Biscardi Blows Fox Broadcast

Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 1st, 2008

Tim McMillen

Tom Biscardi, on the right, and his former friend, Tim McMillen, before Biscardi sued him.

Mike Sells

Tom Biscardi, on the right, with Mike Sells and Sells’ wife, before Sells died.

Todd Neiss, with the American Primate Research Group, passes this breaking news along, moments ago:

Tom Biscardi was just featured in Fox News this morning (6:25am – PST) with regard to an alleged Bigfoot sighting in the Catskills of New York.

I have to say his interview was classic Biscardi…pathetic.

At first, Biscardi said that he flew in [to the Catskills] last Thursday and had already gathered evidence. Then he stated that, after setting up trip cameras, he had acquired photographic evidence. Upon being pressed, he admitted that he had no photos of a Bigfoot, but rather deer and raccoons.

Then the host, Greg Jarrett asked him why nobody has ever been able to prove the existence of a Bigfoot, to which Biscardi rambled on about unexplored regions of the United States (?), the “fact” that nobody has ever found the skeletal remains of a bear (??), and that GPS wouldn’t even work where he was (???). With that the hosts Megyn Kelly and Gregg Jarrett (filling in for Bill Hemmer) snickered.

The interview ended ABRUPTLY when, after the interview was well underway, Mr. Biscardi attempted to be cute and quipped, “So…how’s Ken and Barbi this morning?”

To have such a HUGE audience and simply blow it like that is mind boggling.

Thanks (again) for setting SERIOUS Bigfoot research back another 10 years, Tom!

Todd Neiss

Loren Coleman About Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.

20 Responses to “Biscardi Blows Fox Broadcast”

  1. Alton Higgins responds:

    Sad to say that Biscardi makes it so easy for bigfoot researchers and skeptics alike to heap ridicule on his assertions.

    Does a website exist for Neiss’s organization?

  2. bill green responds:

    It was very interesting to watch the new Fox News segment about Bigfoot, which, indeed, I just finished watching.

  3. graybear responds:

    Okay, so it was classic Biscardi, moronic. But somewhere along the line the media have to shoulder their fair share of the blame; nobody FORCED them to have Biscardi on the show. A few minutes on the web dedicated to Bigfoot researchers would have revealed Biscardi’s, ah, questionable reputation and they could have maybe got someone else (hmm, who do we know who lives close to New England?). The news shows need to do their homework just like the rest of us, not just snatch anyone out of the woods who claims to be a BF researcher. Sometimes I think that there is something of modified ‘if it bleeds it leads’ ethic at work here. Something along the lines of ‘if its not recognized science, get the funniest geek,’ or some such. I’m not good with rhymes, by the way. Maybe someone else could come up with something equal to bleeds and leads. Hairy and scary?

    I’ll stop now.

  4. HOOSIERHUNTER responds:

    There’s no doubt the Biscardi is the best friend Bigfoot has. After all, who would mount a serious search for Bigfoot after talking with Biscardi? Who would waste the time? Who would even entertain the possiblilty that Bigfoot exists? Hey, is Biscardi a Bigfoot collaborator? Do you suppose Bigfoot has hired him for disinformation purposes?

    On a lighter note (lol) who’s for sending Biscardi to Alaska for an overnight bike ride?

  5. thehoch responds:

    The CNNs, FOX’s, and Local News are only good at one thing and that’s just reporting on homicides, car accidents, parades, and hurricanes…if you get my drift.

    Anything outside of that, they are completely lost. Most news programs do little homework because of deadlines and lack of interest of going the extra mile for a better story.

    It’s funny how Celeb news is now becoming mainstream and they are now becoming like the National Enquirer, only the Nat Enquirer does a better job at reporting celeb news.

    Don’t EVER expect CNN or FOX to ever do any indepth research to get real Bigfoot information and research. You are wasting your time if you have those expectations. The news in general today is just PATHETIC and now that it’s run by big corporations it’s getting scary because they are constantly trying to shape the minds of the general apathetic majority.

    Sad but true….

  6. gridbug responds:

    Fancy that, a fake cryptozoologist on a fake news program. It’s a match made in heaven… or rather, the ninth circle of hell. 🙂

  7. HulkSmashNow responds:

    The Fox News guys are jerks, but we pretty much always knew that, but so is this guy. Why didn’t they talk to anyone reputable?

  8. davethewave81 responds:

    GPS doesn’t even work where he’s at?!?

  9. Amdusias responds:

    Can’t the Cryptozoology cabal start a certification program that clearly divides reputable from not? I mean even Rikki has certifications.

  10. Andrew Minnesota responds:

    At least they didn’t have M.K. Davis on…

  11. size 13 responds:

    Hey M.K.Davis has a repu…….nevermind!

  12. RHFay responds:

    I doubt this has any real connection to GPS, but there are sections right on the NYS Thruway going through the Catskills that have no cell phone reception. My wife and her co-workers have experienced this cell phone blackout when travelling from Albany to Newburgh. For being “relatively” close to New York City, the Catskills can actually feel pretty remote at times.

