Bigfoot’s Nifty Fifty: 50 Years of Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 3rd, 2010

Willow Creek Bigfoot Days

Image courtesy of the Willow Creek Chamber of Commerce

It’s time for the 50th annual Bigfoot Days celebration, which is taking place this coming Labor Day weekend September 4th and 5th 2010. The theme for the event this year is “Bigfoot’s Nifty Fifty: 50 Years of Bigfoot”. We are hoping to have at least one thousand people in attendance based on numbers from the previous years and the positive changes we have made so far. There will be live musical performances in the park. We will also have a parking staff that will help alleviate the traffic concerns from years past.

It would be great to have a strong showing of parade entries this year! There are no requirements as to what can be in the parade. Have fun with it! Some examples of possible parade entries are: floats, heavy equipment, live stock, and groups on foot, bike, or anything else that you think represents our community. Parade entry fees are $35.00 (early entry discount of $10.00 if payment is received by Friday, August 20th 2010). All non-profit organizations/clubs are exempt from this fee.

Food booths are a great way for local non-profit organizations to raise money. We are hoping to have a wide variety of food and treats available to the public. To help with this cause, we will only allow two booths selling the same food item. All food booths must be a local non-profit or willing to donate 25% of the proceeds to a local non-profit. Since we are not requiring food use permits, all food booths must be open air or under a pop-up with tables. There is a deep-pit barbeque available for use, if you are interested. We will have a wide variety of foods available such as: Indian Tacos, Cotton Candy, BBQ, Hot Dogs, Chinese Food, etc.

Activity booths are another great way for local non-profit organizations to raise money. Games such as: bobbing for apples, egg/balloon toss, sack races, and activities such as: dunk tanks and eating contests are a sure fire way to make money and have fun at the same time. We have some great activities planned for this year including: Lawn Mower Races, Water Slides, Water Balloon Fights, Bigball Tournament, Horseshoe Contest, Disc Golf Tournament, Logging Competition, Obstacle Course and much more.

We are also looking to have a large retail booth section with a variety of family-friendly items. This year’s layout will make your business a focal point for people, drawing them to you and your products. The booth spaces will be 10’ X 10’ with a 5’ walkway. The fee for retail booths is $35.00 (early entry discount if payment received by Friday, August 20th 2010). Again, all non-profit organizations are exempt from this fee. We have booths selling many items such as: Art, Candy, T-Shirts, Tote Bags, items for your four-legged friends, Jewelry, etc.

Funds for Bigfoot Days come from generous donations across the county and beyond, so any and all donations are appreciated more than you know. Participation is the best way to donate and have some fun at the same time, so join the parade, set up an activity, food, or retail booth. Help us keep this tradition alive and make it bigger and better than ever!

Trina Cardoza

Bigfoot Days Committee, Chairwoman

P.O. Box 8

Willow Creek, CA 95573

Ph. (530) 625-4208 Ext. 481

Organizers are looking for all the past contestants who participated in the Bigfoot King/Queen contest for the past 50 years. They are invited to help celebrate fifty years of this important event that has improved the lives of so many of our youth. There will be a gathering at Veteran’s Park on Friday, September 3 at 7:00 PM to honor this year’s contestants where dinner will be served as well.

You, family and friends are invited to share old stories, get reacquainted with old friends and make new ones. On Saturday, September 4 at 9:00 AM, current and past contestants will participate in the Parade, following which there will be a full day of events at Veteran’s Park. Please bring old pictures and information to add to our Bigfoot Days History Book. Please contact 50th Bigfoot King/Queen Contest, c/o Zena Bushnell, POB 185, Salyer, CA 95563, 530-629-3805.

If you would like to make a donation to the 50th Annual Bigfoot Days King/Queen Contest, then please contact Zena Bushnell at 530-629-3808.

Raffle tickets and a list of raffle prizes can be obtained at Willow Creek Community Service District Office at $1.00 each. All proceeds benefit the contestants and their favorite charity.Willow Creek Chamber of Commerce

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

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