Animal Planet is Filming Bigfoot in North Carolina

Posted by: Guy Edwards on February 8th, 2011

Animal Planet in North Carolina

Steve Lyttle of the Charlotte Observer reports on a six-episode series Animal Planet is working on. Currently, they are in North Carolina, but plan on visiting other Bigfoot hot spots like Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Oregon and Washington.

From what we have gathered, a town hall-style meeting will be one of the consistent staples of the series. This will allow the show producers to gain local knowledge before the expedition takes place.

One of the participants is Mike Greene, known for his “Squeaky” Video. He is quoted in the excerpt below from the Charlotte Observer article.

“Until I saw (Sasquatch) myself, I did not believe it,” he said. “It was like a fairy tale.”

Greene says others in the area near the forest, which at 78.7 square miles is the smallest of the four national forests in North Carolina, have seen Bigfoot. At 3 p.m. Saturday, he said a group of those interested in the case – possibly accompanied by the Animal Planet film crew – will head into the woods.

“That should be pretty interesting,” Greene said.

Read the rest at

Guy Edwards About Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event

5 Responses to “Animal Planet is Filming Bigfoot in North Carolina”

  1. shownuff responds:

    Hey Guy, Does anyone know when these will air? Cause this is my favorite cryptid animal.

  2. DWA responds:

    I’m scared. This is almost MAKING SENSE.

    Waygo, Animal Planet! It’s an animal, right?

    Talking to the locals is how great discoveries get started. Avoiding the overdue-to-die presumption that your opinion is worthless if you aren’t a scientist? Two thumbs, way up.

  3. Bigfootfinder responds:

    Why not Visit California?
    California has bigger Bigfoot hotspots than Alaska or Georgia.
    After Washington in Most Bigfoot reports it is Most Likely California.

  4. Guy Edwards responds:

    We know they are filming for the next 6 weeks, during which they will also visit, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Oregon and Washington. They actually have a pilot episode in the can (as they say in the TV biz). Post production will take even longer. New series always appear during July or November on the cable networks, especially Animal Planet. From what I hear about the post-production, it may be closer to November.

  5. Tacos_with_Chili responds:

    Bigfoot will show up eventually. All these animal deaths, then the other animals food chain will change, then bigfoot may appear one day. Maybe other cryptids will appear alive in sight or dead. If they die like all the animals have these year. Then, they can’t hide, therefore we will find bodies of these cryptids lying around somewhere including bigfoot.

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