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Rare Gulf Goblin Shark

Posted by: Scott Mardis on May 11th, 2014

A specimen of the rare Goblin Shark (Mitsukirina owstoni) was caught April 19th off of Key West, Florida. So far, this is only the second one of its kind caught in the Gulf. Always rare, they are more common off Japan.

Read: Rare Gulf Goblin Shark »

80th Anniversary of the Surgeon’s Photograph

Posted by: Scott Mardis on April 21st, 2014

April 21, 1934 was the day that the most famous alleged photo of the Loch Ness Monster, the “Surgeon’s Photo”, was unleashed upon the world by the news media, creating a sensation that continues down to the present day.

Read: 80th Anniversary of the Surgeon’s Photograph »

Of Prehistoric Eels and Lake Monsters

Posted by: Scott Mardis on April 4th, 2014


When the paleontology community has pooh-poohed the idea of relict plesiosaurs being responsible for the identity of various sea and lake “monsters” in different places around the world, some researchers have embraced the simpler theory that these hypothetical animals may be giant eels.

Read: Of Prehistoric Eels and Lake Monsters »

DNA Confirms Loch Ness Monster Identity

Posted by: Scott Mardis on April 1st, 2014

In stunning news that not only confirms the existence of the long-sought after Nessie but also the existence of life on other planets, Pharmaceutical giant Dopemol announced today that they had isolated a DNA sequence from a photograph using advanced laser scanning technology that confirmed that the so-called Loch Ness Monster was in fact a Giant Squid (Gigantoteuthis mobiggius) from Jupiter’s moon Europa.

Read: DNA Confirms Loch Ness Monster Identity »

Garry Liimatta’s “Sea Monster” Eyewitness Sketch

Posted by: Scott Mardis on March 18th, 2014


Recently on Cryptomundo, attention was brought to the alleged “sea monster” 8mm film taken by the late Garry Liimatta (1944-2012) in May 1969 off of Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada.

Whatever it was, it appears to have been relatively large. Liimatta described a large turtle-like animal with an 8 foot long neck. Little known is that he also made an eyewitness sketch.

Read: Garry Liimatta’s “Sea Monster” Eyewitness Sketch »

Prehistoric Survivor Paradigm Under Fire?

Posted by: Scott Mardis on March 14th, 2014

We must remember that the best case for most cryptids at this point in time is based on ambiguous, circumstantial evidence and any possible connections to extinct animals are tenuous at best. Assuming the bulk of descriptive and photographic evidence might be correct and bear some resemblance to a known fossil form, we should not overlook the remarkable phenomenon of convergent evolution. It’s within the realm of possibility that some recently evolved animal, unknown to us in fossil form, has developed features similar to some well known extinct forms.

Read: Prehistoric Survivor Paradigm Under Fire? »

Plesiosaur Peril and the Prehistoric Survivor Paradigm

Posted by: Scott Mardis on March 11th, 2014


Vertebrate paleontologist Darren Naish has posted a wonderful article on the probable behavior and lifestyles of plesiosaurs at his Scientific American blog, Tetrapod Zoology. This is obviously of interest to those in cryptozoology with questions regarding what we know about real plesiosaurs versus speculation about “long necked sea monsters”. Dr. Naish himself does not endorse the “relict plesiosaur” theory but is open minded to the giant long necked seal idea.

Read: Plesiosaur Peril and the Prehistoric Survivor Paradigm »

Carl Sagan and the Loch Ness “Monsters”

Posted by: Scott Mardis on March 10th, 2014


“The most famous photograph has now been shown to be a fake, but could there be an unknown mammal or even reptile of large dimension swimming in a Scottish lake? Sure there could. That we don’t know about? Sure there could. Who say’s no?”

Read: Carl Sagan and the Loch Ness “Monsters” »

Zuiyo Maru Carcass Comes to Life

Posted by: Scott Mardis on March 7th, 2014

London artist John Conway recently painted a hypothetical reconstruction of what the infamous Zuiyo Maru carcass (found off New Zealand in 1977) might have looked like in life, assuming the carcass as found was an accurate representation of the living animal.

zuiyo maru

Read: Zuiyo Maru Carcass Comes to Life »

A Look Back at the 1962 Pensacola Florida Sea Serpent Incident

Posted by: Scott Mardis on February 21st, 2014

The May 1965 issue of FATE magazine featured the story “My Escape from a Sea Monster”, written by one Edward Brian McCleary. This was his supposedly true eyewitness account of himself and 4 friends being attacked by a “sea monster” of some sort off the coast of Pensacola, Florida on March 24, 1962. His four friends were allegedly either killed by this thing or drowned, McCleary being the only survivor.

Part 3

Read: A Look Back at the 1962 Pensacola Florida Sea Serpent Incident »

A Look Back at the 1962 Pensacola Florida Sea Serpent Incident

Posted by: Scott Mardis on February 20th, 2014

The May 1965 issue of FATE magazine featured the story “My Escape from a Sea Monster”, written by one Edward Brian McCleary. This was his supposedly true eyewitness account of himself and 4 friends being attacked by a “sea monster” of some sort off the coast of Pensacola, Florida on March 24, 1962. His four friends were allegedly either killed by this thing or drowned, McCleary being the only survivor.

Part 2

Read: A Look Back at the 1962 Pensacola Florida Sea Serpent Incident »

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