Bigfoot!: A Book for Burning?
Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 30th, 2008
“Where they have burned books,
they will end in burning human beings.”
~ Heinrich Heine,
from his play Almansor.
Warning: profanity, insults, homophobia, and book & effigy burnings are standard fare now in the ongoing media theater from the gentlemen from Georgia.
In 1933, Nazis burned works of Jewish authors, and other works considered “un-German,” at the library of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft in Berlin.
Who would have thought the guys in Georgia, so starved for attention, would resort to burning my Bigfoot! book, and dipping into homophobic attacks on my book, my name, and Matt Moneymaker?
The works of Jewish authors and other so-called “degenerate” books were burnt by the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s. On May 10, 1933, on the Opernplatz in Berlin, S.A. and Nazi youth groups burned around 20,000 books from the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft and the Humboldt University; including works by Heinrich Heine, Thomas Mann, Karl Marx, Erich Maria Remarque, and H.G. Wells.
Book burnings continue today.
The video below may be disgusting to watch. Profanity is used. Homophobic attacks are directed at my book, me, and Matt Moneymaker. But you would not believe it if I merely tried to describe it to you. We must not turn away from what this has become and act like it is not what it is.
I don’t want to show this video, but I must. People turned away from the Nazis and thought that they would go away.
What is occurring with these “Georgia bigfoot trackers” goes beyond the pale now. They apparently don’t understand what is written in plain English, seem threatened by talk of biological sexuality, and use the lowest forms of insults and Nazi tactics available.
We could ignore these guys, and hope they just would go away. But that’s what some people did about the Nazi book burnings too.
I will not act like this is not happening.
The book burners will not win in the world of today. The bftrkers have merely demonstrated that Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America (NY: Simon and Schuster, 2003) is the most popular Sasquatch book, presently in existence.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Loren…you keep holding everyone who makes a claim accountable. In time this will seperate the wheat from the chaff. This is the best web sight. A loyal reader and searcher of truth for two years.
A question… They repeatedly claim that they are the best trackers in the world, but didn’t they accidentally stumble on the corpse that someone else killed? What exactly makes that “the best” rather than “the luckiest”?
Ah well.
~ Ben
wow sorry but these guys dont know nothing
and if they do have a body
it will be a hoaxed 1
see you’re one if not the best cryptozoologist in the world
i have beem a fan of this site for almost 2 years
then i met you in dec of 2007
you rock this site rocks and those idiots from georgia don’t count
Little boys who forgot to grow up!
The best thing to do is just ignore them. If people would stop calling and their videos received less and less hits they would either have to come up with the goods or crawl back under what ever rock they came from.
September 1st we will find out that officer Beavis has skipped the country with his lover Butthead when he receives his settlement from workman’s comp on August 31. In the video it looks like they are packing and the ‘fridge is empty. (and one less book and stuffed animal to carry)
Really, being ex law enforcement, I have never been so embarrassed and humiliated watching this video. Loren, believe me, real law enforcement officers aren’t like this.
wanderingman :
Thanks so much for the link. I’ll lt you know if I get a response.
Those guys are funny!!
Unfortunately all the reactions, to their actions, is the fuel they need to keep it going.
I hope they do have a BF body… it would be an interesting discovery.
As far as these expeditions being offered by some , as long as they don’t guarentee a sighting and you choose to cough up your hard earned money, have fun, but don’t expect to see the big guy.
Loren, let them know that the more of your books they burn, the madder you get 😉 if you know what I mean.
You may even want to let them know those books can be purchased in bulk directly from you!
Lighten up, don’t let their antics get to you.
I am so sick and *tired* of this nonsense! Why don’t these testosterone-filled kids go get a girlfriend a job ANYTHING to keep them from making these anti-gay, anti ANYTHING that they don’t even consider thinking about? Seriously, this is the kind of behaviour that screws everything up.
