Squatch and Learn About Bigfoot and Pets
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 15th, 2015
Which of these statements about Sasquatch and pets does a member of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization believe to be true?
#AnimalPlanet #FindingBigfoot
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
None of the “facts” on “Finding Bigfoot” are true because as yet, there is no indisputable, hard proof of it’s existence. Eyewitness stories, blurry indistinct videos and vague foot impressions do not cut it for proof of reality. An entertaining TV show, perhaps. Plus, I’m really getting tired of hearing the phrase “We know Squatches do this”. Really, how – prove it. You can’t. Until clear, distinct undeniable video or a body – live or corpse – is obtained, there is no real proof for anything about Bigfoot and this coming from someone who actually believes that Bigfoot could be a reality. At least I’m 60/40 in favor.
cryptokellie, a reply to you here:
Your reply to my comments as per the earlier Zane Grey post has me doing nothing that you accuse me of.
Before you speak to me about respecting creativity, realize that I am a professional sculptor and artist with a nearly forty year career under his belt. As I have done before, I invite everyone to visit my websites – I have nothing to sell, no inventory of any kind – and you shall see that creativity is my life. I did not insult Grey or the visionary likes of Verne and Wells or any other creator of invention. I said that perhaps Grey wouldn’t be my first choice to glean factual information about Bigfoot. Please recall that Verne and Wells didn’t actually invent anything and their speculations of future events and machinery while displaying incredible insight, were often proven very inaccurate. Wells predicted a 30 year world war in 1940 and time travel. Didn’t and hasn’t happened. Ignore the Disney version and read Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea”. Most of it is outrageously fanciful by today’s knowledge. That is my point about putting too much faith in the story by Grey, not an insult to him or the others. For this present article, I merely state the very obvious fact that it will take;
1. A body living or dead or parts of a body such as a tooth etc.
2. Clear documented video and to a lesser degree photographs.
Without this kind of evidence, Bigfoot will forever remain what it is now – a cryptid.
Visit http://www.wmbsculptor.com there are cryptid sculptures there too. But none of it is for sale by me, all images represent product being sold by clients.
The Verizon link is not working…if interested, simply Google: wmbsculptor and you’ll get there.
A couple notes; many writers have “predicted” future items and machinery. A short list;
The “Newspad” which is very close to the modern iPad from Arthur C. Clarke in 1968 “2001 a Space Odyssey”.
Virtual reality games in “City and the Stars” 1956, Arthur C. Clarke.
Earbud headphones in “Fahrenheit 451” 1950, Ray Bradbury.
Radar in “Ralph 124C 41+” 1911, by Hugo Gernsback.
Also note that the CSA used a submersible, the “Hunley” against Union ships in 1864 – five years before Verne wrote “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea” and that the first successful submarine was invented by Drebbel in 1620. Nothing to do with Bigfoot but still interesting.