Boogeymen: Champ

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 14th, 2014

Boogeymen: Champ

Premieres Friday, November 14 at 10/9c on Destination America

Also airs:

Saturday, November 15 at 1/12c

In Lake Champlain, compelling evidence and eyewitness accounts tell the story of Champ, America’s oldest monster.

#DestinationAmerica #Champ #Boogeymen

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

One Response to “Boogeymen: Champ”

  1. cryptokellie responds:

    I watched this program Friday night. It was a nice travelogue of Lake Champlain and the lakeside New York and Vermont towns where most of the Champ sightings have occurred. Disappointingly, there was no real information about Champ and consisted mostly of eyewitness sightings and the local populations embracing the idea of having a lake monster nearby. The ubiquitous Mansi photograph was covered but not in any depth. Not really worth the time for seasoned crypto-fans but a comfy primer for newbies. I had relatives in upstate NY and as a kid in the early 1960’s, I visited them regularly, often spending time at Lake Champlain. Not much talk about Champ then but we had heard about something that might be in the lake.

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