    Being an Upstate New Yorker who’s experienced some weird things in the woods, it’s disappointing to hear that the investigation into the sighting in the Catskills is being led by someone with such a “questionable” reputation. Believe me, having grown up in rural, wooded New York State, I know full well how easy it is to hide in those woods, or get lost in them.

  13. Hawkeye responds:

    They probably picked him for the inteview because of his reputation so they could get a “good” interview. Good as in like what they got making Bigfoot researchers look like idiots.

  14. Gummerfan responds:

    Just a note: there ARE unexplored regions of the US.
    A lot of the PNW and some other wilderness areas have only been mapped and surveyed from air or satellite.

  15. davethewave81 responds:

    I should have wrote before…his GPS didn’t work but apparently and unfortunately his phone sure did

    GPS is satellite based and I wonder if the idiot would have said “Google Earth” doesn’t even show this place if he was given enough time to do so

    Not everybody is as stupid as you are Tom

  16. Spinach Village responds:

    Unfortunate… this would pass for a funny scene in a Seinfeld show.

  17. zpf responds:

    Fox entertains a niche by feeding them what they want to hear while portraying it as objective. The preconceived notions this niche already has about bigfoot (or anything else) is what Fox is going to reaffirm for them. It’s a beautiful–albeit hideously irresponsible–relationship–and very efficient and inexpensive for Fox, compared to what real journalism, objectivity, and research would require; it’s much easier to just have snickering anchors to reassure this kind of audience of their beliefs on an emotional (and thus more reinforcing) level.

  18. DWA responds:

    Wow. I thought this thread would be one minute and onward. But some stuff to have fun with here!

    HOOSIERHUNTER says: “On a lighter note (lol) who’s for sending Biscardi to Alaska for an overnight bike ride?”

    LOL. But….Dunno, man. Sometimes on this topic it’s good to have something to laugh at. Because the attention it does get is, when viewed from any other standpoint…well, sad.

    Couldn’t agree more with every single comment about Fox Nooze. Unless I missed a positive one, for which I don’t apologize.

    And in Todd Neiss we have the kind of bigfoot advocate everybody SHOULD be interviewing. Except he doesn’t provide opps for sniggers and yuks. Note this excerpt:

    Then the host, Greg Jarrett asked him why nobody has ever been able to prove the existence of a Bigfoot, to which Biscardi rambled on about unexplored regions of the United States (?), the “fact” that nobody has ever found the skeletal remains of a bear (??), and that GPS wouldn’t even work where he was (???).

    Note how Todd neatly erases just about every handy proponent excuse (in one sentence!). Which is what should be happening. If this animal exists – and the evidence says it does – a substantial reason it’s unconfirmed is all those unnecessary excuses offered by proponents who haven’t thought it through, at all. Hey, Todd. Seriously. Where IS your website?

    So, a good time being had by all. Hey, HOOSIERHUNTER, it could be worse. Let’s just smile at this one; the quicker the Biscardis of the world dig themselves holes the quicker they disappear.

    Graybear: if it don’t exist, find a dope for the gist.

    Hey, that only took a few seconds. Some slack, man.

  19. cryptidsrus responds:

    I agree Biscardi is not the person to go if one wants a Sasquatch “expert.”

    On the other hand, even if they did have (let’s say) Loren on Fox, I doubt they would treat the subject honestly and obejctively anyway. I would even venture to say the Fox people know that Biscardi is dubious so they deliberately had him on to further discredit the possibility if the existence of Bigfoot.

    This is a pattern for all of their “unusual” news coverage. I remember when the morning news show Fox And Friends had ufologist James Fox on to promote his movie about UFOs. When Fox declared the existence of UFOS (not aliens, UFOS) they totally blew him off and even sort of cut him off at the end. It was that pathetic hack John Scott who did it. Figures. Tabloid show graduates generally have a cynical, dismissive attitude for anything that does not fit into the world-view of their bosses.

    I also still remember how they sort of overbombarded the great Nessie researcher Adrian Shine with questions last time he was there. And what Loren went through last time he was there too.

    CNN basically does the same thing too. Jim Marrs has it right—the media today is maintaining the “status quo.” Keeping people “happy” and “unquestioning.” No more. No less.

  20. eireman responds:

    It’s the new Yellow Journalism age, but instead of just making stories up (well…) they report with a complete agenda and bias. The cable news networks are the worst but the others are quickly catching up. There are simply too many sources of information in this day and age, as there were when Yellow Journalism ran rampant. They are all compteting and sometimes that means bias, sensationalism, and reporting before all the facts are known.

    As for Biscardi, many of you are right, I think he was chosen because he is a joke. Someone like Loren would have responded to questions thoughtfully, which wouldn’t make for good “Fair and Balanced” Fox news. Instead, they needed a dancing monkey. I am saddened that this is where journalism is headed: 24/7 infotainment. Even the old guard of journalism now routinely report on Britney and Paris Hilton. Sad.

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