Fourth of July Champ Sighting
Posted by: Katy Elizabeth on July 21st, 2015
Received this Champ Sighting Report three days ago!
On July 4 we were moored in a sailboat with some friends watching the fireworks at the Plattsburgh Boat Basin. Both of us saw a long thin very dark “something” move through the water just in front of our boat. It was moving very quickly and was visible just out of the surface of the water. It disappeared in a few seconds as it was very dark and moving very quickly. Since it was dark it was hard to determine its exact size. It definitely was moving faster than any regular fish I think I have ever seen. WE had no knowledge of the Champ legend and were surprised to find all this information about it.
Katy Elizabeth
Katy Elizabeth was born in Warwick, Rhode Island. Katy has been studying the existence of Champ since a child. As one of the youngest and most recent Cryptozoologists, she made her life long dream into reality when she had her own sighting and experiences of this elusive creature on Lake Champlain. It prompted her to start her own non-profit group called “Champ Search”. The group's goal is to study, investigate and prove the existence of unique animals that inhabit New York and Vermont’s beautiful Lake Champlain. She is the author of the books Water Horse Of Lake Champlain and Water Horse Of Lake Champlain II available on
for me… some questions on the whole champ thing arise…
if the mansi photo is real… that thing was OUT of the water… so it can’t be a fish, right?
I mean what fish breathes air?
but then if it DOES breathe air, wouldn’t it need to surface often to breathe? like a whale?
then the echolocation stuff would suggest it’s some type of mammal/whale type thing… but then why isn’t there MORE sightings?
are they coming up at night to breathe and then lasting with the air all day? that doesn’t sound plausible…. does it?
then you have all the action/boats on the lake… how are they avoiding all of this if they are as big as the mansi photo… again if its real.
so many damn questions.
@Craig… any ideas on this one?
would love to hear some ideas on this… its really fascinating.
dconstrukt–Water cryptids are my favorite and I have spent a lot of years reading anything and everything on them. I’ve also spent some quality time in bodies of water, just watching and learning about ecosystems and fish behaviors…not to mention mammals and so on.
I was predominantly in the mammal camp for a long time. The surfacing for air didn’t bother me so much because many marine animals, especially things like crocs and turtles barely have to expose anything more than their nostrils to breathe, which could easily be missed by those on shore.
I ruled out reptiles until I ran across an article that talked about finding the presence of plesiosaurs in the antarctic–suggesting that they were capable of surviving in cold water climates. I haven’t turned up anymore on this front, but as we’ve come to accept the idea that land dinosaurs had much in common in with birds, perhaps long necked water dinos adapted in ways to mimic mammal abilities to survive in cold water climates.
In recent times I have begun to back away from the mammalian theory. As I said, I was a staunch supporter of it being a long necked seal type animal (in loch ness, there have been sightings where witnesses described hair on the animal they saw). However, I had an epiphany while at a zoo watching sea lions and otters. It struck me that both, as well as lions spend a fair amount of time at the surface in play and just plain ole swimming or getting from point A to B, and having observed sea lions off California, I realized that even though they would only have to extend their noses to breathe, their instinct is to stick to the surface. The only reason I’d consider for them staying hidden would be if that if they were under threat on a constant basis which has never been the case at Ness or any other loch / lake I’ve read about. Simply, mammal behavior throws it way down on the totem pole for culprits in the long necked lake critter.
However, I’ve recently come to wonder if what we’re dealing with is some sort of amphibian. Amphibians share a lot of characteristics with land and water critters. And having observed frogs, they don’t have to extend much above the water to breathe either. And with the land accounts of Ness, an amphibian could certainly come ashore. True, amphibians tend to hibernate in cold weather, so that’s a strike against it, but in dealing with some 20- + foot critter with a long neck that eludes common sightings, perhaps there are more pieces to the puzzle before we get an answer 🙂
It is a case of where most of the animal types have some of the characteristics necessary to fit the bill, but each of them also has something in its make up that keeps it from fitting the bill entirely. So, my contention is that obviously there’s something more at work in the adaptation department (unless you want to get into the supernatural realm…which I don’t 🙂 ), that we haven’t seen or taken into account.
I do know that there are enough reports around the world and consistently to make me believe there are unknown critters in the waters, of size and not presently represented by science. I remember Arthur C. Clarke saying that he was doubtful of lake monsters, but thought there was a much greater possibility of something similar in the oceans. I tend to believe him, but think it’s also possible that some of those unknown critters may well have made their way into lochs and lakes and built a population there.
Hope that simplifies things 🙂
thanks… interesting thoughts but ya, i read that and was more confused than before LOL… 🙂
too many questions, and possibilities and not enough answers…
to me, if that mansi photo is real, it MUST breathe air… that means it MUST come up to breathe at some point… I mean that thing was, if it was real, almost totally out of the water. fish don’t do that, and never have.
so i can rule them out.. if that photo is real and only 1 person (maybe her kids and husband too) know the answer to that.
I’ve always considered that photo legitimate. I think she saw a living critter. And I’m with you…it’s not a fish.
Again, I’m starting to lean toward the amphibian camp because at present it makes more sense. HOWEVER, as I have learned, never completely turn your back on a solution (even fish) because if I’ve discovered anything when it comes to dealing with Mother Nature and life in general, there are always anomalies and exceptions to the general rules.
One of the big reasons I’ve begun to turn away from the traditional pinniped or mammalian is because they seem to all possess a playfulness in their living. Reptiles and amphibians, however, seem to approach things in a more “business” sense when it comes to living: they expel the least amount of energy necessary and are always on the hunt for food.
Whatever Champ, Nessie, Caddy and Ogopogo are, they seem to be more “business” oriented than just playing on the surface. That leads me to believe they may only come to the surface to breathe and may do it very deliberately and unobtrusively. Of course, even turtles and crocs and alliguggers will surface from time to time, and I think that’s where Mansi caught what she saw.
You should read up on Dennis Hall’s observations for Champ and the sonar hits if you haven’t. And there are a ton of books on water critters if you’ve got the time. I’ve amassed a library of books over the years and even the “eye rolling” books or the ones that just regurgitate previous information offer a gem of knowledge here and there.
Read up, draw your own conclusions and test your own hypotheses . . . and then start investigating. Not an easy task, but then again, nothing worthwhile is easy…it’s all part of the fun.
not sure what it is… i have too many questions… but i’d love to see more videos and sightings… if any…
There is no long-necked description in this sighting which to me adds credibility, although the actual description doesn’t really add up to much. I’ve mentioned before that I feel all long-necked sightings and photos are either misinterpretations or hoaxes before. This would include the Mansi photo which because of the many problems with it, I think is not a fake image, just not a long necked lake monster.