doubt we would be around to discuss it if it was.
While the iceberg theory is nice, it’s still just the closest thing they’ve come up with. My problem is that allllllllll of the time we’ve been monitoring sounds in the ocean and then the “bloop” comes along and after all kinds of looking, they decide it’s iceberg collisions. Like that hasn’t been going on for centuries and like there have been no mention of this before.
It’s convenient, but I don’t buy in. Again, not that I’m looking for Cthulhu or kraken, but the “bloop” has been something anomalous against what we have “heard” from the depths before.
It’s quite possibly some natural sound from an event that doesn’t happen very often, but the iceberg theory don’t cut it…or scrape it.
Unfortunately, believing that the “Bloop” sound phenomena is a mind-numbing gargantuan creature roaming the ocean bottom is in the same league as the “Mermaids-a Body Found” form of science fiction. Take a small piece of fragmentary evidence and extrapolate it into an entire pseudo-world of reality. It can be fun but, when people start to believe it or reference it as a reality, problems begin.
Sadly this type of “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind’s made up” thinking can be found everywhere in today’s politics and society.