Sylvanic Petition & Video Stills

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 8th, 2007

More bold pronouncements from Todd Standing of Sylvanic infamy.

After Decades of Half Truths Speculation and Hoaxes Finally Proof of Bigfoot is Within Reach

NewswireToday – /newswire/ – Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 03/05/2007 – For the past 3 years a small team of independent researchers have been covertly compiling documentation of their struggle to prove the most controversial Anthropological issue in the history of North America. The Discovery of Bigfoot.

With hundreds of Bigfoot documentaries and hoaxes flooding the film and Internet markets it has been tremendously difficult for us to get any type of recognition. But make no mistake about it we have made the discovery and we believe our research will lead to definitive scientific notoriety. A short list of what we have done that no one else has ever accomplished.

No one has every been able to catch these animals on film more then once. We have two clear videos that were shot 2 days apart. Which confirms that our work is scientifically repeatable.

No one has ever had a Kineticist analyze their Bigfoot video and say the fastest man in the world could not have run that trek as fast as that bipedal animal did. With every truly bipedal Bigfoot Video there are always two possibilities. What you are seeing is either a man in a suit or a new form of primate. The Kineticists analysis removes the possibility of it being a man in a suit.

No one has ever said I can duplicate these events and capture these animals on film again. And not only do I want to do it again but I insist on having a skeptical anthropologist and field journalist present when I do it.

No one has ever attempted to get international (Canada/ US) protection for this species. Which is absolutely essential if our work is to be made public. Since our work is scientifically repeatable anyone could get within 50 yards of one of these animals. The consequences that would follow would be absolutely disastrous, not only to this species but also to those whom would seek to destroy these animals for their own glorification. No one has ever taken a documentary film on tour and given all the proceeds to the local humane societies. I know this is an animal rights issue and I have always been a big supporter of animal welfare issues. That is why I am doing what I am doing.

With Thousands of hours worth of research, study, and documentation on this subject from chronicles to hands on scientific studies our knowledge and understanding of this subject exceptionally specialized.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I will meet with anyone, anywhere, anytime to discuss our cause.Todd Standing

The stills below are from Mr. Standing’s myspace page. It states there that these stills are from the third piece of video footage that Mr. Standing has claimed to have produced.

Sylvanic Video Still

Sylvanic Video Still

Sylvanic Video Still

Read more about Todd Standing and Sylvanic here on Cryptomundo.

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

22 Responses to “Sylvanic Petition & Video Stills”

  1. Drat responds:

    Well Todd’s grammer makes me crazy. A little bit of bad grammer I can stand but he writes like a 4th grader.

    Those pics are useless, does anyone have a link to his myspace page?

  2. captiannemo responds:

    This guy has already had too much airtime!

  3. kittenz responds:

    It’s going to take more than promises of forthcoming evidence, more than a petition, and more than some blurry video to prove the existence of Bigfoot. It’s going to take an actual physical body of an animal, living or dead (preferably living).

    If these guys are legit, I applaud their efforts. But unless and until Bigfoot can be located beyond the shadow of a doubt, I take everything like this with a very large dose of salt.

  4. silvereagle responds:

    He must be feeling the pressure of Biscardi’s upcoming reality TV show.

  5. DWA responds:

    Nobody who addresses the topic this way has a shred of credibility.



  6. Craig Woolheater responds:


    The link to Mr. Standing’s myspace page has been added to the post above.

  7. Kelly responds:

    He is fanatic about it enough to have set someone up in a suit just to get a law passed. But, I am not dismissing it. If they exist someone must see them right? Why not Todd?

  8. Chris Noel responds:

    How about bad spelling?

  9. squatchwatcher responds:

    As always with someone who claims they can get close to a squatch. The video looks like my uncle Johnny running to the can!

  10. joppa responds:

    I wonder if at the end of all this if we will see Mr. “Standing’s” dissertation in some Canadian or U.S. University Communications or Sociology program on internet marketing or some sort of Internet study on how to create and sustain a “buzz” on any subject.

    His low budget theatre showings, intentional use of bad grammer and spelling all are starting to have a contrived feel about them. I sense a modern day Goebbels testing a theory of mass manipulation of people and ideas using the internet.

    Very clever, but its being done on a much more successful scale by Islamic terrorists.

    Perhaps his study on human behavior will lead to some insight on how to be on guard for this type of brainwashing.

    Whatever he’s doing, it isn’t about Bigfoot.

