Huge Prehistoric-Like Bird Observed
Posted by: Nick Redfern on November 5th, 2014
From Stan Gordon:
There has been a long history of giant bird sightings in Pennsylvania. The term “Thunderbird” has been used to describe these generally very large, normally black or dark brown birds with massive wingspans. Not all of the descriptions of these flying cryptids however are the same. Some witnesses I have Interviewed in past years have stated that what they saw looked more like a giant bat.
Others reluctantly told me what they observed looked more prehistoric and similar to a pterodactyl or teratorn. More than one person told me that the huge flying creature they saw could only be described as a dragon. And yes, some who have witnessed these creatures have hesitantly used the term gargoyle.
September 23, 2014-Jeanette, PA-Huge Prehistoric-Like Bird Observed
A witness living near Jeanette was standing in his backyard during the afternoon when his attention was drawn towards the sky after hearing a strange sound. The man told me it was difficult to explain the sound but that it was a very unusual and loud animal sound similar to Rah, Rah, Rah. He commented that he would imagine that a dinosaur might make such a sound if they still existed today.
As he looked up the sound was coming from a giant “very black” bird passing low over his property. The witness estimated that the body of the creature was 6 feet or more in length from head to the tail. The wingspan was the most obvious feature that extended to 12 feet or more in width. The witness commented reluctantly that what he saw looked more prehistoric rather than a normal bird. He also indicated that from what he could see from the wings it did not have feathers but that it was covered with skin like that of a giant bat. The man watched as the huge flying creature moved off in the distance.
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.
I saw a shape like this in the clouds in NM, circa 1999. Not a real bird, but a dark cloud pattern superimposed over whiter clouds. I took a photo, but no longer have it.
Here’s the interesting part: about 6 years later, my sister sent me a picture she had taken in the clouds in VA. For all intents and purposes, the two formations were identical.
The shapes were very obvious, by the way. There were no imaginary gymnastics involved.
I got an email in June of this year (2014). Here’s part of it:
“Today I witnessed a flying creature I’ve never seen in my life. . . . outside of Pittsburgh, Pa. It was around 12ish, very hot during this time. At first glance, I thought it was a hawk because of its bottom claws and wingspan. But the closer we got the, the more I could see that it didn’t have feathers. It just look like latex skin, there was a layer of hair but it wasn’t feathers. The color was mainly pale/ grey had navy blue tint in certain areas. But the STRANGEST PART had to be the tail; it had like a ball on the end. And the way it flew was like nothing I ever seen it was like swimming in the air . . .”
A few years earlier, I got an email reporting two separate sightings of strange flying creatures, one of which had a structure at the end of the tail. I also receive many sighting reports of apparent pterosaurs in surrounding states.
For those interested, I suggest Googling “pterosaur sighting” with one of the following state names added: Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, Kentucky, New York, etc.