X Zone Radio: Tom Biscardi
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 25th, 2006
He’s back, like a bad penny!
Tom Biscardi is scheduled to be a guest again this week on X Zone Radio with Rob McConnell. The time is the 11 PM – 12 AM EST slot on Thursday, January 27. I don’t know what the planned topic of discussion is, but posted on the X Zone website it is: The Expedition to Capture Bigfoot.
After last week’s show, which was written about here on Cryptomundo, maybe Tom will try to defend himself that he was hoaxed by Wayne Burton.
Tom Biscardi Update – New Bigfoot Photo !?
It wouldn’t be unprecedented for Tom to claim that he was hoaxed, it happened on Coast to Coast AM last year. Fellow Cryptomundo blogger Loren Coleman has an excellent recap of that event on his website here.
So what say ye Cryptomundo readers, Biscardi, hoaxer or victim? Weigh in with your opinion here in the comments section…
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Hoaxer. I wouldn’t believe anything he said,
No doubt he will have a picture of the Easter Bunny that he snapped at Camp Happy last year….
A true BS artist. Major hoaxer.
It is 11:17 a.m here in Oregon. If Biscardi said it was daytime I believe I would have to look myself. This clown has nothing better to do with his time. I believe McDonalds is hiring and I suggest thats what he should go do!
Well put, those Bigfoot photos look more like a Halloween costume.
The shoes that fit Tom Biscardi are clown shoes. What a wacked out showman this guy is. I would check twice if he told me the sky was blue.
To quote Yogi Berra, “It’s Deja Vu all over again.”
I will listen to all these shows because Biscardi gives such a good laugh. For example, he states that he has been visited by “men in black suits” and alleges they will take the Bigfoot from him when he captures it.
Oh! No hoaxer in Nevada this time! The Government will be his excuse.
Bigfoot research carries a stigma that was started with all the tabloid stuff back in the 70’s and 80’s. Mr. Biscardi’s claims and obviously “manufactured” bigfoot photos have only added to the stereotype. Victim? Hardly.
I think he’s a hoaxer. He puts forth and vouches for the most silly, contradictory, and blatantly worthless claims of “evidence” that he has to be orchestrating it, especially since there are efforts to make a profit and generate funds for his “expeditions” and “streaming video”. If he’s not a hoaxer, he is one of the dumbest and easiest fooled people in the world. How can anyone reasonably believe those Ivan Mark photos are real? I can’ believe anyone is that gullible. Hoaxer.
What a dope.
He has been dropped from tonight’s show.
Message from Rob:
Tonight’s scheduled interview with Tom Biscardi, who is claiming to be going
on a US / Canada Bigfoot expedition has been dropped from The ‘X’ Zone Radio
Show schedule.
The decision to remove Biscardi from tonight’s broadcast schedule was made
after a review of last weeks interview in which Wayne Burton, who was asked
to call into the show by Biscardi, claimed that his photo of an alleged
Bighfoot sighting in Ohio was taken 3 – 4 months ago was not. Burton said
that he had shown the photo to a friend of his who had passed away. Rob
McConnell asked Burton when his friend died. Burton said over a year ago.
McConnell immediately asked Burton how could he have shown a picture that he
took 3 – 4 months ago to someone who had died over a year ago?
Research staff with the help of an ‘X’ Zone listener were able to find the
photo that Burton and Biscardi claim to be taken 3-4 months ago on the
internet with a copyright of July 6 2001.
Thank you
Anyone remember his claims to have had a live Bigfoot in captivity on Coast to Coast AM? Would have loved to have listened to him explain this one.
To Biscardi, the search for Bigfoot is an “Industry”, by his own words while on C2C with Loren Coleman. That told me right then his efforts was not to find Bigfoot, but to manufacture a product for retail sale.
Ray Soliday-
Very well put, and the same for the rest of you. I’m glad none of us are getting fooled by TB The BS King!
Can we trade him in for a nickle? I have lots of good juice on this so-and-so…I know the whole stagecoach story. I was there.
It’s me,
happy Camp Tara