  11. elsanto responds:

    I have to agree with Joppa for the most part. Bad spelling etc. aside, (was that misspelling of “grammar” sarcasm joppa?) I think, that the theory of Mr. Standing doing PhD work in sociology/mass comm. is giving him far too much credit. Check out his myspace page… check out his friends… it’s rather obvious that he’s just an independent film-maker resorting to all means possible to get press for his big project. Give it a rest, Todd, the original Blair Witch was the best that it will ever get, and you really don’t have the makings of a Norman Jewison, Atom Egoyan, or even a Lee Gordon Demarbre (to name a few Canadian directors).

  12. wareagle responds:

    Judging from the spelling and grammar of this enlightened addition to the body of Mr. Standings work, I feel he must have been trying to spell “Sylvania” in his original post. He simply needs someone in the ward to explain the Scifi channel to him.

  13. joppa responds:

    If you study Mr. Standing’s ( name seems fake) Internet “tools”, his myspace page with its cheesy friends fits the profile of a well crafted fraud.

    I am probably giving him too much credit, but it is a better hoax than the Kentucky pancake eater.

    Kelsey Grammer / English Grammar, I always get those confused.

  14. sschaper responds:

    I get the distinct impression that they are lying. The guy with black hair, esp. The bearded guy appears to be acting, and the blonde is always looking for approval.

    The middle picture looks like a guy in a suit, look at the proportions.

    The other two are more blobsquatches.

  15. shumway10973 responds:

    If those pics represent the video the kineticist saw, there is no way that person could tell anything. Well, best of luck. I would like to see bigfoot and their habitat protected. Hey, I might even see about relocating a few into this area.

  16. dogu4 responds:

    This whole Sylvanic thang is at once puzzling, frustrating, humorously ridiculous and….interesting. I mean, really, there are zillions of science fiction stories based on the same premise; someone independently from out of the blue and out of the professionally accepted collegium discovers or invents something revolutionary and then the fun begins as greed, stupidity, obsession and outrageous fortune come into play. But the foundation of fiction is reality and lots of things that are true are stranger than fiction…and there’s something else goin’ on here.

    I have spent some time ponderin’ and pokin’ on this topic and while it’s easy to reject on first encounter, you have to ask yourself, “what would you do if it happened to you?” From the perspective of someone who’s hip to modern media and digital communications, building a website and using the power of the internet is a “no-brainer”. It’s way easier to get a webpage designer who’ll create a buzz than it would be to walk into the local college or fish and game office and ask if someone there would want to help you with identifying a sasquatch…think about it…what they say they want to do is a great thing; habitat protection. I’m all for it with or without threatened mega-faunal species…and more is better, but walkin’ into the local puzzle palace is like taking just a sip out of fully charged 1+1/2 inch fire hose and you might escape with part of your head still attached. I’m sure Dr Meldrum would know the correct protocol so that immediate protection of a valuable resource would also allow him control over the process. If Joe Blow brings in incontrovertible evidence of a scientifically priceless treasure on a known piece of Forest Service land, I doubt that authorities would allow him to go on following these critters since those activities could now be considered a form of harassment by certain definitions…and wouldn’t you want the caretakers of this national treasure to treat it in the most careful manner? Screw the guys who found it.

  17. voodoochild responds:

    I can’t say whether this guy is for real, or not. But his grammar usage (or, lack thereof) doesn’t really sway my acceptance one way or the other. I really don’t feel his grammar is that bad. I’ve seen much more atrocious grammar in nationally published articles on the internet and in print as well. I just don’t see how the guy can be labeled a fake, just because he doesn’t exercise perfect grammar. I’ve known quite a few people who are quite intelligent, who for instance, can work through a mathematical equation that I myself could never dream of doing, yet their grammar and spelling is atrocious. I’m not vehemently defending the guy, I’m just saying that his grammar should not be the basis on which his integrity is based. My 2 cents 😉

  18. Ayala responds:

    Blobsquatch. 🙂

    And as a Kentuckian who HAS half a brain, that whole pancake-eater thing is SO embarrassing.

  19. kittenz responds:


    As a fellow Kentuckian, I agree.

  20. things-in-the-woods responds:

    I like the bit where he says

    “we believe our research will lead to definitive scientific notoriety”

    -notoriety as in Piltdown Man I take it- he’s hoaxing (obviously)

    And while wildlife and habitat protection is a good thing- basing it on a hoax like this is not helpful.

  21. mystery_man responds:

    This Sylvanic thing is still going on?

  22. windigo responds:

    He appears as fascinating and persuasive, as his cause is virtuous. However, if he was an actual field researcher instead of a film producer then his credibility would appear much higher. He claims to have spent two years in the Rocky Mountains researching Sasquatch, and I think it would be interesting if he has the travel/sales/lodging receipts to back his claim, as having been there during the time periods he indicated. And that’s just for starters.

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