Justice for Riley Rawlins
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 20th, 2012
Shared from Melissa Hovey’s blog.
Please don’t miss the important names, phone numbers and email addresses at the end of this article!! To this community,
With the Okay of Monica I am updating this community on what is happening in the fight for “Justice for Riley.”
First of all, if you haven’t become a member of the “JusticeforRiley” Facebook Page please click on this link and become a member. Numbers count!!
If Monica or Chris were writing this, I am sure, they would be thanking each and every person who has been sending emails and making phone calls demanding answers. We may all be “crazy bigfooters” in the eyes of the general public but at least we know right from wrong!
I spoke with a member of the media (who has been supportive and running stories) this morning and she tells me the sheer volume of email she has received, in reference to Riley, has been overwhelming. She called the public outcry – enormous!! Which is a good thing.
Now, she also told me, the Dallas Police Department (she feels) is leaning toward taking this to the Grand Jury. Is this a necessary step? No. The Dallas PD can charge this woman directly and bypass the Grand Jury completely. She strongly recommended we begin lobbying for charges to be filed and for this to NOT be taken to the Grand Jury.
Problem: A Grand Jury can reduce the charges or simply allow the woman to be released with no charges at all. When a jurisdiction has a Grand Jury option this course is usually taken because the Police do not think they have a strong enough case. The Grand Jury tells them if they do or not.
What’s the answer?
START EMAILING AND CALLING every person on the City Council for the City of Dallas. Call and email the Mayor’s office and the City Manager.
For the life of me I still can’t understand why the Dallas Police Department is having such a hard time deciding what happened.
She admitted to driving “at least” 70 MPH in a 35 MPH zone. Was she not going fast enough? If my math is correct, 70 minus 35 is 35, and 35 is the speed limit in this area. So, this woman was exceeding the speed limit by the exact legal speed limit in this area. Ironic. I know this is right, because I couldn’t believe the numbers myself until I used a calculator. If that isn’t the definition of reckless I don’t know what is.
She swerved from behind a vehicle that was stopping for a traffic light and passed on the right. While this may not be a traffic violation in Dallas County, Texas, any rational person would argue this is a highly traveled intersection, both pedestrian and motor vehicle. Add in the speed and this is a reckless person behind the wheel of a vehicle.
She blew through a light at 70 miles an hour, does the color of the light, really matter? What do you think her intent was?
She had no driver’s license at the time of the incident. This woman knowingly broke the law the second she climbed behind the wheel of her car, and then took the life of an innocent pedestrian. I would argue had she obeyed the law in the first place, Riley, would not have met his tragic end that night. We are not discussing someone who had a license at one time or was driving on a suspended license we are talking about a woman (an adult) who willfully disregarded the law where it pertains to the possession of a driver’s license in order to operate a motor vehicle legally. Her only excuse was that she could not afford a license. What about the cost to Monica Rawlins and Riley Rawlins.
She had no insurance at the time of the incident. Mandatory in Dallas County – and I believe the entire State of Texas.
She traveled a total of 551 feet BEFORE STOPPING her vehicle. 409 of those feet, with 17 year old Riley on her vehicle or being dragged. So, that means, this driver traveled an additional 142 feet BEFORE stopping her vehicle. Her total distance traveled from the time she hit Riley, until the time she stopped was MORE than the length of a football field.
She was never taken into custody for a BAC or drug testing. How do you know she wasn’t under the influence of an illegal substance or her driving wasn’t impaired? You don’t. I bet Riley Rawlins was tested for any illegal substance or alcohol that may have been in his system at the time of this accident.
Also a FACT:
17 year old Riley Rawlins is dead as a result of this womans reckless disregard (reckless disregard n. grossly negligent without concern for danger to others.) for anyone other than herself. Riley will not graduate high school. Riley will not be a Marine, go to college, get married, have children or ever see his family again. Riley’s mother will NEVER hold her son in her arms again. FACTS.
