Thom Powell Suggests the CIA Can Help in Bigfooting
Posted by: Guy Edwards on May 6th, 2013
Author Thom Powell next to an impressive display of the London Trackway
Thom was one of my favorite speakers during the conference, in part because he proposes a different perspective on the field of research and has made some observations that others either have not or are not discussing.–Henry Patterson at
Thom Powell will headline Bigfoot Lunch Club’s Bigfoot and Beer speaker series, hopsSquatch on May 26th. Until we met Mr. Powell it was hard for us to bridge the gap between the value we put on physical evidence and the relevance of the more paranormal aspects bigfooting.
Thom Powell’s “Spy” paradigm comes close to bridging that gap. He proposes that our efforts would be best spent gathering information, like the CIA does, as oppose to trying to do hard science that requires us to duplicate results. In other words, Bigfoot is an unwilling uncooperative subject and we could gain better traction doing intelligence gathering.
Thom Powell is a coveted speaker among the Bigfoot circuit, last month he was the first speaker at the Ohio conference. In the video below you can Thom’s presentation last year in Washington was a huge success.
Watch author Thom Powell in the video above as he uses his trademark self-effacing charm to encourage a paradigm shift among bigfooters. Also in the video are topics Powell breached over a decade before they became casual conversation among Bigfooters. Want to know what the next decade has in store for Bigfoot research? Come see Thom in person and reserve your tickets for the May 26th hopsSquatch!
Series presentations-$5 per person (limited seating so reserve early!) or save by becoming a member of hopsSquatch for $50.
Membership includes a seat at each series event, a hopsSquatch t-shirt, first chance at news and speaker updates, and more.
Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic.
Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event
Thom has had some really interesting encounters and collected some wonderful evidence. His suggested approach just might be the way to go in the future failing the discovery of a specimen body.
However, I do remember my 1998 off the record phone conversation with a wildlife biologist. He told me that many scientists and field personnel for the Wood Products Industry along with many federal employees know the species exists. They don’t want it found for fear of what it might do to the Industry. Their fears may be well grounded considering some of the things that have happened in the last 20 years or so.
We may be getting into a chicken and egg scenario regarding the future of Sasquatch. My best,
@ airforce47:
That’s a good point, I mean, a lot of area became off limits when the spotted owl was discovered…can you imagine if Sasquatch were to become a protected species along with their habitat? How much land would be affected, and, how would that affect the lumber industry etc? I’m not saying right or wrong, just thinking that it might make sense for the lumber industry to want to keep it a secret if it meant no more logging in those areas …Hmmm, interesting….:)
@airforce47 — That explanation is a bit too cute. Something like a Bigfoot is reported from every state in the Union with the possible exception of Hawaii, yet we don’t find it being killed by traffic or by hunters (at least ones who actually deliver a body). A government conspiracy like this would only work if, for some reason, the critter were so elusive that a government conspiracy would not be necessary.
Also, there have been some monumental swings in the ideologies of presidents over the decades. Whatever W might have done, I really, really doubt that there is so much love between the Obama administration and the logging industry that one would cover for the other.
I don’t understand why any Federal Employee would not want Bigfoot found? Why would they care about protecting the wood industry? Unless you think the Feds get kickbacks from logging operations, which I highly doubt.