Bigfoot Hunted By Helicopter?
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 15th, 2011
Uploaded to youtube on February 17, 2011 was the following video.
Below are the comments from the person who uploaded the video to youtube.
My husband and I took our kids target shooting. A helicopter was over our heads the entire time annoying us. We thought at first they were curious of why and what we were shooting. Later when we watched the video we noticed something that looked like bigfoot running in the trees. We assume now the helicopter was hunting the bigfoot. Scary!MegaFrightful
What do the Cryptomundians think of this one?
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
That was rather interesting. Note how the figure doesn’t take off until the louder report of the shotgun. It will be informative to see more analysis of this video and its location. Probably too low-res/too far off to make anything of it though.
To me it looked like the guy in the baseball cap turned and looked right at the figure when it started running, and watched it without saying anything.
Pretty interesting video. When I re-watched it i realized that the mystery in the background had been crouched in the same spot the entire time and only really seemed to move when it was startled by the rifle fire. It then just ran a bit to the right and seemed to try to hide again. Don’t know why a person out in the middle of nowhere by themselves would do something like that.
Human. Episode of COPS.
It looks suspiciously like a human.
My initial response is that your choice of headlines in this article and the Tsunami cryptid article are misleading.
There is no reason to assume the helicopter is hunting anything, human, bigfoot, wolf, or whatever.
It seems to me you’re trying to drive traffic by being sensationalistic.
That said, the figure running looks human to me. It just doesn’t scream bigfoot.
Very interesting video. But, there are a couple of things that bother me.
1. The man is looking that way and may be looking at the other boy in the video. Why didn’t he notice?
2. As soon as the figure moved I noticed it right off. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they may have been focused on the boys and the cups being used as targets. I was focused on any movement in the trees.
Still, that is a pretty rapid response to the gun blast.
Someone had to notice.
IMO, that looks pretty big for how far away it is.
I paused it a couple times and the leg stride looks pretty long also for being that far away.
At the end, it looks like gorilla the way it has its arms out in front of it.
Unfortunately it looks too contrived and even staged. The camera person seems to be waiting for something or even looking for something in the way the they are moving the camera and yet zooming in and out trying to give the appearance that they are oblivious to the subject. But then the camera slightly moves to the right as the subject moves across the field of view and then suddenly zooms into the target bottle when the camera person realizes the subject is out of view. It just smells too much like a hoax to me. Besides, its too obscure and far away to be relagated to anything more than a candidate for the “blobsquatch” box and not worthy serious inquiry or scientific scrutiny. Another waste of time!
I agree with the human theory. The figure seemed to be really skinny and ran like a human. If you recall the Patterson-Gilmin we see how the creature moves as it is not human. If it ran I believe it would be more hunched over possibly with it’s arms lower. Also you can actually make out hair on the face of the creature. But the rest of the body is fairly slim and disproportional to its head.
My choice of headlines for this post were the title of the video as it is posted on youtube by the person who uploaded it there, followed by a question mark.
I then asked, “What do the Cryptomundians think of this one?”
If you construe that as misleading and sensationalistic, I think you are reading far more into the post that I do.
At 0:46 you can see that the figure stays perched on a big rock, still watching at the family.
Interesting; although the name of the Youtube user that posted this clip (Megafrightful?) does not inspire a lot of confidence.
The father covers his ears on the second shot with the .22 but doesn’t with the shotgun? That’s some bad acting right there.
Even though I feel that this is fake. I do want to say that not all Napes are extremely stocky. The younger ones are long and lanky. They get their bulk as they get into their older years. A lot of people who have witnessed Napes describe them in all shapes and sizes. I have even read about a woman on a horse who was taking her horse on a ride through the countryside, and all of a sudden the horse whoa, and crouched on a floor she said there was a Nape. And then it rose up and she said she was looking at the Nape at eye level. But the part of the story that got me was that she said that the creature looked apish, and extremely lanky. So they are a lot of them that are lanky. My theory is that the ones that hit their teenage years (whatever method we end up using to measure there age), are the ones that are lanky. But it just could be the genetics amongst themselves.
My gut says “nice Try.”
Seriously though; good concept with the gunshots spooking the “bigfoot”, but next time leave ballcap guy out of the frame. Like MountDesertIslander pointed out he looked like the kid was going to touch off some artillery when he’s shooting a .22, then ‘telegraphs’ the position of “bigfoot” twice.
