Sasquatch Family Group Footprints Found in New Mexico
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 23rd, 2011
Sasquatch Family Group Footprints Reported and Examined in Northern New Mexico
Sasquatch Tracks of Two Adults and a Juvenile Found Near La Queva Creek in Glorieta, New Mexico
My companion and I, after learning that the New Mexico State Police had looked into a report from campers about strange sounds and huge footprints near La Queva Creek in Glorita, New Mexico, found a series of huge footprints in the area and followed them for approximately three quarters of a mile over varied mountain terrain until they faded out on an extensive rock outcropping.
The prints consisted of three sets from three distinct individuals. Two were of the typical Sasquatch type: splayed toes, wide heel and forefoot with the typical mid-tarsal break. The third was of an apparent juvenile and of the same general shape, but perhaps ten inches long by four inches wide from heel to toe, with the splayed toe area slightly wider. The two apparent adults varied in several respects from each other.
One apparent adult had feet measuring about 17 inches long by six inches wide and of uniform appearance from toe to heel. Dermal ridges were absent from all three individuals in the two day old mud. The seventeen inch prints were compressed into the aluvial soil in spots perhaps three inches deep and varied in depth according to the soil consistency and the apparent activity of the individual. The other apparent adult set of prints were approximately fourteen inches long and about five inches wide. The right foot of this individual showed evidence of severe healed trauma. This print was curved inward and of a sickle shape, presented itself consistently over the whole range of prints, and generally, when the individual appeared to be standing in a stationary pose with the smaller individual cradled between the adult individual’s legs, appeared less impressed into the soil as if the individual had been favoring this limb.
Five distinct areas of grouping were found, two behind large trees, one behind an earthen embankment, and one in a brushy ravine. The indiviual leaving the largest prints was consistently separated from the other apparent adult and juvenile in these groupings by about twenty feet and consistently in a forward position, uphill from the other two. In two distinct, open areas evidence of “playing” or “frolicking” was evidenced by the confused nature and large number of prints left by the apparent juvenile member of the group. In these areas slipping and sliding is apparent in the distortion of the prints. In these groupings the smaller apparent adult was positioned in a stationary position facing the large grouping of “frolic” prints left by the apparent juvenile. The larger apparent adult left prints facing away from the other two individual approximately twenty to thirty feet away and uphill from this group.
No noises other than normal forest noise was noted while following these tracks by the investigators, nor were any out of place smells noted although on one occasion the two Rottweilers accompanying us barked furiously in the direction of the heaviest part of the forest and cowered between our legs for the rest of the walk back to the road. This was approximately one hour after discovering a large, dead cottonwood slab with its softer, inner parts torn and shredded away leaving an eight foot slab resembling a dugout canoe or a medium wooden sater trough. At this area I tried some “tree knocking” to see if there might be a response. There was not, and nothing notable occurred until the cowering of the Rottweilers, a breed known for its courage, not for timidity.
No conclusions can be, or are drawn from this apparent evidence in the form of footprint trails through the woods of the Sangre De Christo Mountains in Northern New Mexico other than something heavy with huge human-like bare feet left prints over a large area in the vicinity of La Queva Creek in Glorieta, New Mexico. No evidence seems to exist in the logs of the New Mexico State Police even though numerous residents of the area related that two State Police cars were parked by the side of the La Queva Creek Road for several hours on, or about the afternoon of June 10th in the same area as the author and his companion found the series of footprints described here.bonobomichael
Yahoo! Contributor Network
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Any photos?
Interesting. Let’s wait for photos or more news.
This follow up visit with the dogs didn’t include any area photos or pictures of the tree, prints? No casts? Hmmmmm
I’ve hiked/backpacked all through those mountains, as far north as Questa. The forests are criss-crossed with logging and access roads, and are heavily used for recreation. It is rare to spend a few hours there and not see anyone else, even in what seems the most remote areas. Believe me, it is not a secluded area where people seldom go. Just saying….
Prints from a 17″ giant, a deformed foot and a juvenile, clear enough to see toes, mid-tarsal and heels, in some places up to 3″ deep and others dried into mud….and they didn’t make any casts.
A report was made to the police, two cars were sent out, two deputies spent hours looking around….and nothing was written in the logs.
I’m curious if he thinks the damage to the cottonwood was done by the subjects? If so that amount of tearing would be sure to leave evidence (DNA, maybe nails, skin, blood) .
IF the evidence is as reported (and evidence was documented and gathered) it is interesting, especially the smaller adult with the noticeable injury. That isn’t something MOST people would think of or know how to fake. But if no one collected evidence (pictures, casts, biological) then its nothing more than hearsay. which makes it interesting and utterly worthless from a research point of view.
They do not mention photos or casting yet they were investigating? Hopefully they did document the tracks with at least some photos. A find that significant should have documented and studied to the fullest extent. If there were no photos or casts made then this story becomes just that, a story. I hope that is not the case.
It’s La Cueva and Sangre de Cristo. Just sayin’.
Ironically, I am rather excited about this find. Not because I think it is authentic, but because if it is real, I’m thrilled by of the statistical data on the Bigfoot breeding population it can add to the Bigfoot data base. It also adds some interesting information about Bigfoot family groups. You can get a lot from trackways.
Flame, anyone with a more than passing interest would be aware of the Bossburg tracks, in which one foot was deformed, so while I can’t, and won’t, say this report is bogus, it is not improbable that a hoaxer would think to hoax a deformity to the foot.