I am interested in cryptozoology as a scientific pursuit and in fact I myself am a scientist. The behavior of these guys from Georgia has gone so far askew of what cryptozoology is all about for that it sickens me. If I wanted drama like this, I’d go pick up a tabloid at the supermarket check-in counter. I feel sympathy for Loren, who in the midst of his serious and scientific pursuit of cryptozoology must deal with clowns like this. These gentlemen have no business in this field. I say to them, show us what you’ve got, prove us all wrong if you can, but until then just stop wasting our time. None of this hate, profanity, and ire has any place in what I see as a legitimate field of zoology.
Camperguy, you are right, this really does stink on ice. The stench is absolutely fetid.
This is a website for the Georgia Wildlife Resource Division. You will see that there is a hotline number to turn in poachers.
Here it is: 1-800-241-4113
You can call it 7 days a week 24 hrs per day
I don’t know much about this subject, but these guys claim that they are in possession of either a poached animal or a human being and that is a crime.
Wow, are we sure this police officer didn’t accidentally shoot himself? I think there needs to be an investigation into that.
This is my last(hopefully anyway)comment on these frauds because they have already stated that they want attention and want to be “hated” because it sells t-shirts..brilliant marketing there rednecks. Anyway,you just know that the police department where this moron works is really proud of him playing with teddy bears,doing a poor imitation of Beavis and Butthead(which they both seem to have about the same intelligence as the cartoon duo)and making homophobic statements. Oh well..what do you expect from a good old boy police officer? I say we all totally ignore these idiots and get back to real business. They have NO is a revenge plot against a fellow bigfoot enthusiast that they have a personal beef with…plain and simple.
Loren don’t give these guys anymore publicity by posting more of their stuff on your webpage! If they really had a BF body why would they wait till Sept 1st, I mean it doesn’t make any sense what do they gain by waiting! I think they’re full of it!
Tick tick tick …. That fifteen minutes of fame is fastly fading for our Georgia Boys. Well, lets extended it some by promising to deliver on September 1. Nah, I wouldn’t believe anything these guys could produce, even the real deal.
15, 14, 13, …..3, 2, 1 Well, that is your 15 minutes of fame running out!
Yes, agreed, they are juvenile. The video accurately portrays who they are. A picture speaks volumes and a video does even more than that.
Actually, I would like to respond to them and take them seriously for a minute or two. I have not done that in the past. But let me try that angle. Let me also put it in words they use and can understand. “Ya’ll think you are purty good poker players, dontcha?”
Well, if you really were, you would have folded that losing hand you are holding already. But since you still have a minute on your fading 15 minutes of fame, and are apparently not the brightest bulbs on that tree, let’s play out the hand, shall we! K?
You said you don’t care who we contact, correct? OK, I’ll call your bluff and raise you. For you poker players still seated at the table, let’s do as other posters suggest and contact the people that were listed in those posts. I know I am still all in! So at your suggestion, officer, I will click on those links and provide proof of your unbecoming conduct and your statements that you have a body in a freezer. With all your homophobic tendencies, I would like to know how you passed the psychological part of the police test or civil service exam. We just called your bluff! Hope y’all like the resulting attention. LOL
Now let’s get away from poker for a minute while the pot is counted. Let’s analyze this bit of footage you have provided and psychoanalyze what you are really about.
It appears as if one of you has a definite obsession with fire. Seems to be a bit a pyromania in your gene pool as well as stupidity. Pouring a flammable liquid onto a burning book–portrays your true inner genius. If that container had only exploded, I would have been laughing my head off. I would not want any real harm to come to anybody, but if it had exploded, that would make for good video. I would be laughing at you as well as with you. Maybe that did happen and this was take two. LOL
Throughout your video, you appear to make many homophobic references. Usually when this occurs, someone has something to hide or they are still in denial and stay in the closet. You make reference to Loren being a girl’s name. I guess the best defense is a good offense. You say, “Show us your bodies”. I am curious, since you do not have a BF body to show us, did you mean “our nude bodies”. Because that is what it sounded like, a request from two dudes, to have males send them nude photos of their bodies. I think we are getting a better picture of who you both really are and what you are about. Wouldn’t it be easier to get dates if you both just fessed up and came out of the closet? That would be better than beating around the bush or whatever you are beating around, in making gay references in your video. Just come clean! Admit your sexual preference. It does not matter to me, but as a heterosexual male, I feel for anyone that does not have a significant other. Maybe you two have each other and that is all you need. If so, God Bless you two! If you are both looking for dates with the same sex, why stop dropping clues and just ask if there are any single men out there? C’mon, you know who you are and what makes you tick. And now we are all seeing a part of your hidden lives.
