More on Nessie at 80
Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 20th, 2013
Just recently, I posted a link here at CM to a new Nessie-themed blog-post from Glasgow Boy. The subject was the 80th-year celebrations concerning the Loch Ness Monster. GB’s post was an informative and entertaining review of a conference that highlghted this monstrous milestone.
Well, GB has written another new post – also informative and entertaining – which gets to the heart of what happened after the conference.
You can find his latest post right here. And, as a taster, here’s an extract:
“Following on from the Nessie 80 symposium last week, various people, including myself, gathered at Loch Ness to celebrate the date of the first modern sighting of the Loch Ness Monster by the Mackays. I normally go up to Loch Ness at around Easter time, so this was all very convenient. I will write up a report on my own little ‘expedition’ at a later date, but for now I concentrate on Nessie’s 80th Anniversary.
“I wonder if those who were first involved with the mystery such as the Mackays or researchers such as Rupert T. Gould had any inkling that this phenomenon would grow as it has and still be with us eighty years on. They probably did not and perhaps assumed it would blow over or be decisively solved in some way.”
Needless to say, it did not blow over!
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.
This one’s always near and dear to me, even though I’ve yet to get to the loch. It’s what got me into cryptozoology even though I didn’t know I’d end up still be spending time researching and hunting decades later.