Animal Planet Replies to Cryptomundian on Finding Bigfoot
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 17th, 2011
Cryptomundian springheeledjack informs the rest of us that he contacted Animal Planet and received a reply from the network.
Well, I wrote Animal Planet and this is what I got back:
Dear Viewer:
Thank you for contacting Animal Planet. We appreciate your correspondence and for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns with us about Finding Bigfoot.
Animal Planet wants to assure you of our commitment to the integrity of our content, including Finding Bigfoot. Any omissions, ambiguity, or confusion in this series are driven by the production process and the compression of days of footage into 44 minutes of television. The storytelling in the show is in no way intended to affect or influence the research and methodology of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.
Again, thank you for contacting Animal Planet.
Viewer Relations
Animal Planet
Well, I’m glad that’s cleared up…obviously we have a legitimate show…
Or at least an “intended” legitimate show…
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Ummm….yeah… lol…all they did is pass the blame onto the production company…but as long as they get ratings and money. What they are saying is that they paid the production company to bring them a show about bigfoot. Neither Animal Planet nor the production company know anything about the cryptid. The production company probably thought that the real content was too boring, so they had to “spice it up” for ratings….which they did. They gave us a reality show with, as Craig has said previously, a bad guy to hate on a subject matter we love.
So, by no means take the show seriously. Keep coming back to Cryptomundo for honest reporting.
So…Kahil…do you not like this show?? I’m having a hard time seeing where you stand.
In other words…
They are making TV… Well, I guess Finding Bigfoot is just a little cryptid-brain crack.
Bwaa, haa, haa! Which spin doctor or intern wrote that? A political major? The question was never answered! Try again guys!
If it’s on television, I have to assume it’s for entertainment purposes. I’ve seen and heard some interesting bits on ghosts too, but logic tells me the dead don’t communicate with the living. I’ve also seen Los Angeles destroyed many times over the years on television. The last time I checked it was still there in real life. With CGI and dedicated artists on television, anything is possible. That just doesn’t make it real.
Television is about the entertainment dollar and is run by business men and not scientists. Thank god! Can you imagine how dull the programming would be the other way around?
Lesson: there’s no profit in facts; the payoff’s in precision BS.
Yeah, that’s what I thought too…it’s as we’ve al been saying–we’re watching entertainment, not real docudrama.
But we knew that…just simple math…if you have a guy on camera–say Matt, tromping through the woods, there’s got to be at least another cameraman and probably a sound guy, and who knows how many others in the background. The chances of Bigfoot NOT hearing them all crashing through the forest…well that’s like me accidentally buying a winning lottery ticket…
I believe Kahil is simply trying to start and keep flame wars going in the comments section. I’ve read the responses to all these Finding Bigfoot posts and I see nothing but instigation.
My thoughts on the matter are if you don’t like the show, then don’t flipping watch it. Simple. If you like it, watch it for what it is and go to bed. It’s not meant to be an end all for Bigfoot research. It’s a show that’s simply for entertainment purposes. Many of you are looking WAY too much into this.
It would appear many armchair cryptozoologists have really thin skins and need to move on. There’s no one on this planet who can debate anything about these creatures because it’s not science. There’s no facts to back up any argument other than the speculation and that won’t cut it.
Anyways, I digress…
Its called a debate and discussion….and that’s what I am and have been engaging in. Just because the other side opts to get angry and lash out rather than engage in the debate/discussion calmly and respectfully like everyone else…doesn’t make it instigation nor a flame war.
You are stating the obvious and what has been said…that despite their comments and stating things here and on the show as though they are a matter off fact and defending those statements so vehemently…there is no proof.
My stance on the show? Like many others, I’m disappointed because I was excited for the show before it showed. I was hoping for a show that was actually about trying to find bigfoot rather than higher ratings. I knew full well that there would be some sort of post-production creative editing, but not to the extent as it has been shown. I was also just as disappointed to see someone from the show come here and lash out with hate and name calling. As Craig, Loren or anyone else involved with cryptozoology will tell you, you have to have some thick skin. One going into the field should understand that most people aren’t going to believe anything you tell them on the subject and one should expect heavy criticism. Now in this case, the criticism wasn’t on the existence or non-existence of bigfoot, it was all on the revelation that most or all of the “evidence” on the show was faked….then it spread to Matt’s ego and reactions to critics and so on. Yes, it probably got out of control on both sides and I fully accept any role I had in it. That’s all in the past, so let’s move on.
