Strange Mutants of the 21st Century
Posted by: Nick Redfern on July 1st, 2014
Another new release from Andy Colvin’s New Saucerian Books, and a total must-buy for fans of Mothman and John Keel: Strange Mutants of the Twenty-First Century. And here’s Andy with all the info:
“John A. Keel is considered by many to have been a significant influence within ufology and Forteana. He died on July 3, 2009 in New York City, at the age of 79. At the height of his career, he was interviewed by luminaries such as David Letterman, Johnny Carson, and Merv Griffin.
“The Mothman Prophecies, perhaps Keel’s most famous book, was an account of his investigation into sightings in West Virginia of a huge, winged creature called the ‘Mothman.’
“Strange Mutants of the Twenty-First Century contains Keel’s very first ruminations on Mothman, as well as a variety of strange reports on black “demon” dogs, phantom cats, Bigfoot and other North American giants, flying humanoids, flying saucers, flying snakes, and even stranger mutants that Keel believed reside with us on Earth.
“This book was originally printed in very small quantities over 30 years ago, and became extremely rare and expensive. Finally, it has been available to the general public.
“Strange Mutants is a classic read that provides an entertaining glimpse into John Keel’s bizarre world of the unknown. This 2014 reprint edition features cover art by David Sankey, an introduction by Keel, several illustrations, and a chart of all the early Mothman sightings. This is a book that belongs on the shelf of every Keel fan.”
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.
Strange Mutants of the Twenty-first Century was written 30 years ago? That’s weird. And how is the term “mutant” used? Thanks!