What Did You Think Of Finding Bigfoot: “Alaska’s Bigfoot Island”?
Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 10th, 2011
Finding Bigfoot: “Alaska’s Bigfoot Island”
Premiering Sunday, July 10, 10PM E/P [also broadcast at 11 PM E/P]
According to the Animal Planet promo: “A call from a concerned mayor brings Matt Moneymaker and his team of bigfoot experts to the island of Prince of Wales, Alaska. The island allegedly has a long history with the beast, and a recent spike in reported activity has the townspeople on edge.”
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
My conclusion stated after the first episode stands for the final episode…at best the show is ‘light’ entertainment and at worst is a disservice to cryptozoology and scientific research. The latter is bothersome and detracts from the efforts of many serious researches who have logged years/decades in the search for Bigfoot/unknown animals (the Sandersons, Byrnes, Colemans, Krantzs, Meldrums etc of the world.) Everything ends up being a ‘squatch’ and there is little critical analysis. The show exhibits so many ‘wrongs’ when attempting to investigate and research unknown animals (they’ve all been covered here.) Skeptics can have a field day with the way crypto research is characterized in this show. Unfortunately when your filming a pseudo-reality show like ‘Finding Bigfoot’ (Moneymaker was born for the role!) the good scientific research is trampled under by the desire/need to draw the audience with the quick sell. And therein is the problem. All their conjectures are simply that and do not seem to have any scientific basis or foundation to them. The show could be called ‘Finding Unicorns’ and they wouldn’t have to change a thing with the show. We’d be led to believe unicorns are everywhere and every print and sighting and photo and noise and FLIR object is a unicorn. I appreciate the enthusiasm the participants have and honestly feel they want to contribute to crypto research (probably like many in the BFRO.) But the methods and wild assumptions (most by MM) portrayed in this series destroys credibility and leave us with a bunch of people ‘believing in unicorns.’
I liked it 100 percent. I was so happy that it turned out so good! You guys really turned it around, and I’m happy.
Keep up the great work Renae, Matt, Cliff, and BOBO!
Who is this guy “Race Bannon” anyway?
Yeah, “listen to Matt”? Is that what he wishes? Block posts?
Where is this guy Race Bannon from where freedom of speech and freedom of expression are blocked when it disagrees with him?
The only negative comments I have made were directed at the show Finding Bigfoot. With those comments I was personally attacked by Matt Moneymaker himself on two different threads. I set Matt straight and he has not posted my way since.
This guy Race Bannon and everyone for that matter should look back at the first few “Finding Bigfoot” threads and see how things ACTUALLY HAPPENED involving this show.
We were asked, “WHAT DID YOU THINK OF FINDING BIGFOOT”, we gave honest opinions, then MATT MONEYMAKER came here and began the name calling. MATT MONEYMAKER called posters “stupid”, “losers”, “morons”, etc, etc, etc.
Get the facts straight before you cry.
Some folks find collecting stamp entertaining, some find gardening or kite flying entertaining as well. Some even see Finding Bigfoot as entertaining. If you like those things, then do them…but if you ask my opinion…then don’t cry because I don’t like them the same as you.
The show Finding Bigfoot is replayed like 10 times a week, so I am not sitting by the TV on every Sunday night waiting for the show to start. The subject is Bigfoot, so anything that may be on the show about Bigfoot may be interesting. So I have watched it, but each time I have seen it the show has sucked.
The 14 and 15 year olds who are experiencing Bigfoot for the first time may be thrilled by all they see on the show, but to us older Bigfoot followers, this show is NOTHING NEW!!!
Race Bannon names good guys and bad guys here, well, I would argue that Matt Moneymaker cast the first stone, so before Race Bannon drinks the Kool Aide, he should educate himself on who said what.
The title of this thread was “What did you think of Finding Bigfoot”, well, if you only want positive posts and not constructive critisim, then maybe you shoud change the title to, “Wow, wasn’t Finding Bigfoot entertaining last night? Post if you agree”. Yeah that will be a 50 post thread for sure…right?
Actually I stopped watching the foolishness along time ago. I have better things to do with my time. I am asked all the time by my customers my opinion on the show. It’s a waste of edited bad acting and I put no credit to any of it except for one team member and it sure isn’t anyone who changed their last name to Moneymaker. Visited Willow Creek yesterday also, not too popular there either, at least that’s what I was told. You asked I told ya!
Rapidly becoming a “formula” show with identical plots, only locations and tech gear change. Let me give you next week’s storyline. Moneymaker gets a call/email/video from some frightened citizen. He and the crew hop in their GMC’s (can some one tell me why they pixelate out the logo? GMC didn’t pay you?) and drive to some forsaken wilderness. They talk to citizen, take a nature hike, find some nebulous “evidence,” have a disagreement about whether it’s squatch or deer prints, conduct a town hall meeting. They find three people who seem to have all or most of their faculties and triangulate where their sightings were. Go there. Have a disagreement about whether it’s squatch or deer prints. Decide they have enough to do a “night search.” Conduct night search making enough noise to wake dead, scare away whatever animals might be there, and probably give any squatch in the area a good laugh. Hear something, whisper “it’s a squatch.” Get tired, call it a night. Wrap up by telling initial contact, “we believe you saw a squatch.” Roll next week’s trailer. There you go…..saved you an hour of your life. You’re welcome.
All these shows (Destination Truth, Finding Bigfoot, Ghost Hunters etc.) are for entertainment! That’s it. True hunters do not run around with film crews making a bunch of noise. I’m pretty sure everyone on the show use’s soap, lotions, perfume, after shave and the sort when they start their day, which all critters will smell and get away from. NAVMAN in an earlier post pointed out as much.
I nominate midwest mimi’s post as thread winner!!!!
WOW, so glad I stopped watching after the 3rd episode. I decided to catch up on Cryptomundo and I read this thread…..wow.
Yes, some of the anti-Finding Bigfoot people are basically saying the same thing week after week, but reading many of the comments from the neutral and pro-Finding Bigfoot commentors it really does SOUND like its the same show week after week. Even as purely entertainment that won’t last long, people have a short attention span and will become bored of seeing the same thing week after week.
As for the lack of science there are two easy ways to fix that.
1] CLEARLY label the show as ‘entertainment purposes only’ so there is no confusion amongst viewers, because sadly, there ARE people who simply are not bright enough to realize this isn’t ‘real’.
2] River Monster edits many of their scenes with info on what was left out. So why can’t Finding Bigfoot put little blurbs up about how they ruled this out, how they estimated this size, why they think this is proper and that isn’t.
It wouldn’t be hard to do and would make more people happy about the show.
I just hope Bobo was right about the production team coming to see things more in line with the cast and not edit for pure sensationalism anymore.
Either way I’ll give the new season 3 chances, and if no good there is a lot on History and Syfy to keep me ‘entertained’ if I so choose.