He’s Back! In Texas That Is…
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 20th, 2007
Well, the time is drawing near.
As I have posted previously here on Cryptomundo, Tom Biscardi’s Bigfoot Capture Reality TV Show Extravaganza is coming to Northeast Texas in less than two weeks.
See: Bigfoot Reality TV? and Update: Bigfoot Reality TV Show? for the previous entries.
The Bigfoot population of Lamar County may have to run for cover March 28-31.
That is when The Granite State Paranormal Society’s team of scientists bring their “special technologies” to the Paris area for a Bigfoot expedition designed to listen to the big creature, hunt him and trap him.
The hunt for Bigfoot is scheduled to take place in a swampy area “that looks prehistoric” somewhere in the vicinity of Pat Mayse Lake.
Even before it arrives, the Bigfoot team’s hunt has been seeped in controversy.
Bigfoot explorer C. Thomas Biscardi, founder of Searching For Bigfoot Inc. headquartered in Menlo Park, Calif., will lead the expedition, that is open to the public and journalists on a “fee basis.”
Dozens of Bigfoot believers and organizations have questioned Biscardi’s past discoveries and methods in hunting the big creature.
Biscardi insists, however, that Bigfoot is alive and well and some are living or at least passing through Lamar County.
That conclusion is based on the many sightings through the years by residents and passers-by who have reported seeing large, red, hairy creatures cross the roads or rush into the nearby trees.
Some have even reported missing chickens, sheep, pigs and other farm animals after a night of scary sounds nearby.
Bigfoot has never been captured, however, and investigations made after the “sightings” have turned up little or no evidence the creature was ever there.
Now, Biscardi and the scientific team of Bigfoot hunters have added some new angles in the search.
Searching for Bigfoot Inc., in association with Big Cat Productions, plans to develop a new reality TV series, “Capturing Bigfoot,” based on the searches here and other expeditions throughout the nation.
The team is bringing with it new high-tech equipment Biscardi says will help locate, capture and contain Bigfoot.
The search, according to Biscardi, will be made along Bigfoot’s “known migratory routes.”
“The key to capturing a Bigfoot is knowing where to look and how to catch one,” Biscardi said. “After all our expeditions over the past two years, we think we know where the best places are to look for one, and now we have this new technology that will help us locate, capture and contain this elusive creature.”
Other Bigfoot organizations are not so sure this expedition is not just a move toward entertainment and big bucks.
Biscardi’s claims and “finds” throughout the years have been studied and questioned thoroughly.
In a guest blog for Cryptomundo, Kathy Strain of the Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers has offered her professional opinion of a skeleton that Biscardi earlier said may be Bigfoot.
Strain believes Biscardi may have found a human skeleton.
The technical equipment Biscardi and the scientific team will use in the Paris search was developed by Dr. Ron Milione of Huntington, NY. It uses a special infrared camera system that uses an infrared ray that will project out to a long distance. The device is built into a special helmet system to be worn by searchers out in the field. It also will be mounted near possible trails and watering holes and other locations where “footprints” have been found.
Milione also developed an “extremely low frequency” receiver system designed to monitor very low frequency sound waves and look for possible Bigfoot communication patterns.
Many Bigfoot believers are shying away from the Biscardi searches, contending the Biscardi finds are questionable.
Whatever their contention, the scientific Bigfoot hunter team is expected in Paris March 28, to begin its newest expedition “in search of Bigfoot.”Bill Hankins
The Paris News
Lest we forget…
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
I just read a few things on the web here related to Pat Mayse Lake and they do have some rules, rules against capture and killing wildlife.
Texas wildlife dept. has stated very clear on their website against unauthorized capture or off season hunting.
I will contact them about Mr. Biscardi’s intention and ask them to look into this matter. If there is bigfoot in that area, I think it best to protect them, especially for the dollars that Mr. Biscardi hopes to generate from a live capture.
If Pat Mayse lake area has these rules. I say, “go and get him” size 13!
Hmmm, a fairly balanced newspaper article that questions Biscardi and his tactics without belittling local witnesses. Nice!
When I read Biscardi’s quote: “The key to capturing a Bigfoot is knowing where to look and how to catch one,” I thought of a recipe I once heard for tartar sauce.
It starts: “First you catch a young tartar…”
And here I thought the key was having no clue. [sigh]
Again we hear of Bigfoot’s “known migratory routes”. That is a lot of info for a creature that hasn’t been even verified to exist yet. I like the opening to journalists based on a fee basis. This whole thing is just a money making ploy. I hate to be so critical, but I’m afraid I’m actually being nice with that take on this whole thing.
They are using Infrared cameras, they won’t get close to the bigfoot with those.
hey everyone this new situation is just getting interesting everyday. thanks bill green
Biscardia seems to want to come off as a modern day “Professor Challenger”. He comes off as “Dr. Chagrin” in my book.
I hope his activities around the lake are curtailed by the authorities.
I do worry sometimes that someone like him will accidently capture (or kill) the first Bigfoot. I’d hate to see what that would do for scientific study of the creature as a whole, or for the bigfoot population for that matter. Let’s hope his mouth is bigger than his luck.
Good one DWA!
