Sasquatch Shot?
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 14th, 2006
The Sasquatch sculpture that was erected last year has suffered vandalism.
I wrote about this sculpture here on Cryptomundo shortly after it was erected.
Yesterday, the Star-Online reported that several of the sculptures in the area had been vandalized, including the Sasquatch sculpture shown in the photos below.
Sculptures moved temporarily
By: Roger S. Lucas
Are you missing the "women digging roots" sculptures just past Belvedere on the way to Nespelem?
They have been temporarily removed due to vandalism, artist Virgil "Smoker" Marchand said this week.
One of the standalone sculptures was taken in September, and drug some distance away and left in the sagebrush.
More recently another was taken and left about 20 feet from its original place, and others had been loosened. Marchand said the sculptures have been recovered and are not damaged.
Originally there were six in all.
Marchand said he will re-install the sculptures in the spring, and pour a larger concrete base so it will be impossible to take them.
The artist said this week that he may have to build a fence around the sculptures since cows grazing in the area have been rubbing against them.
Marchand said he has heard how the sculptures are missed from a number of people.
"I have heard from a number of elders," Marchand noted.
He also reported that his Sasquatch sculpture on Disautel Pass has two bullet holes in it.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Proof positive that Bigfoot is better off as a cryptid than an actual creature. He’s learned to avoid humans for good reason. If one’s is brought in every nut bag buck fever hunter from Florida to Washington going to be out beating the bushes to bag himself a ‘squatch.
What this proves is that there are people who like to ruin art in any form for others. No respect for private property with graffiti and the deliberate damage to art. We have a lot of sick people around us.
Yeah, crgintx, but if M.K.Davis is able to convince people that Squatch is Human, then people WOULDN’T be shooting at them, right?
Jealous people with limited mentalities tend to destroy anything that they can’t do or have.
Reminds me of my hometown (which I’ve since left), seems the car I had was way too “fancy” for the folk there, so they proceeded to key and hit and run it whenever they could get away with it.
These types are all gutless cowards of course!
hey craig interesting new article. bill
Perhaps it’s a new piece by Rauschenberg.
Ars Gratia artis
I recall from high school when guys would take the fiberglass cows from out front of drive through dairys/stores, or the jack in the box heads (before they blew them all up) and put them up on top of the roof of the gym so that people saw them when they arrived at school in the morning…..Sasquatch, appearing on the roof of a school building….I can see it now!
Another pathetically sad commentary on human behavior. It’s bad enough to see vandalism and the ilk move from cities to the suburbs and now the woodlands. Human decency has taken a back seat to abhorrent stupidity. Sigh!
Time to get some people to sit around, waiting for something to happen, and capture the vandals. A month’s worth of hard labor should do the trick. I will never understand anyone’s desire to vandalize anything (except a little t.p. now and again, which does no damage at all).
If the folks who shot holes in someones artistic contribution to the public took an I.Q. test, it would be easily scored and graded. If you catch my drift.
This is probably down to typical mindless vandalism, but they’re some out there who find the fact others are willing to pay even the slightest attention to the subject of Bigfoot so profoundly irritating they seem to enter into a blood-crazed rage if you even seem to be mentioning it; around such people, for instance, you dare not casually say something like, “There I go putting my big foot in it…” without expecting to be on the receiving end of the verbal equivalent of a Exocet missile.
Wouldn’t it be a terrific wheeze, therefore, if someone where to set up a statue dedicated to Patterson’s Patty, making a big play of it in the media, before surrounding it with every manner of hidden hi-tech surveillance equipment; but what’d be caught on film secretly attacking the statue with every manner of blunt implement, wouldn’t be your typical mindless vandals, though, or even indignant Sasquatch aesthetes: what’d be caught would be innumerable supposed cryptobloggers who spend the majority of their existence demanding of the rest of us we accept their infallible verdict Patterson’s film is an indisputable hoax – cryptobloggers who’d mysteriously permanently shut-up shop overnight the moment we ever did.