Archive for “March, 2006”

Bili Ape Discoverer Rebuilds Life

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 9th, 2006

There have been a series of recent developments to our earlier story about Shelly Williams, the world-renowned primatologist credited with gathering convincing evidence of a new species of great ape, the Bili Ape. She was shot in the back on November 7, 2005 and paralyzed from the waist down, when a stray bullet from a […]

Read: Bili Ape Discoverer Rebuilds Life »

Bigfoot Mascots and Lady Yetis?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 9th, 2006

Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma is looking for a new school mascot. According to the Tahlequah Daily Press, a student project to come up with a new school mascot has landed on the NSU Bigfoots. Just last week I mentioned here on Cryptomundo the article from the same newspaper regarding the reports of Bigfoot […]

Read: Bigfoot Mascots and Lady Yetis? »

Yeti Crab

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 8th, 2006

I happen to have been away for almost three days, and what do you know, new animal discoveries keep being announced at a rapid rate. I’ve been traveling in California, filing postings early, and dealing with some interesting future projects. Nevertheless, I saw all the news of a new critter that has been called the […]

Read: Yeti Crab »

Big Fish Story or The One That Got Away?

Posted by: John Kirk on March 7th, 2006

George Josef was one the best stunt men in the business. He was based out of West Vancouver in British Columbia and you have seen him in plenty of movies and TV series where he has doubled for a ton of celebrities. George passed away from liver cancer in January last year and a few months […]

Read: Big Fish Story or The One That Got Away? »

Mystery Cast Quiz Answer

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 7th, 2006

The mystery cast maker is allegedly the so-called Bili or Bondo Ape from the Congo area of Africa. This cast is from the incredible work of Karl Ammann.

Read: Mystery Cast Quiz Answer »

Monckton’s Gazeka

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 6th, 2006

What kind of animal do you think Monckton’s Gazeka might have been or is? Any ideas? The Gazeka, a drawing by Marc Dupont, via Forge 1983. From Jamaica’s Kingston Gleaner, here’s the interesting report published on June 27, 1910: STRANGE RACE DWELLERS OF A MOUNTAIN [excerpt] Not the least of the wonders discovered is a […]

Read: Monckton’s Gazeka »

The Ray Wallace Debate – Part IV

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 6th, 2006

How can anyone not see that, indeed, Ray Wallace and/or his associates did use the carved wooden tools, such as this left foot fake (seen here on the right) in the series from Blue Creek Mountain, 1967 (one example track is shown here)? Blue Creek Mountain is near Bluff Creek, California, of course. The divisive […]

Read: The Ray Wallace Debate – Part IV »

Elephant or Lake Monster? What Do You Think?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 6th, 2006

Is this the picture that Cryptomundo readers referenced in Loren’s post Nessie as Elephant Theory Shortsighted? I had found this photo on the internet several months ago. I’m not sure if the details about it are correct, but I will include them here: The photo was taken from a plane in Mexico back in 1956. […]

Read: Elephant or Lake Monster? What Do You Think? »

Nessie as Elephant Theory Shortsighted

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 5th, 2006

Scotland’s Sunday Mail of March 5, 2006, has published an article by George Mair entitled “Nessie the Elephant.” Palaeontologist Dr Neil Clark thinks the Nessie myth is “a magnificent piece of marketing” thought up by a 1930s circus boss. Dr Clark says unexplained photos of Nessie could be of the trunk, head and back of […]

Read: Nessie as Elephant Theory Shortsighted »

Save Barnum’s Pygmy Elephant

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 5th, 2006

UPDATE: Unfortunately, this elephant has been sold into a private (not a cryptozoological) collection. I will leave the following here, for historical reasons. Would you like to help save a national treasure within the cryptozoological and zoological community? Could we get a group of people together to preserve this item? It has come to my […]

Read: Save Barnum’s Pygmy Elephant »

FGBF: First Look at Cover

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 4th, 2006

Here’s a first look at the cover of The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates, due out at the end of March 2006.

Read: FGBF: First Look at Cover »

Mystery Cast Quiz

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 4th, 2006

Okay, time for a cryptozoological quiz. What animal made the track from which this cast was made? This is a photograph of a mystery cast in which I know the answer to my inquiry. But I thought you all might like to test your CZ IQ. Post your guess for what cryptid is credited with […]

Read: Mystery Cast Quiz »

Biscardi’s Latest Wherabouts

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 4th, 2006

2 weeks ago, I reported here that Tom Biscardi and company were in the Honobia, OK area. Photos from his "visit" there are posted on his website. Looks like he even met up with some folks in the Paris, TX area. Some of those casts in the Paris photos look awfully familiar. Hmmm…I wonder…Well, maybe […]

Read: Biscardi’s Latest Wherabouts »

New Roach and Palm

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 4th, 2006

Nothing overtly cryptozoological about these tidbits, but I thought I would pass along new evidence that the nature world, in general, is full of surprises, beyond brown sharks. Here’s a couple items about two new species – one a roach and the other a palm tree. In Practical Fishkeeping, the essence of the news is […]

Read: New Roach and Palm »

Brown Shark Discovered

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 3rd, 2006

David Pescovitz over at Boing Boing has the latest on a new shark find. The new brown shark species ( Mustelus hacat) was "discovered in Mexico’s Sea of Cortez. Postgraduate student Juan Carlos Perez noticed the 5-foot long, dark gray-brown animals in 2003 while on a fishing boat studying sharks, but only recently confirmed via […]

Read: Brown Shark Discovered »

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