Texas Bigfoot Conference Coming to Tyler
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 31st, 2009
Less than four weeks away from the 2009 Texas Bigfoot Conference landing in Tyler, TX.
We have a stellar lineup of speakers to include:
Esteemed author and naturalist Peter Matthiessen.
Dr. Esteban Sarmiento, functional anatomist of the American Museum of Natural History.
Dr. John Bindernagel, Ph. D. – Wildlife Biologist.
John Mioncynzski – Wildlife Biologist, naturalist.
Chris Bader and Carson Mencken – Baylor University Sociologists.
Cryptomundo’s own Loren Coleman – Anthropologist, zoologist, cryptozoologist, author; presentation entitled CryptoConsulting: Advice on Dealing with the Media.
Bill Dranginis – Developer of non-intrusive “Eye Gotcha” photographic system.
Alton Higgins – TBRC Wildlife Biologist.
Daryl Colyer – TBRC Investigator.
Jerry Hestand – TBRC Investigator.
Information on the conference, as well as online registration, is available at the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy website.
Brian Brown, AKA bipto, will once again serve as emcee.
His company, ideapark, who designed the TBRC website, created a billboard design for the event.
Two of the billboards are posted in the Tyler area.
The first person who emails me a picture of themselves with both billboards will win a free conference t-shirt.
TBRC members are ineligible.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Why can’t a conference like this exist in the Midwest?!?
Damn, I own property down there, but am not scheduled to check on it until November…
I’m looking to be “steamed,” since I am obviously not esteemed. It’s getting cool in Maine, and I look forward to the hot weather of Texas!!
BTW, “You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.” Darn it, I work here. LOL.
I would really love to attend this. It’s been a dream of mine since I was a little boy.
Really looking forward to your talk Loren. Can’t wait (and you may be looking forward to the Texas heat, but with record breaking high temperatures all throughout the month of August, I’m hoping you bring some of that cool New England weather with you!)
Ahhh, Craig… you’re no fun! 😛
Good morning Cryptos…
I have attended previous TBRC conferences and highly recommend it. I will try to make this year’s conference in Tyler, depending on the Cowboys home schedule.
It’s an excellent opportunity to meet, greet and network with many of the fine folks of Sasquatchery…JMHO
Monica is hot, Alton is Alton and visiting with Bipto is worth the trip…enough said…
live and let live…
ole bub and the dawgs
I’d try to get the t-shirt, but I have a funny feeling the pics would be put up on Cryptomundo and the unanimous opinion voiced that they weren’t really me. 😉
But I WILL be there. And may be doing a bit of road scanning – north to the OK line and south to the BTNP and vicinity – surrounding the conference, to see what I can see. 😉
I should add that Daryl Colyer confirmed the receipt of my check for all the trimmings.
I’m bringing a copy of that. I figure that alone should be worth the free t-shirt.
Just so you know, there will be two separate t-shirt designs. You are gonna want one of each.
I will have to post both of the designs here on Cryptomundo so folks can check them out.
Looking forward to meeting you. You had better introduce yourself.
Take care and safe journeys, Craig
Craig: you bet I’ll want both if the designs are up to usual TBRC t-shirt snuff. Post them for sure!
Gotta say though: that Honobia OK logo kicks some butt. I might want one of those even though they aren’t seeing me!
Oh, I’ll introduce myself, no worries there. Now why ELSE would I come? 😉
The t-shirt designs have been posted here at Cryptomundo.
Thanks, Craig