Archive for “August, 2006”

Any New Tappie Sightings?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 8th, 2006

Has the manatee reached Poughkeepsie yet? The Amherst Times reported on August 8: Eleven years ago today, The Times ran a little piece about a male manatee who decided, for reasons unknown, to swim up the East River. Now, the manatee nation appears to have sent another emissary northward, though the sex of this one […]

Read: Any New Tappie Sightings? »

“A Species Odyssey”

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 8th, 2006

Click image for full-size version. The Johor Hominid photos are the plates from the volume L’Odyssee de l’espece, which is the companion book that accompanies the TV documentary “L’Odyssee de l’espece,” first released in French in 2001. Quite amazingly, by coincidence, the English-language version of this series – “A Species Odyssey” – is being broadcast […]

Read: “A Species Odyssey” »

Canadian Cryptid Cops Part I

Posted by: John Kirk on August 8th, 2006

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has a reputation for always getting their man – with one exception. A member once tracked a criminal to Hawaii, but fell in love with the place, so much so that he never came back. There is no other police force that has had to deal with more cryptids […]

Read: Canadian Cryptid Cops Part I »

New Claim: More Johor Photographs

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 8th, 2006

Are there more “unique” photographs like this one waiting in the wings in Johor? If you thought this was the last you had heard from the Malaysian investigators about a book and Johor Hominid photographs, you were badly mistaken. Sean Ang has emailed on Tuesday, August 8, 2006, at 6:19 am my time, to write […]

Read: New Claim: More Johor Photographs »

Update: Pine Ridge Shooting & Timeline

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 7th, 2006

Was Chiye-tanka killed at Slim Buttes? From speaking with people in the midst of the Pine Ridge situation, it appears clear that placing a rumor out there that a Bigfoot had been killed may have been someone’s idea of a joke. People there feel it is false. I was told overnight, for example: “This is […]

Read: Update: Pine Ridge Shooting & Timeline »

Bigfoot Leg or The Leg of Unknown Origin?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 7th, 2006

Does Biscardi have more Bigfoot body parts than just "The Hand of Unknown Origin"? He has told people that he has uncovered a leg, and is working with others to uncover the rest of the body, supposedly killed and buried on a reservation in Montana. This body, according to Biscardi, has been difficult to recover […]

Read: Bigfoot Leg or The Leg of Unknown Origin? »

Rumor: Bigfoot Shot At Pine Ridge

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 6th, 2006

Did some kill a Bigfoot in the land of the Lakota? One of the reasons I don’t like forums is that their unnamed sources serve as excellent avenues for people to start rumors and not take any responsibility for them. Nevertheless, even though the early reaction to the one I am going to mention is […]

Read: Rumor: Bigfoot Shot At Pine Ridge »

Sunday Editorial Cartoon: The Real Hoaxer?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 6th, 2006

Sunday CryptoCommentary by Peter Loh For more of Peter Loh’s cartoons, please see: "Chow’s Book’s Foreword," "Be Patient," "Alamak," "Real McCoys," "Baw," and "Listen Chow.

Read: Sunday Editorial Cartoon: The Real Hoaxer? »

Exclusive: Pine Ridge Bigfoot Road Encounter

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 6th, 2006

Recent sightings of Bigfoot have again occurred at the Oglala Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The weekend has been busy for police, due to the Oglala Nation Pow-Wow, which ends today, Sunday, August 6, 2006. Bigfoot activity has been relatively calmer than last weekend, but, nevertheless, now comes word of a report this […]

Read: Exclusive: Pine Ridge Bigfoot Road Encounter »

Coatis Galore: 1898 to Present

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 6th, 2006

Modesto Daily Evening News Modesto, California March 4, 1898 A Strange Animal. One evening this week A. J. Woodson, who lives near Hill’s Ferry, discovered a strange animal in a tree near his place and after quite a lot of trouble succeeded in capturing it. The animal is about the size of an ordinary house […]

Read: Coatis Galore: 1898 to Present »

Bigfoot in Compliance

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 5th, 2006

Back in May, I detailed a local, and legal, brouhaha concerning a Bigfoot statue here on Cryptomundo. Well, he’s back in the news.  JUAN GARCIA/DMN The 6-foot-8 statue is Texas Dollar Pawn’s mascot, say manager Brian Foust (right) and owner Mel Foust, and they were willing to move it so it could stay at the […]

Read: Bigfoot in Compliance »

Revisionist History: “johor hominid”

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 5th, 2006

The source of those sexy "Johor Hominid" eyes was actually a color photograph found in a book on a television documentary about Australopithecus. The discovery of this hoax was by Jean luc Drevillon, who lives on Lafayette in Toulon, France. He emailed his results concurrently to Vincent Chow and to me at 3:25 am, Friday, […]

Read: Revisionist History: “johor hominid” »

Retiring “Johor Hominid”

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 4th, 2006

Sometimes people back themselves into corners. I think this happened with Vincent Chow, who became, it seems at this stage of the game, a victim of his own desires and hopes for the reality of the Johor Hominid pictures. As I said often, if we had the photographs, this matter could be resolved, perhaps, quickly. […]

Read: Retiring “Johor Hominid” »

More Johor Fallout: Peter Loh Reacts

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 4th, 2006

Artist Peter Loh, who was there from the first, to hear of the leaked info on the photographs, puts pen to paper to record his editorial feelings for Cryptomundo about this sad outcome. For a complete rundown on all the other August 4th breaking news on the "Johor Hominid" hoax discovery, please also see: Johor […]

Read: More Johor Fallout: Peter Loh Reacts »

Johor Pix Hoax: More

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 4th, 2006

The book above is the source of the recreations that were photographed, and then scanned, taken out of context, or otherwise shown to Vincent Chow as evidence of the “Johor Hominid.” We all know now it was an elaborate hoax, with a society created, some guardians, and eventually a website supporting this misinformation. This discovery […]

Read: Johor Pix Hoax: More »

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