Case File: The Screaming Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 6th, 2006

An interesting report from from South Africa.

The couple found a flat on top of a garage on a nice quiet road. The main house was empty as the owners were from overseas and only used it in December for holidays. “From the beginning,” Kris says, “whenever we were outside we always had a feeling like we were being watched. We also had two cats that behaved very nervously all the time we stayed there.”

One evening, Kris was at home alone waiting for her boyfriend to get back from surfing when she heard a strange, high-pitched screaming sound from the valley right next to her house.

“As we got to the bottom of the slope, something huge ran past us into the bush,” Kris vividly recalls. “My boyfriend is six-foot-four and this thing was taller than he. We glimpsed its silhouette as it crashed through the bush. It was definitely furry. We proceeded into the bush, not being too afraid as it was still light. We went further and found there to be a stream running through the valley. Right near the stream we found and oddly shaped root formation. It was shaped like an igloo, but hollow inside and big enough for two people to sleep in easily. It had leaves all over the bottom, as if it were a nest.”

Read the account in its entirety on Are there Bigfoot sighting reports from South Africa?

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

8 Responses to “Case File: The Screaming Bigfoot”

  1. Ceroill responds:

    Interesting. I find the ‘root formation’ to be an interesting feature. It suggests one of two things to me. The simplest is that this used to be where a large inclusion, such as a rock had been encapsulated by the roots. If this is so, what happened to the object? Second possibility is that someone manipulated the roots into that configuration. Roots would seem an unusual medium for this type of construction, as it implies (in my mind) that they are still living roots. It is much easier, I would think, to use branches and small saplings to construct a shelter.

    All this, of course, goes under the assumption this account is factual. In any case, very interesting.

  2. Dudlow responds:

    Is it me, or does there not seem to be some sort of curious tendency towards BF proliferation over the past decade or so, in terms of an increased number of sightings and a geographic expansion of the locations involved in those sightings?

    In fact, there have been unusual out-of-place sightings of all sorts of creatures – cryptids and otherwise – in all sorts of unexpected places.

    Perhaps the globally expanded media has taught a new generation what to look for and how to interpret it, as man’s continuing expansion continues to co-opt former wilderness areas.

    In addition, a number of large mammal species (in Canada, for example) have increased their numbers significantly and moved into areas in which they haven’t been seen in over a hundred years, such as the cougar, now present throughout the eastern Provinces.

    Could all of this be connected to global warming, or are animals simply learning to live along side of man’s unrelenting expansion? Just curious.

  3. crypto_randz responds:

    This story is probably true because I know that ugly piercing yells and screams are associated with bigfoots, I’ve even heard some of the screams.

  4. shovethenos responds:


    A lot of the changes in news reports you mention come from how globalized things have become with the internet. With the kind of communications made possible by the internet a local story can become an international story in hours, if not minutes. Take the Maine Mutant story – years ago it probably would have remained mainly a local story, with perhaps a blurb in some of the regional or national papers. With the internet and digital pictures it became an international story.

  5. shumway10973 responds:

    Roots shaped like an igloo, big enough for 2 people–for this I would have to research types of plant life in South Africa. I would tend to believe that a big foot type creature should be more believeable in africa and most of asia, after all they do have other primates. I would even say south america as well, those howler monkeys can get good sized. I would love to hear more about this.

  6. Ceroill responds:

    Ahh, I guess I somehow blindly missed the detail about South Africa. That might well make it more possible to find that as a natural formation.

  7. P.S.Anderson responds:

    The plural of bigfoot is bigfoot, not bigfoots.

  8. Jeremy_Wells responds:

    Thank you P.S. for reiterating this really simple grammatical guide.

    singular — plural

    mouse — mice
    goose — geese
    elk — elk
    bigfoot — bigfoot

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