I do understand your frustration though. I understand how hard it must be to get a date of the same sex in Georgia, especially with a messed up arm. I guess that cuts the dating pool in half. You know what I mean? You did injure your arm in apprehending a felon. Could you clarify the backstory on that? I heard that the felon took your gun away from you and it discharged in the ensuing scuffle? Is that correct? If so, I will pray for your speedy recovery. Just a hint, don’t use that injured arm, use your other hand, I mean arm, on your next date.
My apologies for getting to this late, I was actually out on a date with a breathing female of our species, while you two boys were having your romantic barbeque together. But now that I am viewing your video, I see many other gay tendencies you exhibit in your video. My apologies in advance to any gay readers here at Cryptomundo. I KNOW these two do not truly reflect the lifestyle of the gay community. So my apologies in advance to any of my friends that happen to be gay. I am not thinking that the gay community acts like these two individuals.
The pink Santa hat is a nice touch for advertising your sexuality. It was subtle enough to throw the hint out there that Santa is looking for a present but bold enough to do it hot July. Bravo! I am sure you will continue to get many “date” requests from willing male prospects at your site. The flip flops you have on are simply fabulous! Although, you could use some fashion coordinators from the “Queer Eye” guys to help you with you pants selection in complementing the flip flops. If you are not familiar with the show, just check your TIVO for suggested shows to watch. I am sure TIVO figured out what you like by now.
Maybe you can get a cameo with the guys from “Queer Eye” and get another 15 minutes of fame since you are down to your last minute with this HOAX. I wish you luck there too. What struck me noticeably is that you two are always together. So as a fan, I was wondering, do you both live together in that trailer, I mean, domicile? If so, what is the status of holy unions or gay marriage in the state of Georgia? Perhaps you could consult your lawyer on that as well. There might be a tax advantage to you both coming out. I applaud your bravery in giving us hints to your sexual orientation in this video. I think that really showed us all, your true bravado and nature. I only hope that your exploits and previous antics have not hurt the gay community in any way. I understand why you have tried to act macho or arrogant in the past. I get it now! You did not want any one tracking down your true orientation. I can only imagine how difficult that would make your lives in Georgia with some real rednecks. I was going to ask on a previous video if you feminine lisp was fake, but now I know, it was really your voice in all the videos and not just another hoax from you.
Again, as a nonjudgmental heterosexual male, I applaud your bravery in coming out. However, I do think you owe the heterosexual community an apology as well for your antics. Your over-the-top portrayal of a “foul mouthed, uneducated, redneck type, hoaxing, heterosexual male, did nothing to positively reflect on my demographic. But now that you are coming out and showing your true colors of that big rainbow, I understand why you had to act to belittle all males. I understand now. And to y’all, we’ll all forgive you.
Maybe you two could show us what one of your dates with the same sex is like, on your next video. Maybe show one of you cooking the romantic dinner and give out the recipe. I would love to see that. I am sure many of your other viewers would love to see you two as well. I will apply what I learned in your video to my next date. You two are an inspiration to all, homosexual and heterosexual alike. Again, I applaud your bravery!
The “police officer” while he was talking to the stuffed toy monkey may have foreshadowed the way they’re going to get out of this hoax. He said they had sold the body.
They may just say that they sold they the body to an anonymous collector and by the terms of the agreement were sworn to secrecy as to identity and didn’t know what the buyer was going to do with it, not our problem now.
