More On That Nessie Photo
Posted by: Nick Redfern on August 4th, 2012
Well, the controversy concerning the newly-surfaced photo of a Loch Ness Monster continues at a steady pace. Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper is now onto the story, in what is a very lengthy post that adds new data and insight. And, check out the “Comments” section below the article. Few are impressed…
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.
U.S. Military monster experts???!!!!!!
Let’s follow up on that Military Occupational Specialty.
Probably easier to verify than the monster itself.
Is this an esoteric think-tank within the Pentagon? Just in case Godzilla should appear? Are these the guys who have been working on a defense against the Zombie Apocalypse?
I’d like to know.
I’ll tell you four things I learned from this photo after I downloaded it, cleaned the noise from it, and zoomed in on the object. It is not faked.
There really IS something in the water.
It shows an eye which has obviously been painted on.
It is rust streaked.
And it is made of METAL!!!
That is the first thing that sprung out at me “Military Monster experts”. I was in the US Army for twenty two years and I never saw monster expert on any MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) list. Other wise I would have signed up for it and would have become one, instead of being a military policeman.
Yeeeaaahhhhhhh, I don’t think so.
Yo, Case of MPLS, why don’t you post your “cleaned up” shot?
Sounds interesting, even if your results are skewed-by pixel size etc…