Archive for “August, 2010”

Crazy Croc Caught

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 4th, 2010

The eyewitness brought in the proof that he wasn’t just seeing things.

Read: Crazy Croc Caught »

JDC Update

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 3rd, 2010


Read: JDC Update »

Another Wife Swap Statement

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 3rd, 2010

One must remember that “reality television” is only another form of “created reality” on television. Image.

Read: Another Wife Swap Statement »

Noroton River Monster

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 3rd, 2010

The sea serpent kept its head out of the water for some time, and was seen
from the shore by at least a dozen persons.

Read: Noroton River Monster »

Lost Sea Serpent Book?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 2nd, 2010

Does anyone know of this book? Image.

Read: Lost Sea Serpent Book? »

Stricken Sea Monster

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 1st, 2010

Suddenly John Axelson saw a snake-like head rear out of the sea about 30
feet off the starboard bow of the vessel.

Read: Stricken Sea Monster »

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