Southern Bigfoot, Sex, Orgone & Trailers
Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 17th, 2007
Double-entendre: A word or phrase having a double meaning; the use of such a word or phrase.
Here’s my double-entendre for the month: trailers.
Below is the video trailer to the forthcoming documentary by writer/director Sean Whitley, Southern Fried Bigfoot. As a trailer, you will note it does not have CG identifications of the people being interviewed. But I have a feeling many of you will know who all of these guys being interviewed are.
Trailers are teasers to encourage people to come watch the whole film. I think you will be intrigued by what you see.
Within this trailer, I was pleasantly surprised to find my Cryptomundo partner talking about the other kind of trailers, the ones their salespeople like to call mobile homes.
Orgone accumulators (such as the one pictured above) have designs similar to trailers, and yet the rumor that they cause uncontrollable erections probably is only a myth. Anyway, it probably doesn’t have anything to do with why people live in trailers, of course. Right? From having lived in trailers myself, I know that folks in trailers have to have a sense of humor, because you never can tell when the next tornado is going to “pick” you. Indeed, when my father passed away, he had made a conscious decision to give up a house and live in a trailer, so he could be closer to nature. I respect the reasons for why people choose trailers.
In my “Sex and the Single Sasquatch” lectures for years, I’ve been mentioning that it does seem some Bigfoot are attracted to trailers, almost as if the design of mobile homes and RVs parallel the construction of Orgone accumulators (a/k/a Orgone boxes), which are suppose to be sexual-energy-generating or -collecting containers. Are Sasquatch getting a sexually-related vibe from trailers, almost like an energy beacon that is drawing them nearer? I can think of several encounters near such objects, including the famed “Playmate Video,” later to be called the “Redwoods Video,” taped near a RV.
Who knows?
The halfway point in the post-production on Southern Fried Bigfoot is celebrated in the erection of this trailer on YouTube, but there’s no telling how long it will be before the film finds its release.
Thanks SMiles and Sean.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
cool trailer
I knew there was a good reason I entitled my website “Orgone Research”…
I lived in a trailer…(ahem) mobile home…a few years ago. I won’t comment on the truth of some of the rumours mentioned here 😉 but I can tell you the only hairy hominid I saw there was myself in the mirror. 🙂
I think really the only thing about trailers is that they go out into the wilderness and are isolated. period.
That being said, I can certainly see the point about Orgone. SOME of the things said about Orgone make a good deal of sense, but other statements made about it are more questionable. I remember Ivan Sanderson had a book about the energy or lifeforce and it was heavily annotated, and one place had a heated exchange of notes between ITS and SWS because ITS saw the sense in a statement about Orgone that SWS said was nonsense.
Wlihelm Reich, creator of the Orgone theory, later equated it with static electricity. That probably hurt his research because the stuff is not ordinary electricity, it does not act that way at all: however, some of the effects attributed to Orgone could be due to static electricity as it is currently understood (it could alter moods, certainly, and mood changes in accordance with the weather has been attributed to ions in the atmosphere changing in the standard references)
Southern Fried Bigfoot…
I’m based in NE Oklahoma…we have more screened reports of interest and active research areas than we can investigate.
Regarding the trailer comments…many folks start out with a mobile home on their acreage while they build their permament domilcile. A large percentage of sightings occur near rural mobile homes in isolated newly cleared wooded areas.
A common trend here…after acquiring your “acreage”….you move in a fifth wheel travel trailer and work from there on the weekends building your “dream home”.
Some major differences in the squatch species may be size, stature and aggression of the Southern Fried Sasquatch when compared to its laid back vegan, SP cousins of the PNW. In many areas of the South, every good ole boy with a hand cannon or deer rifle shoots first and reports afterward…which may have something to do with their “attitude”.
Ole bub doesn’t date out of his species…so I can’t comment on their sexual proclivities… although window peeping is a commonly occurring theme, since few folks in the country have shades or drapes…JMHO
Would I rather live safely in the confines of the city with “drive bys”, roving gangs of street thugs and sexual predators prowling the shadows….or have an occassional exhilerating encounter with a giant screaming monkey man…”hello Squatch…come on in and have a cold one”….hell the worst thing about rural living is dial up…JMHO
live and let live….
ole bub and the dawgs
My thoughts on this is that the “peeping tom” bigfoot is not so much what activities are going on in regular or mobile homes, but what is being played in the rooms that bigfoot look into.
I live in an apartment that is on the brow of a hill overlooking a small city. When I go out on my patio and look out over the valley, I am attracted first to the 3 houses that have a big screen TV set and a large window. The white/blue light with flickers of color really stands out. So much that a house 1,000 yards away is more noticeable than the next door neighbor 80 yards away.
Reading through reports, I have noticed a large number of sighting from people who play their TVs at night, sometimes late into the night. And it seems that there are as many, if not more reports of having a TV on and a peeping b.f. as reports of b.f. looking into dark rooms. Because a flickering strong light you get from a TV is something that attracts attention. And we have a good idea that b.f. is a curious creature.
I suspect that the reason that b.f. is claimed to bump into trailer homes is the give in the construction. There is a certain “rebound” in mobile home construction. And (as you can see on CNN each time there is a tornado) these homes are not connected that well to the foundations. And a b.f. may find it fun to give a push to this type of home, and have it spring back. Where other homes and building are more solid and don’t move.
Ole Bub, I like that one about “Hello, Squatch, come on in and have a cold one”
Sounds exactly like what I would have said myself.
And oh yes, one significant difference in the Bigfoot in the South (or in the Eastern USA in general) is that it is much more heavily into a meat diet, raiding henhouses and garbage and chowing down on the occasional hound dog. If you have one of them hairy dudes around, DON’T go waving around a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken in the air. They go ape-you-know-what at the smell.
I don’t know if they actually are cannibals, but that is a common statement. More usually it seems they eat their own dead.
hey everyone that trailer to southern fried bigfoot documentary looks wonderful. is it on dvd yet? thanks bill. please keep me posted.
I am dissapointed in the ‘ORGONE’ picture. I would like to know if she has BIG, uh, FEET.
Maybe Bigfoot is attracted to trailers like lightning and tornados.
The combination of metal filled with all the smells associated with humans hits BF deep in his subconscience. He is drawn to trailers like a moth to a flame. His primitive curiosity leads him to investigate odors that are foreign yet familiar.
I like billkirbywofbs theory on trailer homes. As far as the twinkling light theory, well don’t you remember “Hairy and the Hendersons”? (“I don’t know if he wants to leave, I think he likes it here! Ha,ha,ha, haaaa, ha!)