Legends of Mysterious Slant-Eyed Giants
Posted by: KryptoKelly on February 25th, 2013
From Mysterious Universe:
Traveling west out of Asheville, North Carolina and crossing the border into Jackson County, one can trace the Caney Fork River along toward the little Tuckasegee community, following NC Highway 107 heading out of the nearby campus town of Cullowhee. There, off a gravel road running between two pastures, is one of the most underrated–and often overlooked–wonders anywhere in the Eastern United States.
Known today as “Judaculla Rock”, the strange stone mound protrudes from the earth just as it did centuries ago, much earlier even than the Cherokee Indians had begun to inhabit the region. According to most estimates by geologists, the stone’s markings date back as much as 3000 years, though on Raleigh-based group a number of years ago supposed that some of the petroglyphs covering the boulder could be twice as old as previous estimates, if not more.
Of all the curious symbols that appear along the stone’s surface, one particular image stands out among the rest, resembling vaguely a hand-like imprint. According to legend, this portion of the stone marks the place where an ancient Cherokee god of the hunt, known as “Tsul’Kalu’,” had leaped from a nearby mountain, and landing within the valley below, had steadied himself against what is now Judaculla Rock. This is, in fact, merely one of several legends regarding Tsul’Kalu’ that still exist, many of which have some fairly remarkable tie-ins with mysterious discoveries of “giants” alleged to have existed in the ancient Americas.
What got me thinking about this initially was a recent interview with researcher Mike Mott, where he discussed repeated allegations that the Smithsonian Institute has engaged in cover-ups regarding anomalous discoveries in the Americas. In at least a few instances, these involved the bones of what appeared to be “giant” bodies recovered from a number of burial mounds throughout the Eastern United States. While many such discoveries have been reported, and were even discussed in the reports of the Smithsonian’s Ethnology Bureau throughout the late 1890s, it seems very strange that such information nonetheless seems to have simply “vanished” from record after that period. Conventional modern explanations claim that soil displacement and erosion had caused the bones of normal-sized bodies to move over time; however, it seems odd that trained scientists with the Smithsonian Institute would have been responsible for such faulty judgement in the official reports they had given, even if it had been more than 100 years ago.
Read the rest of Micah Hanks’ story here: Gods of the Hunt: Legends of Mysterious Slant-Eyed Giants
One needs to keep firmly in mind that the scientists of the 19th century operated in a very different world than those of today, and that many, if not all, the reports of “giant” skeletons found in mounds originated from excavations that were not conducted by scientists or archaeologists as we would recognize today. Unfortunately, much of what was excavated from 19th century mounds are lost, especially the human remains, so these reports are not verifiable. I chalk most of them up to the desire to tell a good story; although some of them may be tied into attempts to deny Native American origins to mounds.
Hi KryptoKelly,
I use cryptokellie. The Kellie being my beloved – now departed – golden retriever Kellie. She once alerted me the only “Chupacabra” I ever saw…a mangy fox.
Very strange looking but, a mangy fox all the same.
Dear Lord, not the Smithsonian cover-up again. What possible motive could be behind such an action?
cryptokellie: a red fox, I’d assume. I saw a many one myself, quite a shocking sight, as it was within a fenced federal location (or formerly so). The more surprising thing is that the mange makes them look HUGE.
And we need to start saying, “ChupacabraS”; I don’t know how or why that got corrupted.
MattB: Orders from above. That’s the way DC works. Who? I can throw out alphabet soup, but it’s impossible to say from whom.
Absolutely. It’s a well-known fact that the last 4 presidents have been sasquatch who used Nair to disguise themselves.
By the way, is the “hand print” supposed to be in that picture? I don’t see it. The most prominent images to me are the stick figures with either wild hair, antennae, or some kind of starburst haloes.
Cryptokellie~ I also have a golden/lab mix, Buttercup. She’s sweet. She’s 10 years old with the most amazing temperament. She gets spoiled a lot these days as we don’t know how much time we have with her …hips etc. But she’s the best dog we’ve ever had the pleasure of owning. Nowadays foxes and coyotes don’t faze her much anymore. But she’s a good girl, so loyal and happy. Sorry about the name, if you wish I will change it. No hard feelings you had it first, let me know. 🙂