Dead Bigfoot: Coast to Coast AM Archive
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 31st, 2013
Here is the Dead Bigfoot program archive.
Filling in for George Knapp, guest host Dave Schrader welcomed Ro Sahebi, creator of the film Dead Bigfoot: A True Story, which chronicles the story of a pair of hunters who claim to have shot two Bigfoot in October of 2010. He was joined by Justin Smeja, the hunter who allegedly pulled the trigger on these creatures. Initially intrigued and open minded to the story, Sahebi said he became a believer in Smeja’s tale after speaking with him personally. He also pointed to ongoing DNA tests surrounding evidence from the case, the fact that Smeja passed a lie detector test, and subsequent thermal imaging footage of Bigfoot-like creatures at the site of the shooting as additional facets which strengthen the validity of the story. However, Sahebi observed, the majority of feedback from the Bigfoot community has been condemnation of Smeja as either a liar or a murderer.
Smeja then joined the program to share his firsthand account of that fateful day in October of 2010. Recalling that he had never heard of Bigfoot before the event, he explained it all started during a routine bear hunting trip with a friend. The pair headed to a meadow where game frequented and, turning around the corner, they spotted what looked like a man in a fur suit. Aiming his gun and watching with his scope, Smeja quickly realized that it was “a real creature.” In awe at the sight before his eyes, Smeja debated what to do and, as the creature turned to run away, he decided to pull the trigger and shoot the beast. The Bigfoot then started to stagger off as Smeja got ready to shoot again, but he was thwarted when his friend shouted at him, “no, wait, there’s more!”
Putting his gun down and looking across the meadow, he was stunned to see a group of juvenile Bigfoot following their wounded parent into the brush. Losing sight of the creatures, Smeja and his companion gave chase to the Bigfoot to find the one that had been shot. While searching for the wounded Bigfoot, the pair noticed the juvenile Bigfoot “popping their heads out of the brush” and communicating with each other. After the two hunters split up in order to cover more ground in their search, Smeja decided to shoot one of young Bigfoot in order to “show everybody that we’re not crazy.” After shooting and killing the second Bigfoot, Smeja’s friend returned and expressed outrage at his actions. Together, the pair then decided to bury the murdered young Bigfoot.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
yeah I remember this, it was bear remains after the dna test came back. an other hoax to sell tickets
The way this guy Smeja flinches when he shoots a rifle, the only thing he could possibly shoot accurately would be “bull,” which sums up this entire saga in one word. It never happened. He didn’t shoot anything that day and likely never has.