Do Lake Monsters Really Exist?
Posted by: Adam Davies on April 23rd, 2014
The controversy over the alleged Loch Ness Monster satellite photo, has prompted me to write my own thoughts on the nature of these creatures.
For me, that picture does at first seem interesting. Could it be a shark, or even the legendary monster itself? However, upon closer inspection, in my opinion, clearly proves it to be nothing more than a boat, and the wake that surrounds it. For example, the excellent analysis done by Sebastian Wang shows the integrity of the core boast shape within it.
Does this mean that I, as a consequence, dismiss the existence of these creatures?
In 1999, I was part of a team that investigated “Selma” the Seljord Serpent, which is Norway’s Nessie.
I saw the creature. Dark in appearance, it undulated through the water as it moved. Later, it reminded me of the woodcuts I had seen of it, which showed clear barbs on its back. It was a remarkable experience.
Most significantly though, one of the team members used a hydrophone to monitor the sound emissions made in the lake. For me, this is a superior form of analysis. A picture can be misinterpreted, and sonar will often only show you that a large object is moving through the water, it will not help you accurately determine what that object is.
On analysis of the recordings made, the Marine Research Institute in Bergen said “I am astonished to conclude they came from an unknown species”.
Had this conclusion been drawn about Selma’s more famous cousin Nessie, I am in little doubt it would have made international news.
I have been to Loch Ness. It is a fascinating place, and I would also like to go to Loch Morar and study the creature said to inhabit its depths.
For me, no Pleisosaurs inhabit their depths. I cannot see how their eco systems could sustain the breeding requirements of such large animals.
Lake “Monsters” do exist though, I am certain of it.
Adam Davies
I am an explorer, adventurer, and a cryptozoologist. I've traveled to some of the most remote and dangerous parts of the world in search yet-to-be-discovered animal species. From the dense jungles of the Congo and Sumatra, to the deserts of Mongolia, and the mountains of Nepal, I have traveled the world in search of scientific evidence of the existence of these creatures.
great article.
what do you think is living in these lakes? champ, norway, canada etc.?
Thank you dconstrukt!
In response to your question, I cannot tell you with any degree of certainty what they are, we know so little about them, even when we compare them to other cryptids such as the Orang-Pendek for example. My best guess is an aquatic reptile that follows migratory patterns, but really that has to be little more than a guess at present.
Great article Adam, and fascinating results from 1999.
As you are no doubt aware but others may not be, in 1970 Prof. Roy Mackal conducted several days of hydrophone experiments at Loch Ness, also with positive results. Recordings of multiple animate sources using different categories of call sounds were made, and confirmed to respond to artificial sounds. Mackal shared the recordings with experts who could identify species by their calls, and all drew a blank — he had recorded an unknown species. Better yet, none of the known species in the Loch were anatomically equipped to make such calls.
Researcher Gordon Holmes tried to replicate these hydrophone results during expeditions between 2008-2010, but ran into obstacles. There’s more engine and sonar noise than ever before at Loch Ness (Mackall found the animals would always shut up and wait 15 minutes to resume calling when a powered boat passed near) but worse, the new power station at Foyers, which went online in the mid-to-late 1970’s, emits a continuous low frequency background hum loud enough to drown out any calls.
While that avenue of research now appears closed at Loch Ness, Loch Morar would likely be an excellent and much quieter place to try next.
Steve- thank you for sharing this very useful information for everyone.If I was to go there again ,I would base myself near the Castle, and in a quieter month.I was there in October, and ot the best of my recollection, the noise emissions were not as onerous then.I should get myself up there again.I certianly need to visit Loch Morar!
Adam – I went to Loch Morar in the late 90’s, I saw something in the Loch at quite a distance that looked exactly like the classic upturned boat, I then watched it dive down and resurface around 100 feet further down the Loch, it was definitely animate whatever it was.
Tank you for that information Marcodufour…it encourages me to go there!