Some History of Todd…
Posted by: Steve Kulls on April 14th, 2014
Just who is Todd Standing?
I pointed out in an earlier blog on my site, about my first gut reaction to Todd Standing’s alleged head shot of a Sasquatch and how my gut reaction just doesn’t sit right.
Well first of all it is on good merit.
See why in the world would Todd Standing use an alias while being the main figure at a production company? More matter of fact his sister Louise is using an alias as well. (Yes he has a sister Louise).
Here’s a screen shot of the old production company site:
Now take a look at that “Bigfoot” head, and tell me why is there no shots of the body, or it walking into picture? If it’s handheld why no shaking?
It reeks of production company work, my thoughts are CGI with a mix of real photography, and not very good at that because the fact that in both the video and captures the focal point seems at several different depths, at which the layers were focused improperly.
If this was one fluid piece, such as an a real photo or video or animatronic head captured by video, there would only be one focal point per frame of video or picture.
Steve Kulls
Steve had a lifelong fascination with the Bigfoot phenomena since an early age. In 1998 after reading "Monsters of the Northwoods", and learned that there were numerous sighting reports close to his residence in upstate New York. He began to investigate extremely skeptical but soon changed his mind. was the creation of Steve Kulls, aka "The Squatchdetective" Steve launched with a national outlook in December 2005. In September 2006 he created Squatchdetective Radio.
Steve has appeared on numerous local news programs around the country and national venues such as Fox and Friends, and interviewed in print in over 100 newspapers over the last ten years. Steve has appeared on the History Channel the National Geographic Channel, featured on several programs, and authored two book, "Fifty Large," and "What Would Sasquatch Do?"
Steve is a former Licensed Private Investigator, in New York, and a former retail investigator of 18 years, a Firefighter and Paramedic
agree with you 100%
there’s a reason one side of the face is left out…
it wreaks of fakeness.
Dr Meldrum asked him on the first radio show why he used an alias. Todd Standing said his middle name is Rockwell so he went by Todd Rockwell because before getting into Sasquatch, he was a documentary film maker, and once he became associated with Sasquatch, he couldn’t get any work, so using his middle name helped get him work so he could “pay for his equipment and feed his family”. He addressed his film making, his equipment etc with Dr. Meldrum on the first show…I don’t know what’s true or not, but he spoke about it with Dr Meldrum on the radio show.
Mr. Kulls, I believe you to have an open mind, and feel you may perceive yourself as having more responsibility to come out on the negative side of ‘The Standing Question’ because of your role in Rick Dyer’s outing. You should give Standing a second look, and go for facts not hearsay. One should not ever give a ringing endorsement, or dismissive rant IMO without looking into all the facts for themselves. Why don’t you go interview Standing before stating a definitive opinion on him. It sounds to me like you are joining the chorus of crows claiming Bigfoot Stardom, and scrambling for the first opportunity to snipe at a new rival joining their midst with Bindernagel, and Meldrum in lock step.
Hi Steve & Readers,
Steve and I both got taken in by the Great Bigfoot Hoax of 2008 in which Rick Dyer played so important a role. In fact we had words over it via email but it’s now forgotten.
Steve has a point about Todd’s face photo and I suggest he ask Todd for an original file and have it examined by experts in the know. His point about focus is well taken and may or may not reveal editing detail.
In any event I’m still waiting for Todd to release the photos/videos I suspect he showed to Professor Meldrum and Dr. Bindernagel to win their support and endorsement. He may or may not have some really good stuff.
In some aspects his data is similar to Dr. Melba Ketchum’s. I’ve read her work and although I think in a scientific manner I had to look up terms and reread parts to try and understand what her conclusions were and how she arrived at them. I still don’t understand all of it and her results have yet to be reproduced by another. That is really the acid test for scientific research and if it happens in her lifetime she’ll get accolades for her work as a pioneer.
In my book Todd Standing is interesting but until I see all the results of his research he remains an enigma. However, to get the scientists support he has something he hasn’t shown us yet and it probably means dollars to him for it. My best,