One Race, Many “Reservations”

Posted by: Kirk Sigurdson on May 15th, 2014

In the eyes of Native Americans that I grew up with in rural Oregon, we are all living on a reservation of sorts, even though the psychological borders and fences tend to escape our attention. If we can’t see the forest for the trees, how are we supposed to see the prison for the bars?

A willingness to assess our lot in life can involve more than our personal wants and needs; it can involve more than even the needs of our race or our planet. The entire matrix of our shared sense reality is worth examining and evaluating.

The Late Russell Means’ video “Welcome to the Reservation”

We all leave literal, and symbolic, footprints on earth. Are yours helping the planet to be a better place?

As Russell Means says, “The Reservation” isn’t necessarily a physical locale. It’s also psychological.

Any time the mass media, academia, or governments try really hard to convince you to think a certain way, especially when it involves sacrificing your personal freedoms, it’s worth being suspicious. Most people have the ability to think for themselves.

Exercising this ability is true freedom. When the mass media, Hollywood, the world’s most powerful governments, and academia all agree that a policy or concept is vital and requires radical changes to implement, be VERY suspicious.

Read the rest of the article on my website here.


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Kirk Sigurdson About Kirk Sigurdson
Kirk Edward Sigurdson attended New York University, where he earned a Master's degree in English literature. His master's thesis entitled "A Gothic Approach to HP Lovecraft's Sense of Outsideness" was published in Lovecraft Studies Journal. After writing three novels while living in Manhattan's East Village, Sigurdson returned to his native state of Oregon. It wasn’t long before he began work on a fresh new novel that drew upon his knowledge of the sasquatch phenomenon. As research, he ventured dozens of times into sasquatch "hot spots" for overnighters, often with friends who shared some very unique experiences. He also drew upon childhood exposure to sasquatch calls and knocking that occurred during family camping trips to Horseshoe Lake in the Cascades mountains. Kirk Sigurdson is currently a Professor of Writing and English literature at Portland Community College.

2 Responses to “One Race, Many “Reservations””

  1. Goodfoot responds:

    I’ve recommended this video to everyone I know. We miss you, Russell! “Americans are the new Indians”.


  2. Renovatio471 responds:

    my family lived near this guy (russel means) he destroyed any chance of the lakota reclaiming the black hills to me and my fmaily he is a idiot my grandfather was in washington dc meeting with the president and senate and congressional leaders when AIM took over the department of interior to get tax money off of tourist towns located in the black hills as some sort of reparation for the illegal seizure of lakota land after the take over all plans that would have benefitted the lakota people went down the drain
    he is a blight upon this land so i do not condone him being included in any sort of cryptozoological forums i have said my peace

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