Student Films Sasquatch Near Shenandoah?
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 13th, 2015
I’m a college student from Pittsburgh and I was filming in the woods at the Shenandoah. When I saw what I assume to be a Sasquatch. If you have any information on Sasquatch in Shenandoah please contact me through my inbox.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
I think, whatever it is, it couldn’t have picked much better cover to walk through, if it didn’t want to be seen clearly. That’s clear evidence of intelligence to me.
Not sure why the professor is convinced it’s a female BF. At the 30 second mark if you stop it, it at least looks to me like a bearded man in a jacket…I may not be dead on, but there is certainly enough foliage in the way to make a case for a human being. It’s moving pretty quickly across the field of vision, but depending on the terrain, that may not be all that difficult.
Go back out to the spot (should have done it right then assssssuming this just wasn’t some hoax) and look for tracks and other evidence.
As always, a bit of video footage does not a piece of “good” evidence make…you have to follow it up with other investigation before I’ll say that you’ve got something…
Was he just standing there filming trees when a bigfoot happened to walk by, right in front of his camera? I can barely make out anything at all, so I find it interesting that his professor was able to identify it as a Skookum and was even able to determine that it was female. This seems fishy to me …
Can’t ever get a good clear look at it.
I am in total agreement with Springheeledjack.
I saw a movement from the left shoulder, as if someone was trying to move a loose sleeve up their arm or adjust a backpack as they were walking. So I stopped the video several times between the 28 second mark and 30 second mark. I see a white male with a dark brown beard, wearing a wool hat and jacket. If you pause the video at the 29 mark, you can clearly see a white hairless hand as he attempts to adjust his jacket. I could partially see a hood or part of a backpack as the subject turn perpendicular to the camera.
This is a human being. A white bearded male type human being wearing clothing.
Conclusion: Both the professor and student are idiots!
Around the 0:07 mark, you can see when the right arm is lift to be almost horizontal, the contrast between pale skin and dark sleeve, like a jacket sleeve being pulled up from the wrist when the arm is lifted. I do not have frame by frame advancing currently, but I am going with a human strolling along.
Here we go again. Totally worthless. This is unacceptable when in today’s world we have clear videos of snow leopards and other reclusive animals. Unless we get something clear like Patty, or a National Geographic Special, it’s not worth the bother because we’re just speculating. So hoaxers, bad photographers et al, don’t bother sending us this.
Addendum. You want us to believe you ? OK. What is your name ? What college do you attend ? What is your professor’s name and what is his discipline ? What were you doing before you saw the Bigfoot ? What did you do after you saw the Bigfoot ? Did you feel you were in danger ? What follow up steps did you pursue ? Did you look for footprints, bits of fur on a branch, scat ? Oh, none of the above ? Then don’t waste our time.
I’m with you, Peter Von Berg. I wonder how many years this guy has been in college? Smoking dope (it’s possible) and panning trees with a camera ain’t much of a living son. I suspect his professor is some sort of feminist gender studies b.s. too. Get a haircut and get a real job. Don’t forget to glue your earlobes shut, they make excellent little grabbies in hand-to-hand.
if any of you jabronies think for a split second thats a bigfoot…. i’ve got a bridge in brooklyn to sell you…
there’s nothing in that video of any value.
carry on.
I could hardly see anything at all. I thought I saw a flash of pale skin for a second.
Also, I find it ludicrous that a college professor in Pittsburgh (what college? Pitt? Carnegie-Mellon?) would use the word “Skookum”. Uh-uh. Don’t buy it.
Question for dconstrukt: Do you get off on being so stand-offish and abrasively vituperative? I’d sure like to think you’d be able to play nice in person. But I don’t honestly know.