Archive for “December, 2007”

Cryptozoology in the Medieval World

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 1st, 2007

I have been in New York City for two days, but I have left various items to be posted in my absence, as you have been seeing. I could not be away without, at least, leaving an intellectual contribution to be posted at the start time of my talk at the American Museum of Natural […]

Read: Cryptozoology in the Medieval World »

Josh Gates Finds Yeti Prints Near Everest

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 1st, 2007

TV host Josh Gates displays a sample showing what appears to be a footprint found in Nepal’s Khumbu region, where Mount Everest is located. The tracks will be analyzed as part of an investigation into tales about the legendary mountain Yeti, Gates told reporters in Katmandu on Friday. [This is the caption from Gopal Chitrakar/Reuters, […]

Read: Josh Gates Finds Yeti Prints Near Everest »

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