Small Town Monsters: Casefiles – Traces of the Boggy Creek Monster
Posted by: Seth Breedlove on December 15th, 2017
In the late 60’s and early 70’s, reports of a hairy, bipedal “monster” stalking the swamps of Southern Arkansas began to surface. Thought by many to be little more than a fable or folktale, the Boggy Creek Monster has become one of the south’s most famous legend. But what does it mean, when a legend leaves behind evidence of its existence?
Small Town Monsters is a film series that explores lost and bizarre history centered on strange creatures and anomalies around the United States. The films are available through Amazon, Vimeo OnDemand and on DVD.
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Seth Breedlove
Seth Breedlove is a freelance investigative journalist, filmmaker, and radio show host. He has contributed content to numerous websites on a variety of topics. He served as a columnist for the Massillon Independent, helming a weekly column titled "Slice of Life" that ran on the front page of the paper. In addition to his column he has covered news stories and daily assingnments for the Medina Gazette.
In 2014 he started SasWhat: a Podcast About Bigfoot with co-host Mark Matzke where each week they discuss the subject as a whole and interview various personalities from the field. Seth has also researched and examined historical Bigfoot reports from across the country, compiling an extensive database of newspaper articles dating back to the early 1800's.