NBC Sinks Surface

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 15th, 2006

News today from NBC is that Surface has been cancelled. Thanks to Cryptomundo reader swol for the heads up.

For all previous posts here on Cryptomundo regarding NBC’s Surface.


About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

9 Responses to “NBC Sinks Surface”

  1. One Eyed Cat responds:

    Hum I cannot get NBC at all in my room and it’s not what the Aunt I live with would watch, so I never saw it anyway

  2. Ouroborus Jay responds:


    The show hit on pretty much every sci-fi cliche’ available in the first season.

    I had high hopes for it and enjoyed the first few episodes, but it sure did go downhill from there.

  3. kokodhem responds:

    Damn their corporate eyes!

  4. jjames2 responds:

    This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, though. The ratings for the show were abyssmal, and it was not a critic’s darling, either. It never found much of a fan base. I think a lot of people who tuned into the early episodes were put off by the jokiness and the often embarrassing special effects.

    I watched every episode, hoping that the writing and effects would get better–but neither ever did.

  5. twblack responds:

    Maybe The Sci-FI channel will pick it up

  6. MattBille responds:

    It will not be missed. Their ridiculous gigantic creature with impenetrable skin and their stock government-conspiracy plot made me tune out for good after two or three episodes.

    Matt Bille

  7. Jeremy_Wells responds:

    And thus are cult classics born… the latent hipster in me just HAS to get the first season now…

  8. Loren Coleman responds:

    I got the feeling it could not make up its mind what it wanted to be…clever fiction, spoof, cryptofiction, or science fiction.

    They were doomed as soon as they tried to make fun of their base audience via that lame “cryptozoology conference” full of only kooks.

    Let’s hope that if any parts of this series, well, sorry about this phrasing, surfaces again, it will be without the silly, unnatural history and subtle dislike of organized cryptozoology.

  9. Tabitca responds:

    well I thought little nim was cute.I think the electricity generating properties though went a bit far. An explanation might have helped. Had they crossed an electric eels DNA with lipleurodon DNA and where did they get it? That I would have found interesting.
    A sort of underwater Jurassic Park.
    You once said Loren, or I believe it was you, that cryptozoologists have to have a sense of humour.I found the conference very funny and just to be taken as it was, an entertainment programme not for serious thought.

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