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John Kirk on Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage Update

Posted by: John Kirk on June 30th, 2011

I am am excited and horrified that this is finally going to air. Excited because now it is possible that they will show the footage that Paul Leblond and I viewed and horrified because I see guns and explosions.

Read: John Kirk on Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage Update »

Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage To Air Next Month!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 29th, 2011


Cadborosaurus illustration by Daniel Loxton for Junior Skeptic Magazine.

Cryptomundian Redrose999 tipped me off to this shocking news!

Discovery is finally acknowledging the Alaskan Cadborosaurus video footage!

Watch the trailer for the show, containing snippets of the footage, here on Cryptomundo.

The Hillstrands Hunt for a Sea Monster

Alaskan Monster Hunt will premiere Tuesday, July 19, at 10 p.m. after a new episode of Deadliest Catch.

Read: Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage To Air Next Month! »

Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage Update

Posted by: John Kirk on May 20th, 2011

A call to arms for Cryptomundians. I suggest readers write to Discovery Channel and tell them to show as much of the footage as they have and to show the original enhancements made by the guy who shot the footage. Come on people get typing.

Read: Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage Update »

Update: Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage

Posted by: John Kirk on May 13th, 2011

One of your writers (staff) or perhaps it was a Guest-Writer Source,on your site said, Discovery Channel’s “The Deadlist Catch” would broadcast film on the existence of Cadborosauras on March 18, 2011. As, far as I know, this film hasn’t aired. Do you have any idea as to when it will be aired & why the delay?

I would think the News Media around the world, as well as, the scientific community would be anxious to show this new proof of the existence of a living,marine dinosaur.stickyum

What ever happend with the Alaskan CadborosaurusKevin Webb

what ever happened to the Alaskan Cadborosaurus that the Hillstrand’s were supposed to have a show about??Keith Williams

Caddy Footage!! Caddy Footage!! Caddy Footage!! Caddy Footage!! Caddy Footage!! We want some Caddy Footage!! Caddy Footage!! Caddy Footage!! We want some now! 😉Tim Ryan

Read: Update: Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage »

Update: Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage to Air in April 2011?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 14th, 2010

In response to my earlier post this morning, two Cryptomundians have tipped us off to the latest developments concerning the footage that everyone wants to see.

Confirmation that Alaskan Cadborosaurus footage will air on Hillstranded in April 2011?

Read: Update: Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage to Air in April 2011? »

Airing Of Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage Back On?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 14th, 2010

Now that the lawsuits have been resolved and production resumes, will the footage be aired soon?

Inquiring minds want to know…

Read: Airing Of Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage Back On? »

Update: Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage

Posted by: John Kirk on September 22nd, 2010

John Kirk weighs in with an update.

Read: Update: Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage »

Airing Of Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage On Hold?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 22nd, 2010

I know that Cryptomundians are waiting with “baited” breath for word on when and where this much discussed footage will be shown.

John Kirk offered here on Cryptomundo that the footage was to air on the Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch.

Is that now in jeopardy with this latest news?

Read: Airing Of Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage On Hold? »

More Thoughts on Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage

Posted by: John Kirk on August 19th, 2010

Having read the comments on my earlier post regarding purported Cadborosaurus footage from Nushagak Bay, Alaska, I wish to address and clarify some of the points raised by readers of Cryptomundo.

Read: More Thoughts on Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage »

15 Cadborosauruses? Maybe a few less.

Posted by: John Kirk on August 16th, 2010

My erstwhile colleague Loren Coleman posted about the television program that is said to contain footage of 15 Cadborosauruses. This was in response to comments about the footage made by my good friend and colleague Jason Walton.

So as to clarify things and end speculation, allow me to tell the readership about this footage. I have seen it and examined it repeatedly for three hours in May last year and am satisfied that what is in the footage is not a known animal.

Read: 15 Cadborosauruses? Maybe a few less. »

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