Alaskan Monster Hunt: The Lost Footage
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 14th, 2014
On Tuesday, July 15th at 2 PM EST Discovery is re-airng the Hillstranded Cadbosaurus show as a two part special and calling it Alaskan Monster Hunt: The Lost Footage.
Is this going to contain the lost footage that John Kirk talked about previously here on Cryptomundo?
Has the lost footage been found?
Tuesday, July 15 at 2 PM ET/PT Part I
Tuesday, July 15 at 3 PM ET/PT Part II
With added facts, tweets, and bonus scenes – The Hillstrand brothers are out to catch a monster in the Alaskan wilderness in this “Lost Footage” extended special.
Alaskan Monster Hunt: Mystery Animal Expert
Johnathan and Andy meet with cryptozoologist Paul Leblond who shares his research about the creature known as Cadborosaurus.
Alaskan Monster Hunt: Sea Monster Witness
The Hillstrand’s adventure begins when an eyewitness shares stunning video evidence of a mysterious Alaskan sea monster.
In addition you can see Andy and Johnathan Hillstrand building a monster trap.
#DiscoveryChannel #AlaskanMonsterHunt #Hillstranded
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
It’s seriously like Lucy and Charlie Brown’s football. I WILL NOT
WATCH this – I don’t care how many teasers and hints that the full footage will be shown.
That was the lamest, sophomoric piece of garbage television I’ve ever endured. Nothing could induce me to tune in, hoping for the full footage. I don’t doubt that John Kirk viewed more than was shown, but this program will not show it.
It’s seriously like Lucy and Charlie Brown’s football. I WILL NOT
WATCH this – I don’t care how many teasers and hints that the full footage will be shown.
That was the lamest, most sophomoric piece of garbage television I’ve ever endured. Nothing could induce me to tune in, hoping for the full footage. I don’t doubt that John Kirk viewed more than was shown, but this program will not show it.
If there is “lost footage”…I hope it is not more of the small whales that were filmed passing through the channel. I have to feel that if there actually was clear footage of an unknown marine animal, there would have been a much greater and more prestigious venue than the
“Alaskan Monster Hunt/Hillstrand Comedy Show”.
Ok, call me a masochist, but I’d quite like to see this.
How would I go about watching this online (from the UK)?
You mean the first episode with the Hillstrand Brothers was a Mockumentary? Whaaaaa? lol ;p
The fact that they kept showing those few seconds of video means they have the longer version and for some unknown reason they’re withholding it. This isn’t an accident. This is deliberate. Someone at the Discover Channel is actually intentionally concealing evidence of a cryptid. They could make a fortune off the footage, and instead they’re hiding it for no apparent reason.