Search for MONSTER hogs begins…
Posted by: Chester Moore on December 30th, 2015
Feral hogs have become a media darling with numerous television programs directed at their pursuit over the last few years.
We at Kingdom Zoo are on the search to see just how big feral hogs can get in the wild. This will be for our new program that will run on our Kingdom Zoo Roku channel and a series of articles in Texas Fish & Game and here at Cryptomundo.
Do you have any game camera photos or videos of giant hogs? If so, email them to [email protected]. Until then, check out these photos we have gathered and more at
Chester Moore
Chester Moore is Editor-In-Chief of Texas Fish & Game magazine. He has won more than 100 awards for writing, photography and conservation and was named a “Hero of Conservation” by Field & Stream magazine. He has 12 published books including has published thousands of articles on wildlife since 1992 including many on the subject of mysterious animals. Chester has appeared on The 700 Club, Animal Planet, The Outdoors Channel, National Geographic and NBC Sports. He is host of “Moore Outdoors” on Newstalk AM 560 KLVI where he has broadcasted for 16 years. He and his wife Lisa founded Children's Kingdom Ministries and operate the Kingdom Zoo: Wildlife Center in Pinehurst, TX in the Orange area.
That looks like HOGZILLA on the upper right! That’s a lot of bacon on the hoof…
The top pic looks rather faked. Light source on the feeder seems to be in a different spot than the rest of the pic. Feeder has no shadow despite everything else having one. Feet on feeder look to be cut off like it was badly cropped cut and pasted in.
The bottom pic looks like a forced perspective one. The feeder is off against some set back trees and the hog is right against the camera