What I stated in my first comment here is just how it is in hollywood. I work in the industry and fully understand the why’s and how’s. The network clearly wanted a show about bigfoot, but they don’t care about facts….just ratings. As long as they get the ratings, they’ll continue to allow the production company to have creative control. Will they take the credit for what has and is happening? Nope, not if it casts a negative light on them. Do Matt and the rest of the cast know what is going to show on TV? Probably not. Did they have a role in the faking of evidence and the like? Who knows. We all know that if it was just a show with a group of people looking around for something in the woods, then it’d prolly be really boring and we wouldn’t want to watch it week after week. So the production company will spice it up for the sake of ratings.
I think that a show like this is a good idea if done right. In this case, it clearly wasn’t.
As I’ve said before I’m glad we have Loren and Craig to rely on. I am still throwin my vote in for a Cryptomundo web series here or on YouTube. 🙂
I just realized it might have been better if I’d explained what I wrote about to Animal Planet.
I asked about the integrity of the show and specifically about the episode where Bobo got the large image on the FLIR and then Matt walked up toward it. I asked them why, if it was a horse, they didn’t bother to say that or show the rest of the footage…which led to the above response.
Obviously, if they’d been even remotely interested in the integrity of the cause, they would have spent the two and a half seconds to either show the horse walking off or would have let Matt or Bobo actually say what it was.
Yeah, TV ain’t about real exploration…especially not on Animal Planet. It’s as Craig said. It’s about ratings, and appealing to the average channel surfer who might tune in.
I don’t see anything in Kahil’s statement that was inflammatory. He simply stated that the production company is delivering a ‘spiced up’ version of events to Animal Planet and Animal Planet is broadcasting it without review or comment. After all it is a business and the bottom line here is -how much money will it make Animal Planet.
As for the show. I think most of the issues could have been avoided with the use of simple screen caps. “sound enhanced for viewer benefit” “recreation” “actual footage” things of this nature. But that is not how the production company chose to edit and piece things together, and apparently Animal Planet doesn’t care enough one way or the other to either call them out on it or to defend them.
This is neither good nor bad in the grand scheme of things. Personally I do find it a disappointment as I expect better from Animal Planet, most of their shows are above average and quite informative. (however they do have several ‘reality’ shows regarding animal control officers, which do seem more ‘true to life’ than most reality shows) Something of this nature on Fox or TMZ would be par for the course. But things are always changing and I’ll add this to my ‘don’t be so trusting of the source’ regarding things that are now shown on Animal Planet.
I use to live in Hoquiam, Washington on Dekay road. Our house was down the street from where a Deputy Sheriff saw a Sasquatch while patrolling down the street. One day I was playing in the hammock and was looking out at out ten acres and saw what I believe to be a Sasquatch head peaking out from a tree and when I blinked, it was gone. I will never forget that image of his or her face. It was similar to an ape but different. Its face looked flatter than an ape. I don’t know if its eyes were slightly sunk in or if the browridge area was pronounced. The hair was a reddish brown, more brown than red. With the hair, I want to say the width of his head looked 1 ft in length, judging from about 30 feet away. The length of the head from the top to the chin seemed to be about a 1.5 ft. the height judging from the where the head was compared to the tree he looked to be about 7.5 to 8 feet tall. I definitely believe that Sasquatch exists. I love the show. As long as it stays truthful and doesn’t exaggerate, then one day we will find one of these things and get their DNA mapped so we will finally solve the mystery. Too bad nobody has a gun when it’s needed. The show really should go check out Washington state.
thank you for sharing your great story, I know there are a lot like it and always great to hear. You should submit your story to the BFRO or Cliff Barackman or Autumn Williams, or whatever group you can find and trust. Your experience should be added to the collective database.
Thank you for writing Animal Planet. Even though you received a ‘canned response’ I think your letter got in front of some very important people. This latest show seemed pretty straight forward, with little sensationalism, so the producer’s hijinx may be muted for a while. In your letter, I hope you supported the show in some way, because even if it’s not quite what we want, it’s better than watching Lost Tapes or Cats 101. I’ve said before, there has never been an exclusive Bigfoot “series” before, so the Producers need to be taught by the audience how to craft what we like. And, I think this cast may be the ones to get it better and better. Have you considered posting the ‘Letter’ you wrote Animal Planet?