Like so much film; its chances of being taken seriously have been ruined by bad acting : )
My gut says what Mahalo X’s does. Maybe.
I mean, I can’t see enough detail to figure out what that is. But a lot of the screaming FAKE markers don’t seem to be in this one.
Although the ‘backstory’ seems kind of odd for somebody who just caught a bigfoot on film. “Scary!” ?!?!?!
Ahd yes, it seems kind of odd that the guy seems to be looking in that direction and shows no sign of catching that movement at all.
Ah well. Another fun day in Film Analysis 101…
I read all of the comments, then watched the video again. It appears that the .22 was the decoy and that the shotgun was the actual trigger for the “figure” to spring into action.
Good observation that the father plugged his ears for the .22 shots but did not for the shotgun AND he watched the “figure” running!
I say FAKE, but Fun! 🙂
Upon the first viewing it does look quite compelling, but after multiple viewing many questions arise. Most of them center around “the man in the hat”.
First, is is extremely suspicious that he covered his ears both times when the .22 was shot but didn’t when the shotgun was fired. Anyone that has been around guns knows that a .22 barely makes a noise. It is like he just got a bit too excited for “show time: and forgot he was supposed to cover his ears.
Secondly, he does look in that area a lot before and after the figure takes off running. He could be looking at the daughter who is standing in that general area. But if that is the case, why is he looking at her so much and never at the woman with the camera. He seems to look in that area more than at the kid firing the gun.
Also, his clapping is very odd. The kid is a terrible shot. He missed a bottle for a few years away with a shotgun which is hard to do. Instead of instructing him on better form he just standard there clapping in a non-excited matter. Like he was acting. Plus he is barely looking at the kid while he is shooting. Instead he is looking in the direction of the creatures.
It is very odd indeed.
The reasoning used for dismissing this video as a hoax is less believable than the assumption that it shows a Bigfoot.
So take it easy all you naysayers out there!
In my opinion, it should be submitted to a kinesiologist for comments.
Seems to me that if you were gonna do a fake bigfoot video where people don’t see it running in background, that you’d have the people with their backs to the creature. One guy’s back IS to the creature but the main guy is angled right toward it. I find this odd if it is a hoax.
It would be interesting to see this footage blown up. Anyone on it?
i wonder if this location is the same location as the Family of Bigfoot in Utah (kids sledding) video. It looks similar. And the guy in the cap IS looking in the direction of the figure, especially once it bolts…how does he not see it (and the woman recording it)??
I smell h-o-a-x.
I agree with Dick. Not all videos brought forward is an oblivious attempt to hoax the public. SOME are simply concentrating on the subject they were recording, NOT the one we want to see. Agreed that seldom is a Bigfoot shown running, nor are they thought of as a body shape unlike Patty, BUT that doesn’t mean they can’t run or be shorter than the 7 ft standard. This doesn’t look like a hoax by the recording party. It is much too short and non-descript to be any kind of attention getter for those taping. But, if that is a guy in a monkey suit up there, I’d venture to say that Patty would be more intelligent around people with guns. There IS money to be made in bagging a sample, sad to say.
I think of you are seriously over-analyzing this, and have fallen prey to the internet syndrome of “everything is fake.” This has the same exact feel as dozens of videos my wife and I have taken of our kids; no practice, the camera operator having the loudest voice by far, amateurish camera movements. As to the figure, it seems very, very large.
As for the father looking away, he seems to me to be looking at the helicopter or his other son. To me, it feels like a genuine family video, that just happened to capture the movement of a very large bipedal…something, with one hell of a long, agile and powerful stride. Really, that’s all that can be said, as there is simply not enough clarity or information to classify what is seen with any greater specificity.
For scale, I use the rounded tree seen over the heads of the shooters. It’s large enough to leave a very visible area beneath it that is free of snow. I estimate it is 12 ti 15 feet tall. The “runner” is much further away and at least 1/2, perhaps more of that height. I don’t see fake at all….just a real video with a very interesting unplanned event.
