Archive for the “Strange South Radio”

Bigfoot Is Not The Only Strange Thing In The South

Posted by: DatusPerry on August 24th, 2016

Veteran researchers Monica Rawlins and Shelly Covington-Montana join Clint and Ok Talk in studio to discuss their latest research, upcoming excursions, and their latest venture. In the process, their heavy, Don, shares a story about being invited to leave the woods. Toss in some talk about various other paranormal phenomenon, including a scantily clad woman and a vanishing man, and you have the makings of a howling good time.

Read: Bigfoot Is Not The Only Strange Thing In The South »

Strange South Radio: Arkansas Bigfoot Encounter

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 19th, 2016

Tonight Matt Romain joins us and tells us of his Bigfoot enounters in the state of Arkansas, not far from the Arkansas Cedar Cabins – a secluded spot in the mountains of central Arkansas. We are very excited to share Matt’s story and we hope you will join us!

Read: Strange South Radio: Arkansas Bigfoot Encounter »

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