The British Bigfoot Returns

Posted by: Guy Edwards on November 21st, 2012

Bigfoot Lunch Club

The Kentish Apeman a/k/a The British Bigfoot triggers a 70 year-old memory

News from Britain has been reporting a return of a Bigfoot-like cryptid. Locals call it the Kentish Apeman, and have recently spotted it in Tunbridge Wells Common. This is the exact place it was spotted 70 years ago.

The beast is describes as hairy, eight-foot tall, with red demonic eyes.

According to the paper, Tunbridge Wells People, “Other sightings have claimed the monster has also been on the prowl in Darftord and Blue Bell Hill, near Maidstone”. Early this year we reported on another alleged British Bigfoot trackway find in Cotswolds.

You can read more details from the Kent News article at Bigfoot Lunch Club.

Guy Edwards About Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event

2 Responses to “The British Bigfoot Returns”

  1. deathstar666 responds:

    This story is somewhat overblown after a small snippet appeared on the CFZ site a while back regarding a really old alleged sighting in Kentish woodland. Somehow the tabloids have gone crazy with this, but all details are inaccurate. The area in question could never harbour any escaped/out of place animal let alone a ‘monster.’ Such ‘apparitions’ in the UK are either hoax, misidentification or possibly have some deep connection to the witness, but there are no flesh and blood apemen roaming the UK!

  2. marcodufour responds:

    Blubell hill right near Chatham and Maidstone in Kent (my family are from there) has a very long history of strange hauntings, a girl who appears to suddenly appear in front of cars which hit her, but when the occupants try and find her she is nowhere to be seen (she apparently is like the ghost of Miss Haversham, i.e. a disgruntled bride left at the altar).

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