Stubstad Dies, Had Worked With Dr. Ketchum’s Bigfoot DNA Project
Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 1st, 2012
Richard Stubstad has died. Richard Stubstad was the person who once worked with Dr. Ketchum in sequencing the Bigfoot DNA samples.
Alex Hearn writes, “I’m saddened to announce that Richard Stubstad passed away this weekend due to complications with his long battle with cancer. He will forever be in our minds and part of our research. Larry Jenkins and I are both very saddened by news but pledge to continue our quest for the truth and the discovery of this species known as Sasquatch, as Richard would have wanted to do himself. It is through the discovery and understanding of DNA that we hope to make this happen. Richard was vital to that search and vital to our investigation here in Arizona.”
Here is a recent profile on Stubstad.
Richard Stubstad
Engineering and Statistical Analyst
Richard Stubstad is a Registered Civil Engineer and Statistician who graduated from U.C. Berkeley (MSCE) in 1969. He lives in Ojai, California and is married to Zitta Stubstad. The couple has five grown sons and one grown daughter living in various parts of California, plus a second daughter who lives in Indiana during her husband’s 5-year residency program as a physician.
Richard had neither any interest in nor knowledge of sasquatch until the summer of 2009, when he attended a Stubstad family reunion in Kansas and his cousin Gordy insinuated he was “narrow minded” for not bothering to look into the matter. Since this insulted Richard to no end, he reluctantly agreed to do so ASAP.
Much to Richard’s surprise, the documented evidence in favor of the existence of a hominid called sasquatch (or bigfoot) was convincing enough to further perk his interest. Suddenly it dawned on Richard that the science of DNA forensic analysis had matured and had already been utilized for various kinds of scientific proof, including the mapping of the evolutionary tree of life from a genetic point of view and the placement in this tree of life of a well-known, extinct hominid—Neanderthal man. Ergo—by obtaining DNA samples from several purported sasquai (the plural version of sasquatch—hereby officially coined) and “connecting the dots” as it were, it could be determined once and for all whether or not such a hominid actually exists—without needing a “type” specimen (a body). In Richard’s mind, killing or maiming such a creature would be ethically and morally wrong, especially since they reportedly look so human-like and, most likely, very few (if any) of these creatures remain—at best living in scattered, remnant pockets within some of the heavily wooded and more remote areas of the United States and Canada.
Within a few months, Richard made contact with Adrian Erikson, Robert Schmalzbach (“Java Bob”), Shannon Sylvia and Dr. Melba Ketchum, among others, and initiated the mitochondrial sequencing of several purported sasquatch samples through Dr. Ketchum’s DNA Diagnostics Laboratory in Texas. Much to his surprise, once again, the first two samples—submitted by two totally independent and disparate researchers and from habituation sites in two widely separated states or provinces—turned out to be intimately related to one-another, DNA-wise, making the statistical probability of two independent hoaxes or misidentifications somewhere in the 2-3 % range. Accordingly, Richard’s statistical conclusion from only having analyzed the mitochondrial (prehistoric maternal origins) sequencing of these first two samples alone is that there is a 97-98 % certainty that the sasquai indeed exist—right outside of our own
back door, so to speak.
Meanwhile, further DNA testing of both the mitochondrial and/or nuclear genomes of a number of additional purported sasquatch samples continues, reportedly by more than one laboratory in the U.S. and abroad. Since a 97-98 % certainty level in statistics is not considered to be conclusive scientific proof, more data are needed and indeed have likely been or are being analyzed as of this writing (April 2011). All that remains, then, is to connect the rest of the dots.
Currently, Richard continues to assist, as needed, as a statistical DNA data consultant with various interested parties in completing and publishing the DNA-based proof of the existence of a living hominid—sasquatch. The rest of the story, ladies and gentlemen, will soon be history. Read my lips—no red herring this time around! ~ Source
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
It’s a shame to loose a true scientist who is willing to look at the evidence and make an objective decision and then try to further the research into this field. he will be missed!
Does anybody know what year Mr. Stubstad was born?
Kind regards
So sad to hear, I hope he finally has all of the answers to his questions.
rest in peace Richard. May you smile down on us when all of us put are differences aside and remember what is really important. And that the North American Ape does exist. bless you…
That’s too bad. I think that the best way that the Erickson Project might honor his passing is by facilitating the release of their data as quickly as possible.
Loren, Thank you for such a wonderful piece. You have a way with such things, hence why you were one of the first I notified. That’s not something I “Believe” it’s something I know! 😉
What’s really sad is that he never got to fulfill his dream of seeing this/his Bigfoot/DNA dream to the end. I think he was pretty secure in the results (as he knew them), but wanted to see how the rest of us & the world in general reacted to and viewed it’s final release. He won’t get to do that now.
Gordy had the right idea by putting Richard on the case, he was “relentless” to say the least. He attacked the subject in a way no other person had before. Hopefully in a way that will encourage all of us to follow.
Richard was one of the few people that I would answer the phone for no matter where I was and had many times ~ (you know~even if I was in a meeting); I will miss him dearly.
It was with a heavy heart that I let many of his friends know, including Bob. I’m thankful that I got the message out, but sad that I had to be the one to do it.
I truly feel honored that Gordy thought enough of us to call Larry when he did. We will reach out to Gordy and keep him abreast of any news and findings as we get it; as I would have to Richard in the past.
R.I.P. Richard, You will be missed.
Richard will be deeply missed by myself and his other many friends who are striving to prove the existence of the Sasquatch. He was a voice of scientific reason and professionalism, in an area of research that is flawed with emotionally wrought petty grievances, useless debate and little discipline.
He was a respectful mentor, a caring friend and a concerned citizen, and I am very remorseful that we never got the opportunity to meet face to face.
We first worked together as part of a research team for an organization. In addition to his submissions to the Ketchum project, on behalf of the organization, he later formed the “Richard Stubstad Sasquatch DNA Project”. During the past two years, I assisted him in the collection and vetting of various specimen samples, which are currently under review by a highly regarded academic institution.
My sincerest condolences to his wife, Zitta, and his family. He was a very devoted family man. The world was a better place because of Richard and he is sadly missed, but will never be forgotten.
Richard, when I make it up there and finally meet you, dear friend, and the dna results prove my theory correct, you still will owe me that seafood dinner you promised!
Shannon Sylvia