Also, if I were chief of police and I had one of my officers stating that he had a body in his freezer and he had also said that if you shaved it it would look human, I believe I would want to check that out.
That’s the most concentrated case of Werner syndrome I’ve seen… ’cause I can’t imagine anyone over the age of twenty acting like that.
wow, joppa you said exactly what i was thinking
.. are the 15 minutes up yet? this video is asinine
I’m sorry people have to endure this kind of hate
did anybody notice the price tag still on the van buren puppet?
these guys are burning bridges because the potential bridges are based on lies in the first place…
i listened to tom biscardi interview these 2 ga guys last night on this blogtalkradio show they revealed more about the possible sasquatch body & they were still talking about the community etc. it was a very suspenseful entertaining interview. what i hated about the interview how the ga guys kept on stalling with certain info. so i guess we wait until sept. 1 whether this body is real or not illegal or legal of what the ga guys are doing the bigfoot/sasquatch community as a whole. thanks bill green
This reminds me of Oscar Wilde’s advice: Better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you’re stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
This is bad taste if you would consider these guys are 18-20 years old. This is really dangerous if you consider these guys are between 28 and 32 years old.
All the videos before that were often trash, but still fun. This is really too much.
HOWEVER – the bigfoot community must make up their minds on the 1st of September. I am more and more convinced these guys are making history – will we be grateful to them because they “solved” (although by accident) one of the greatest mysteries on this planet? Or are we ashamed that of all things guys like this achieved what nobody else before has done – neither in the US/Canada nor in other “bigfoot hotspots” like the Caucasus, the Altai, Indonesia or the Himalayas.
This will be the basic questions for you to answer for yourself. Because it becomes more and more apparent in my opinion: sorry to say, folks, but this is no hoax or a joke or just the result of too much alcohol, drugs or incest – or whatever I have read from you in the last couple of weeks. Let me tell you one thing: They would not act like this if they would not know that they will have the last laugh. Again, be warned.
Well regreatably the initial hype is dying down so these guys have got to do something to keep this in the crypto-public eye looks like they are succeeding.
Loren dont take it personally they knew by plugging at you they would ride on the back of the public following you have and keep this in the forefront of the cryptozoological community.
Regretably you and Mr Moneymaker were the best way to do that obviously.
I cannot believe that some of you are buying into the story of these guys. I said I was through commenting on this but after listening to them on Bigfoot live..the Tom They seem to have teamed up with Biscardi and if you ever doubted that this was a publicity stunt,then that should tell ya. Now Biscardi is going to join in on the fiasco(not that he seeks attention or anything)and whatever credibility he had with the REAL bigfoot community it is sadly going to go by the wayside now. I now wonder if this wasnt a Biscardi plan all alone. Who knows? I think it is gone past being interesting,amusing or fun. I dont know what they all hope to accomplish but I GUARANTEE ya that there will be no BODY at all. Listen people,if this were true,the scientific community would be all over this and it doesnt take 40+ days to work out the legal aspects. This will drag on with a blurry picture one week,then another the next week,then a hair that one of the searching for Bigfoot team will declare is of unknown origin and then they will plan a Bigfoot Tracker/Searching for Bigfoot team co-op expedition that will “catch a live bigfoot” and for a small fee you can be a part of history…LMFAO. If it wasnt so sad and so harmful to the serious would be funny. They really need to quit trashing Loren as well..this is nothing more than grade school BS. Boy oh boy….yet another sad,sad story in the bigfoot world.
To the videos makers:
wow. im not so offended by the book burning and homophobic references as I am by the simply uninspired attempts at humor.
c’mon guys,.. if you’re gonna try to be obnoxious and insulting, at least use some wit. you practicaly mailed it in.
oh yeah,.. that poor performance of “fireman” by George Strait was just insulting to country music fans everywhere. im sure it gets all the toothless girls panting for ya, but you should think twice before posting on the internet.
weak. go play with your puppet and try to strain your few remaining alcohol soaked brain cells for a better way to waste time.
Although I have been silent for sometime, I have been watching the BF research community, or at least the wannabe community from the sidelines.
