Bigfoot in Puerto Rico?
Posted by: Nick Redfern on November 18th, 2013
There’s another new Mysterious Universe article from me, this one on the controversial issue of Bigfoot in none other than Puerto Rico. It begins…
“On what is now more than a few occasions, I have traveled to Puerto Rico, in hot pursuit of a wide and varied body of mysteries – most of which have had at least some sort of connection to the controversy surrounding the island’s resident blood-sucking nightmare, the Chupacabras. Indeed, when it comes to the matter of strange creatures roaming around the many wild and forested areas of Puerto Rico, it’s the Chupacabras that automatically springs to mind.
“It’s a little known fact, however, that the Chupacabras is not the only weird beast rumored to haunt the island of Puerto Rico. Although certainly not on every occasion, but on at least two excursions to the island, I have uncovered fragmentary reports and accounts of encounters with what can only be described as Bigfoot-style creatures, as amazing as it may sound. And, without doubt, the most fascinating body of data on this curious issue surfaced in August of this year, when I was on the island – again – to chase down the Chupacabras.”
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.
Yeah, I lived there for three years and studied in depth the many legends of chupacabras, moca vampire, and other strange creatures. I talked with locals. The Comecogollos is a bipedal primate similar to Bigfoot that destroys the guinea (a small, sweet banana) crops. But this creature isn’t described as being of gigantic stature like Biggy. A lot of reports, of course, come out of the El Yunque area.
Was there ever a land bridge to Puerto Rico? Since the emergence of hominids, I mean…