Nessie and Night-Vision

Posted by: Nick Redfern on October 16th, 2012

Over at his Loch Ness Mystery blog, Glasgow Boy has a new, thoughtful post on the merits of using night-vision equipment to try and detect the creatures of Loch Ness, Scotland.

As you’ll see from this link, he makes some valuable and interesting comments and observations, including the following:

“My belief that the Loch Ness Monster is a creature of darkness suggests surfacings at night may be more likely. However, just because it is as dark above as it is below is not necessarily a reason to come to the surface. There has to be a reason for such behaviour and the usual suspects of food, reproduction, territory, etc would need to be considered. In the meantime, such tools of exploration should be encouraged.”

Nick Redfern About Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.

3 Responses to “Nessie and Night-Vision”

  1. MR JOSHUA responds:

    I have been fascinated by Loch Ness for several years. However, I feel that with the drop in sightings and shameful hoaxes that this is becoming a wasted endeavour. The evidence (other than eyewitness accounts, which I believe a good percentage of is to raise tourism) is lacking and the plausibility of such a creature existing is unlikely.

  2. silverity responds:

    Well, it may be a wasted endeavour if indeed Nessie is a mainly bottom dwelling creature in a dark, peat stained loch. How do you zero in on such a creature in such an unforgiving environment?

    It’s like looking for Bigfoot in the middle of the night in dense fog and driving rain (can it rain and be foggy at the same time?).

  3. DWA responds:

    Can’t argue for using any tools that will help.

    Can argue that we might want to start employing those tools before we start making claims about night vision and suchlike for something that we don’t even have enough evidence yet to tell us what it might be.

Sorry. Comments have been closed.

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