Well, much as I agree with you about Biscardi (and much as I’d hate to see him be the one to prove their existence, just on principle), even if he were the one to finally come up with irrefutable proof, in the form of a live capture or a dead body, it could only do good things for the scientific study of the creature. Once it was verified as a real, flesh and blood species some legitimate research groups would have easier access to the funding they need to really begin to understand these creatures. Sure, C.T. Barnum-iscardi would make a mint and crow, but then the real scientists could come in and start to learn stuff.
At least Biscardi is getting off his Butt and trying to prove that Bigfoot exists.
No, Bob, Biscardi is trying to make a quick buck and making a mockery of the interested individuals, professional and amateur, who invest their own dollars in trying to learn something about, and prove the existence of, these creatures. Real researchers don’t charge inflated fees to drag a bunch of untrained gawkers into the field where they can make a bunch of noise and scare off any creatures that might actually be there. Real researchers hike through deep woods and murky swamps, put up with biting bugs and poisonous snakes, extremes of temperature, and try to get out where the animals might actually be. This is something you can’t do with a pack of tag-along tourist with no outdoors experience or training.
Aren’t these creatures (assuming they exist) territorial? If rock throwing and log-bashing reports are true… how does one “capture” something of this size, power etc?
Whatever, I’ll wait for the follow up once he’s done with his camping trip.
Jeremy_Wells: exactly.
And this is where I nail Bigfoot “believers.” Hate the term; but a lot of people are just that. They believe in Bigfoot like your five-year-old believes in Santa. (Most of them probably think Bigfoot is a “he.”) They have no understanding of the evidence at all. They just “want it to be true.” These are the people that folks like Biscardi target. There’s a reason no serious researcher wants to have anything to do with him. Crowing about results up front usually is strangely juxtaposed with monetary considerations. Ever notice that true scientific discoveries are reported in the news AFTER the fact?
Bob Michaels: that said, a lot of the folks who sign in here ARE getting off their butts and (really) trying to prove that Bigfoot exists.
ShefZ28: I think elephants do a lot more damage than your average sasquatch, and we’ve tamed them.
But maybe your question was: how does someone like Biscardi do it? ;0)
I have no objection to Biscardi educating the american public about the Bigfoot being real 4th dimensional benevolent people that are covered with hair and are not in debt up to their eyeballs. I would object strongly to Biscardi falsely claiming that they are viscious monsters or animals, that the general public should fear. Now that would work contrary to state of the art research, and contrary to the benevolent Bigfoot atmosphere that researchers should reintroduce, in my opinion.
OH LORD! OH LORD! OH LORD! Will this clown never give up. We could hope that its spring breeding season for Bigfoot,and Biscardi is mistaken for a female. That would make for so good T.V.
Good one Mike Smith! I don’t understand how a clown like BS-iscardi gets funding for these shenanigans. I guess it is true that a sucker is born every minute.
squatchwatcher, if you stick your face in any and all media outlets that will print it or show your face on a news report, you could get funding for just about anything. Just look at the losers that are on most reality T.V. programs today. Like I said I hope it mating season, and I hope he has the best of luck. I shouldn’t be so mean.
As I was reading through the coments I was thinking, In a perfect world BigFoot would catch Tom first. Then I got down to Mike Smith. Thanks for the laugh.
Has anyone gone to his website and read about the Paris Tx camping this guy is taking and the price he is asking? come on now he has to be joking. You have to be preapproved, if anyone pays 345.00 (I think that was the price) he’ll take them. Listen to this, it pays for one night stay in the Best Western, you get to help out, they will train you on how to use the equipment, you get to have a field meal, and you get to be a star in their little show, and you get to hang out with the world famous Tom Biscardi. Where do I sign up at? Give me a break. If anyone falls for this, they’re a fool. And with that, I’ll drop the subject.
The really sad thing is that I think plenty of people will sign up. Like Jeremy_Wells said, I don’t know how they could possibly really expect to find anything with a rag tag group of paying tourists, making noise and quite probably muddying the data. Sigh.
Even if he(Biscardi) does find any evidence or even captures a squatch, I still think he’s a clown.
Yeah, it’d be like the court jester accidentally stumbling across a plot to kill the king… (I’m smelling a Woody Allen-esque comedy where a Biscardi character accidentally bumbles across the find of a lifetime…)
He’ll probably run over one driving to his “campsite” at the Best Western. I’m wondering if this guy would really know what to do if he did capture a squatch. Its a wonder he hasn’t seriously injured anybody yet, or worse.
“Known migratory routes”? Does this guy ever listen to himself? There is no known proof of established migratory routes of bigfoot that I know of. Can somebody enlighten me. Better yet someone should go down to Texas and help remove this guys head from his rear end.
I’m going to quit with the remarks while I’m ahead. I usually don’t go on about other people like this, but there’s something about this guy that gets under my skin. Sorry.
You know, squatchwatcher, you need to cut this out.
It’s repetitive, it’s juvenile, and it’s beneath you.
You need to leave this sort of thing to me and Ben Radford! 😀
Funny DWA, funny.
That was classic, DWA! 🙂
If anyone actually pays to go out on this expedition, I have some magic beans you might be interested in.