Bigfoot or Boot Prints?
Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 15th, 2010
While the location is not identified, this is stated to be posted by someone at TCS Home Remodeling Inc. of Kent, Ohio.
This is by the same individual that does “Bigfoot Busters Radio.”
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Useless! As horrible as this footage is, even a rank AMATEUR researcher would have stated their shoe size before comparing it to a footprint on the ground. To be honest, I could barely watch past that point. This footage is garbage and should be treated as such.
ok, first of all, my computer hates utube. Keeps jumping and needing to load. second, the footprint in question looks to be the same length as the camera man’s boot, but much wider. I’ve never seen that before. Not to mention the footprint looks rather purposeful, as in moving the foliage around to look like a footprint. The man in the film is the owner of the building company? Look at his hat, “tcsjrbigfoot” and in the very beginning, “research will reward us with discovery” is this some other bigfoot research group?
I don’t know.
It was kind of flat, (no midtarsal break that I can remember). There were possible toe outlines. But, I’m not sure.
The tone of the video was enjoyable. It did not feel super sensationalized. Interesting account.
Sorry guys but it’s a bust! There are just so many inconsistencies and at 37 seconds into the video, who was that mysterious figure dressed in black ? Johhny Cash? I loved his music but they should have focused a bit on it. i have a friend who’s 6’5″ and yes, he has a size 17 shoe and wide so it’s not a big deal as the impression should have been deeper and i agree with the foliage being brushed away. What’s wrong with people nowadays? Is 15 minutes of fame worth the stupidity associated with such falsegoods? Go do something worthwhile with your lives and leave bigfoot alone. I know , volunteer and contribute to the Cryptomundo Museum!
Tcsjrbigfoot is my research name and I am the owner and operator of TCS Home Remodeling Inc in Kent Ohio. This video is exactly how we found these impressions. Another researcher that you see in the video was with me at the time these impressions were found. No leaves were moved! My boot size is 12 inches. We don’t know what made these impressions or possible footprints but I share all my random video clips on my YouTube channel. If you would like to know more about my research, see here.
I don’t think you’ll find many “takers” here, TCSJRBIGFOOT.
I’m personally not sold on this yet I agree with Spinach Village that the video was somewhat enjoyable and non-sensationalized.
am i the only one who can see tread in the print? this is an insult to bigfootery.
Mr. Coleman, First let me say I enjoy your books, blog, and seeing you on Monster Quest. I was with Tcsjrbigfoot in his “Possible Footprints ?“ video. Tim did not claimed those impressions were bigfoot prints. He was simply showing what we saw on the day we went out. We realized that they were not clear, and had no evidentiary value. For comparison sake, he put his boot next to one of the impressions found. In person, we could see what appeared to be toes, and heel. Please understand that there are some who watch his vids who are unable to go out into the woods. Those viewers have asked him to please post his outings, whether he finds something or not. Which is what he did that day, not to deceive or sensationalize, but document. Tim is an honest, hard working, guy…not looking for 15 minutes of fame. He posts what he finds and lets the viewers decide. Boot to you? Ok, I accept your opinion but, in person, it didn’t look like a boot to me. Thanks, Teresa AKA. Squatchwidow
Dear Teresa. Ms. Squatchwidow.
Perhaps you are a new reader of Cryptomundo, but I beg you to re-read what I wrote. I did not say anything even close to what you seem to be attributing to me. I did not say it looked “like a boot.”
This blog is about skeptically but openmindedly being curious and investigating. I often give my postings critical-thinking headlines, like “Bigfoot or Boot Prints?” just as the video headlined itself “Possible Footprints?” Those are questions, not statements.
Mr. Coleman, I am a new reader, only about six months. I was just surprised when I went to read your page, and found a discussion about a day in which I was involved. I stand corrected. I had so much that I wanted to post, but didn’t want to be too long winded. I should have stated, “If one thinks it looks like a boot”. Your headlines are what started me reading your blogs, and I very much enjoy the skeptical discussions. Sorry for the misspeak. Thank You for your time. Teresa
This video footage was taken in Ohio at a state park in a restricted no hunting zone and well off any hiking trails. After my 1992 sighting I have been obsessed in searching for the answers and trying my hardest to capture this creature on video. That may never happen but at least I’m trying. I post all my random video footage on YouTube for my viewers who have asked me to do so. I present it just as I found it.
I run trails in a shoe called the Vibram Five Fingers, they leave tracks like this. They are odd looking shoes with toes. Whenever I step in mud on a trail I always think “someone is going to think a bigfoot came through here”.
I have some of those five-fingers, Buzzard. Awesome comfy shoes once you’re used to them.
TCS and Widow, do not get discouraged! I viewed the video with the exact mind-set that it was presented as…’Possible Footprints’. Although I agree with the concensus that they don’t look like squatch prints to me, that does not mean that I felt like the video was misleading at all.
Not everyone is willing to get out there in the muck and the cold to try to find the evidence, and for that I applaud you!
Keep up the good work and hopefully, the next set of prints you find will be indisputable!
A tread?… what a tire thread?… hahaha which looks like dermals to me, hum. Holy sheet some barkaloungers are real loons with quite the imagination, and wouldn’t have a clue if a SAS jumped out in front of you… BOO…. well ya you would cause your sissified asses would take-off into the wind.
Editor’s note: We normally wouldn’t post a comment that was so derogatory in nature, but we felt that bigfootresearch’s comment should be posted publicly.
At the website that bigfootresearch lists as their website, they state the following:
Apparently, they don’t tolerate any disrespect or infighting on their website, but they believe it’s OK to bring it here to Cryptomundo.