Archive for the “Room 101”

Chupacabras: Zooform or Cryptozoology?

Posted by: Richard Thomas on May 30th, 2011

One creature that always seem to popup in my interviews is the Chupacabras. Below you can read what some of the researchers I’ve interviewed really think about the famous “goat sucker.”

Read: Chupacabras: Zooform or Cryptozoology? »

Yetis, Dragons, Doctor Who And More!!

Posted by: Richard Thomas on May 29th, 2011

I originally posted this interview with Richard Freeman as a two part interview at Binnall of America back in 2009 (Part I and II). Thought it might be a good idea to repost it here in one place.

Read: Yetis, Dragons, Doctor Who And More!! »

Alien Big Cats

Posted by: Richard Thomas on May 24th, 2011

Richard Thomas shares an excerpt from his interview of Neil Arnold regarding the UK Alien Big Cat phenomenon.

Read: Alien Big Cats »

Richard Freeman on ‘Welsh Dragons’

Posted by: Richard Thomas on May 18th, 2011

This a guest article originally posted on my PARA-NEWS blog by Richard Freeman, Zoological director at the Centre for Fortean Zoology.

Read: Richard Freeman on ‘Welsh Dragons’ »

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