I must agree with Loren on this. Obviously, this is symptomatic of a much larger problem in American society right now. Extremism, in any form, is dangerous and enhances the volatility in our world today.
This type of behavior does closely resemble that of the Nazi’s in the 1930’s.
It makes absolutely no difference if it is political in nature, religious in nature, or scientific in nature. This behavior will seep accross the boundaries of any particular discipline and invade others.
I never thought that I would see these things come to pass in my lifetime.
One more thing. A great point was made by someone earlier in the comments..what will prevent these guys from saying that they have sold this to a “private collector” and signed confidentiality agreements? I think the end will be something similar to that. They will string it out as long as possible and ole Tom and the Georgia boys will get a few thousand out of the naive people out there but in the end..something “will happen” to the body. They have already made a remark that if the stalking didnt quit the body could just vanish. Yeah,it is starting to become clear how this will play out. Old Tom was quick to jump to their defense and,sadly enough,Steve Kulls also called in “wishing them the best and telling Matt that he hoped his arm was ok or something along those lines”. Cmon guys. These guys rip the Patterson film as well. Something just isnt right and then you have Biscardi planning a bluff creek expedition and advertising the biggest liar of them all…Bob Heironimus. Havent we had enough of Bob and his ever changing story??? Wow,I always wanted the search for Bigfoot to get more publicity and such just not like this. Sigh………
Just a remark on the commentators who mention a possible (likely?) “Biscardi connection”. Sure, this could be a realistic scenario – with all the possible future developments to come like the disappearance of the body into a “private collection”.
I do not really want to rule this out.
I have to stress, however, that, after listening to parts of the Squatchdetective radio show hosted by Steve Kulls, I understood (being German I have to admit that I had difficulties to understand every detail) that three experts, including the show´s host, were invited to take a look at the body BEFORE 1st of September. If this really comes true, I see no basis for a fraud – if the only expert would be Biscardi of course…;-)
So, let´s be optimistic and hope such an inspection will really take place – with all three experts being present.
Sorry man, but after seeing the standard behaviour of these two, they don’t have anything in their freezer that isn’t in mine.
And I don’t have a Bigfoot body in my freezer.
They never did. Period.
A perspective from Oz. We have bogans (look it up on Wikipedia, sometime URL links fail in blog replies so I’ve not posted it) here too. They are the same, sad, unfortunate, barely literate, homophobic, badly dressed and horrificly slurred in pronounciation the world over it would seem. +1 Loren for publishing this, personally I’m looking forward to these guys falling down as they ultimately must. More likely than not with a string of charges and warrants “tracking” them.
As mentioned above, they have already set up their “out”. The “buyer” will demand no photos or other evidence be given out by them or no 10 mil. Of course if you check on the guys 3 months later they will still be living in a trailer on their “mama’s place”.
If your 10ft freezer is worth more than your house…you might be a bigfoot tracker
Don’t count on Sept 1 for anything other than more of what we’ve already seen
From here on – NO COMMENT
From here on out – NO COMMENT
I’m originally from Georgia. I lived there for most of my life. The actions of these numbskulls reminds me exactly why I moved away ten years ago. Sure, not all Georgians are this bad, but these cretins represent the worst of the redneck mindset that can be found there.
Loren’s comparing the actions of these idiots to those of the Nazis is not too far off the mark, in my honest opinion. I’m sure that at the time of the Nazi book burnings, there were quite a few people who dismissed those actions as being merely incidental.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant, i.e., let the whole world see what these jerks are really all about.
Bravo to you, Loren.
Taking the devils advocate point of view, they have successfully:
Attracted attention to themselves
Brought more traffic to THIS SITE
Brought more attention to Loren’s Books!
Throwing in a few words like Jews, nazi’s, rednecks, bigfoot book-burning certainly won’t attract attention either?
This video should never have been posted here.
Has anyone sent the links to these clown’s videos to the local GA Media?
Let the good citizen’s of Atlanta, GA know exactly are out there “protecting and serving” their community!