I will also tell everyone that the Chief of Police and the D.A. have no idea what Monica Rawlins wants – because they have made almost NO effort to talk to Monica who is and was Riley’s Mother. I have never seen a Police Department in any jurisdiction keep the family members (especially the parents of a child) completely and totally in the dark like this. Monica has received more information from the Media (who have been accurate in their reporting) than she has received from the Public Officials that are paid by the Tax Payers of Dallas County. In fact when the Dallas District Attorney was questioned about this case on his Facebook Page his only response was to delete any comment in regard to this horrific situation.
I think the pressure is getting to them. Pressure that would simply GO AWAY if these paid public servants would simply – Keep Monica and Chris informed about the death of their child, Riley Rawlins, and include them on the decisions. It is their job to make Monica and Chris understand why they are doing what they are doing. I have never seen parents ignored in this way – ever.
While we may be “crazy bigfooters” our community is large and expands like a net over this entire country – and we know the difference between right and wrong.
For more information on the death of Riley Rawlins and how you can help please visit the sites below:
Justice For Riley on Facebook
Sign the Petition
Lake Highlands Teen Killed Crossing the Street
Lake Highlands mom mourns death of son, waits for arrest of suspect
Lake Highlands student struck and killed over the weekend
Let them know how you feel about this:
Craig Watkins Dallas County District Attorney:
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: (214) 653-3528
Chief of Police
David O. Brown
Dallas Police Department
1400 S. Lamar
Dallas, TX 75215
Phone: (214) 671-3901
Deputy Chief Craig R. Miller
Phone: 214-671-3584
Email: [email protected]
Dallas City Hall
List of officials to call – with special emphasis placed on the City Manager, Mayor and City Council members.
List of phone numbers for each Official on the City Counsel
List of email addresses for each Official on the City Counsel
On a personal note to the Dallas District Attorney and the Chief of Police:
Had you simply kept the mother (Monica Rawlins) of Riley Rawlins in the “loop” and kept her apprised of the direction of this investigation – you would not be under the incredible amount of pressure you are under right now. YOU are paid by the taxpayers of Dallas County to “Protect and Serve”, even Monica Rawlins and her Family. When family members do not understand or know what is happening (remember not everyone understands the law) they become frustrated and frankly, pissed off.
The only way people can fight back and demand their rights and words are heard, is by speaking out publicly, and DEMANDING answers. The friends of Monica Rawlins and Chris Buntenbah stand firmly behind them, and will continue to until their is
JUSTICE FOR RILEY!!!!! We will accept NO LESS!!
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
This has been an issue here in Los Angeles Ca. and I’m sure throughout the country. Our Police Chief here in L.A. actually instructs his officers that if they pull over a person without a Driver’s License, they should have the right to call someone up with a valid license to pick up the car RATHER than tow it….yeah, I KNOW…not right!! And just to make it clearer, this is not an illegal immigration topic that either the far left or far right want to use during their campaigning, it’s a matter of BREAKING THE LAW AND YOU MUST PAY…period.
Keep up the pressure. And don’t be afraid to go to the chans, reddit or IRC if you need help and manpower.
It is a sad state of affairs when the common man has to CONSTANTLY remind the police what their job is and who they are supposed to protect. Has anyone given you or the Rawlins’ any information on why this woman hasn’t been charged? Is she connected to someone important? I’ve heard everything from illegal immigrant to ‘she’s somebody’s girlfriend’ and everything in between.
I have just signed the petition, gone on facebook and mailed Craig Watkins. I hope this will help in the quest for getting justice for Riley. I still can’t believe she is not in jail.
All my best wishes to everyone.
I find this tragic event extremely disturbing. The bottom line is, skidmarks, and I assure you they will be there, should be enough to sentence the woman, and connect her car to this tragic crime.
Now in New York, apparently for a hit and run (one car hitting another, not a person) you need an EYE witness, unrelated to the “victim” to also see the event, or it will be a no fault. I’m wondering if the police, in order to avoid something politically unfavorable for their local politicians, or whatever, are pulling a technicality similar to this to let the woman in question off. Our system these days is dreadfully corrupt and they have change many laws concerning lawsuits and prosecution of traffic violations so the legal ramifications are nothing more than a slap on the hand.
Craig, and Riley’s family, I am praying that justice will prevail in these dark and tragic times. Good luck.