Any decent parent claps for his kids no matter how bad a shot they are. perhaps even if they are a really terrible shot. One of my sons was so frightened of guns that I clapped just that he would hold one and shoot the thing in a direction pointing away from me. It took 2 years before he could calm down enough to hit a target, but I clapped every time he tried. I see nothing in this that seems so staged that I can’t explain through other standard family behavior.
One other issue for the naysayers:
A .22 rifle and a shotgun are attainable props. A big dude running on cue might cost a six pack and a steak. However, a helicopter, hovering above, is quite beyond the range of most fake film-makers. I suppose the sounds could be edited in, but I don’t think they were. Now there could be no correlation at all between the chopper and the running figure. But to me, it’s an extremely interesting series of events.
Hmm, helicopter hovering over the area, someone crouched hiding, then running after a loud gunshot rings out (could have even thought those were comming from authorities closing in on him).
Could this be someone possibly hiding/running from the law? Seems much more likely than jumping to bigfoot based on what I can see in the video.
Either this, or it all is a prank set up by the Youtube poster. Would have been nice to see a glimpse of the helicopter.
Here is what it comes down to for me:
Would you – mainstream scientist or Bigfooter, makes no nevermind – buy a plane ticket to go to that spot and look for more evidence?
Has anyone made an effort to contact these people or to go to that site?
An inconclusive video isn’t much to go on. And when it has iffy markers – that Youtube comment is iffy – it becomes, well, iffy. A recent concentration of sightings that appear genuine is quite a bit more to go on.
If you have read a lot of sighting reports, you know why this video is suspicious based on the Youtube comment alone. That doesn’t mark it fake. There may be people on this continent who might react that way to, um, a helicopter hunting a bigfoot. But it does make it, well, iffy.
And science isn’t going to commit funding and time to iffy on this one.
We won’t confirm the sasquatch by analyzing these, that’s for sure.
“First, is is extremely suspicious that he covered his ears both times when the .22 was shot but didn’t when the shotgun was fired. Anyone that has been around guns knows that a .22 barely makes a noise. It is like he just got a bit too excited for “show time: and forgot he was supposed to cover his ears.”
I don’t think that has anything to do with the question whether it’s a hoax or not, could just gave up on the the fingers in the ears, forgot to do it, etc.
“Also, his clapping is very odd. The kid is a terrible shot. He missed a bottle for a few years away with a shotgun which is hard to do. Instead of instructing him on better form he just standard there clapping in a non-excited matter”
It was most likely the first time the boy shot a shotgun, which is heavier and longer, and he flinched bad. When a shotgun is fired at that close range the shot is still in the wad so it doesn’t spread the shot out (you see that in the video), so it’s more like large caliber projectile and harder to hit a target with.
The clapping, very normal, parents will give praise anytime their kids accomplish a new challenge.
If you saw this video without the blobsquatch in the background, you wouldn’t think they were acting odd.
It would look quite normal of a couple people target shooting with their kids.
How do you watch anything with that stupid popup down the middle of the video?
I can’t believe what I’m reading, the ridiculous and irrelevant comments coming out of the naysayers here, this is a very compelling clip and there is no reason whatsoever to dismiss it as fake.
1) This is not a “BLOBSQUATCH” the clarity is quite good despite the distance.
2) Those who believe it’s merely a person running need to do their homework on sasquatch, they have a very HUMAN-LIKE gait.
3) The title of the video sounds intuited to me, it is an assumption, but it does NOT dismiss or call question to the footage itself. The footage strikes me as very natural and self evident. I think the title is based on a personal opinion and makes for a reasonable theory, frankly because the government and big industry is very interested in this subject and specifically would like to keep a lid on it. It is of national security and a potential problem for big industry such as mining and forestry. These vested interests don’t need more regulations and protections to get in the way of their profits.
Furthermore, in general, why do the naysayers come out in DROVES especially when a clip is indeed especially compelling. Clogging up an interesting post with nonsense. Why are these naysaying trolls so interested in this subject if everything is dismissed so rapidly as fake to them? On that note, why join Cryptomundo in the first place? It almost seems coordinated and desperate.
twas brillig;
Like I stated in my original post, I go with what my gut tells me. I’ve seen “blobsquatches” that seemed much more legit than this video. Maybe as a researcher I am jaded to bigfoot videos, and tend to dismiss most as a hoax, but the fellow in this clip with the ballcap emanates “faker” to me.