Hardly the Third Reich, just a couple of jerks clowning around.
‘The eagle suffers little birds to sing, and is not mindful what they mean thereby.’
What a shame, that these two bozo’s actually believe they will go down in history as discovering bigfoot. Fools. And this is one of Georgia’s finest? I’ll never enter the state again for fear of the states law enforcement employment requirement standards!
The scientific community isn’t going to allow these two trailer trash idiot yahoo’s to be written up in the annals of history as the “best bigfoot trackers in the world”. It’s sad really, that they are ruining the rest of their lives with this behavior. Their arrogance leads me to believe they really DO have this body. I was hoping it would happen differently. Lets hope it ends up in the hands of those much more worthy of it’s “discovery”. What a shame.
I really hope these morons didn’t find a bigfoot…it would be a shame for the world’s greatest find to go to a bunch of homophobic, delinquent, jerks who probably couldn’t even read or understand Loren’s book! If that guy is a cop his badge should be taken from him! If these fools DO have a body (which I”m pretty sure they DON’T or they would’ve capitialized on it by now), then the world and all of us are in for a real shock in September! My personal feeling is that they are just trying to sell more t-shirts for their pathetic buisness…well see I guess?!
What a pathetic waste of protoplasm.
It occurred to me, however, that these bozos might be behaving this way (burning their bridges, among other things) because they actually have something. Like the guy who just won the lottery flipping off his boss.
Or, maybe they just think they do. It wouldn’t surprise me if these two nimrods found the half-decomposed carcass of a bear and think they have the real thing.
Someone brought up a point about them allowing 3 researchers to examine the corpse before Sept. 1. Now they are attempting to discredit Mr. Coleman here.
This very well could be a ploy; of all of the bigfoot researchers, of all of the well-known cryptozoologists, who could possibly be more qualified to give their opinion on whatever body these two yokels might posses? Who would be less likely to be taken in by a fake? I dare say Loren would be, but what’s this? They’ve denounced his work? They don’t like him? Well, then of course he won’t be one of the 3 people called in to examine the body!
I’ll bet the 3 “experts” that get called in to view the corpse before Sept.1 will be names none of us have ever heard of from some prestigious university or another; with a little followup, I’ll bet they’ll turn out not to even exist, but their quotes will.
Oh, yeah, then the body will disappear into the arms of a “private collector”.
After that, the furor will die down and when people actually do research on these 3 supposed experts/scientists/whatever and find out they were faked, everyone else will say,”Yeah, I could’ve told you that,” and these two will be distanced enough from all the hoopla that they’ll no longer catch hell for the hoax.
Well….I thought I had seen the stupidest video online before, but, I was wrong.
Unfortunately, sometimes the loudest and stupidest gets the most attention. The buttheads are then lumped in with the true researchers, making everyone a quack by association.
Loren you have my sympathies for being a target of these idiots, and, in a way, it is also an insult to anyone who researches Bigfoot/Sasquatch information, because now we have to comment on the backwards idiots in our midst and reassure the mainstream that we are not all wack jobs!!!
Maybe the most disturbing part is this:
They have a small assortment of stuffed animals, so the possibility exists that at least one of these inbreds has spawned.
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
Samuel Clemens A.K.A. Mark Twain
Thank God, I feel so much better now I know that Tom Biscardi is on his way to save the day. Now we will find out if it is fraud or not! 🙂 Tom sure knows about frauds. If these idiots do have a body they sure picked a “credible” guy to let the world know. Or….maybe… thats why they picked him to view it in the first place. If I wanted someone to truly verify a body if I “found” a bigfoot , who would I call? Well, the first would be Dr Meldrum. That’s why I think these guys are full of it and maybe Biscardi will go along with the “plan”. Just my personal opinion.
Unfortunately I can’t see the video. But I checked out their website and was not impressed. The music was cheezy, as well as the cute little “beeps” it made when you selected the different pages. Plus tons of stuff was spelled wrong. Too bad you never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression.