Crypto-Cat-Fight Commentary
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 10th, 2006
There have been more than a few comments regarding the "Crypto-Cat-Fight" between the BFRO and Cryptomundo.
Cryptomundo, by it’s very nature, is an editorial website. We post newsworthy items and comment about them. We do not espouse to be a scientific research organization.
The BFRO however, for many years, has touted themselves as:
The only scientific organization probing the bigfoot / sasquatch mystery
This has been recently amended to:
Founded in 1995 – The scientific research organization exploring the bigfoot / sasquatch mystery
I am the director and co-founder of an organization, the Texas Bigfoot Research Center, that is also a scientific organization investigating the Bigfoot mystery and conducting scientific research to gain credible evidence of these creatures existence.
I have stated before here on Cryptomundo that my views and opinions here do not necessarily represent those of the Texas Bigfoot Research Center.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
If this is a “cat fight” I’d have to say the “cats” involved resemble Smilodon fatalis more than than the Felis domestica variety!
Actually compared to some juicy spats in the Arabian Horse realm, this is rather mild.
Still it is starting to sound like a nasty church split here.
No I have never been in one, but I did hear about them growing up
“We post newsworthy items and comment about them.”
Let’s get back to that then.
Let’s discuss what people are saying about cryptozoological issues, and not each other.
Small minds talk about people,
Medium minds talk about events,
but great minds talk about ideas.
I came recently to this site because here we can freely express our individual opinions even when we do not agree with each other on a subject this blog allows us to see other point of views that may change our own. I am not so sure the BFRO you can state your own opinions without backlash. I would like to say thank you to the TBRC folks for creating this type of discussion board.
I have found very little “scientific” about the BFRO; to me they come off as alternately an advocacy organization or one man’s mouthpiece for opinions on Bigfoot. It’s a pity that folks like Jeff Meldrum got involved with Moneymaker. From what I hear people are tripping over themselves to distance themselves from the BFRO, and I can see why.
Some of my very best friends used to be in the BFRO. I can say with confidence that at one time, the BFRO was definitely doing some good work, and had as the centerpiece of its mission to investigate and document the possible existence of a mysterious hominoid.
However, the present mission of the BFRO seems to no longer revolve around investigating the sasquatch enigma; its primary focus now seems to center around commercial outings.
There were quite a few outstanding individuals associated with the BFRO in the past. This, too, has changed.
In the past, the BFRO used to conduct field studies (not open to the public) for purposes of gathering data to support or refute the hypothesis that bigfoot is real (like the TBRC now). For whatever reason, the BFRO no longer does these sorts of expeditions, and now just invites whoever along, as long as whoever can contribute monetarily. How can this be taken seriously?
I humbly suggest that the BFRO hastily move its position back to one of investigation, documentation and discovery, and away from commercialism, and bashing everyone and everything else.
I’ll second that motion.