I have now watched the video over a hundred times, I’ll trust my gut on this one and save my time and airfare for more realistic ventures to investigate further.
I don’t think the man in the baseball cap is telegraphing where the creatue is by looking at it or in its direction; rather, his glances to the right seem more directed toward the other man who is assiting him with the rifles…
Twas brillig: feel your pain, man.
Hope you don’t think I’m one of the “naysayers.” These videos do seem to receive a lot of shoot-from-the-hip, uninformed “analysis.” There are, as I note, a couple of things I’d find disturbing about what I hear and see in the video. But they aren’t “red flags” or disqualifiers. I am quite honestly uncertain what that figure is. A visit to the site could yield additional evidence.
My larger point is that, while these analysis sessions might help the uninformed to understand why yelling FAKE is silly – most of the reasoning used is clearly uninformed, believe me, that is, if there is any reasoning at all – video analysis won’t confirm a new species. An intriguing photo or video might attract field researchers to a site, and provide a critical jump start to research. But we don’t get confirmation by looking at videos. Science confirms species through field work, not looking at photos or film.
Now as to this:
“Those who believe it’s merely a person running need to do their homework on sasquatch, they have a very HUMAN-LIKE gait.”
This is where reading lots and lots of encounter reports – as I have – comes in handy. Observers are uniform on one point: while the sasquatch may be human-LIKE, it is quite distinctly NOT human in its gait or body proportions. If a film or photo subject looks like a person, I mean proportions and gait, it probably is one. (No. I have never seen a person walk like Patty. And people trained in biomechanics are with me on this one.)
Scientists need to focus limited resources and time. Here we have one of an innumerable number of useless videos. Unless someone follows up, in the field, and finds more compelling evidence what that subject was.
A couple of things.
The creature (human) whatever does two odd things at the end of the video. It goes to all fours as it goes to sit in its new position, and it sits facing away from the humans after crouching a moment to see if was seen.
Though I no way think this does much to validate the video, I have to wonder. If you are faking something, wouldn’t you sit, especially at that distance, toward those who are taping so that they can wave you in after your performance. I would watch them, yet the thing sits facing back the way it had come.
Also, the guy who seems to see it, could deliberately not want to admit it, could have just zoned out, could have been focusing on something nearer, like people or something. Remember, the woman taping was definitely seeing it, yet claims not to have noticed until the video. I don’t find that unbelievable.
It’s size is weird though. It is awful thin in comparison to Patty or other films, but a juvenile would explain that.
Who knows? It’s a fun thing to try to figure out.
Guys this is simple: I cannot prove there is or is not a “bigfoot” but I can prove there is no helicopter and well, no helicopter, no “bigfoot” because anyone who would edit in a helicopter certainlly is not credible enough for a genuine bigfoot video. READ BELOW:
I am a private investigator and this is more than likely a fake and here is why:
1. Pause at 40 second, both father and son are looking directly at the “bigfoot”.
2. The video is 54 seconds long, yet not once does ANYONE look up at the helicopter, why? cause it does not exist.
3. As for the Helicopter not existing, at the end of the video when the helicopter comes close to snuff out the “bigfoot” you can still hear Mother talking in normal audibal tones and you can hear father or whomever clapping in normal audible tones.
Why: The helicopter was clearly edited in afterword. The video title was “annoying helicopter overhead” yet everyone goes about their business like its not there. If it was annoying and that loud, someone would look up, trust me.
Moreover: Put yourself in that spot at that time with the helicopter, not one glance, not one comment, nothing. People are missing the diversion here. The helicopter is the diversion guys.
ONE LAST THING: How could that person, yes it is a PERSON, hear that gunshot with the helicopter so close at the time? It is because the helicopter did not exist folks.
guys, just so everyone knows, I was being sarcastic, I am not a PI but I would LOVE to work for BFRO if they pay!!! Moneymaker if you read this, what do you think about my conclusion above? lol
Anyway, just to be straight, my point is that everyone is focusing on the “bigfoot”, the guns, the dad, the son, the daughter, all variables that you can see and know exist. Yet the most important thing in the video (the helicopter) we cannot see. Heck the title even says “helicopter hunting bigfoot” yet we cannot see it. Do not try to DISPROVE what you can see, try to PROVE what you cannot see and in this case, you simply cannot PROVE the helicopters existance