The Mystery of the Chupacabra
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 9th, 2015
Ben Radford gives a talk on the Chupacabras in Albuquerque, NM tonight.
Tonight I will be the guest speaker at the Albuquerque Science Fiction Society’s next meeting, discussing the strange-but-true sci-fi origins of the Hispanic vampire beast el chupacabra!
~ Ben Radford
Albuq SF Society
Start: 9 October 2015 7:30 pm
Categories: Events
Time for Club Elections, the Choosing of December’s “Theme” for our Cook-Off, and a Talk on “The Mystery of the Chupacabra” from local writer/skeptic Benjamin Radford!
Club Elections are for executive secretary, moderator and alternator for January-December 2016. Also, we will choose the “Theme” for December’s Dessert Cook-Off! And, last but not least, Bubonicon 47 science speaker Benjamin Radford will be on hand to repeat his “Chupacabra” talk for those who missed at the con. Plus, if that weren’t enough, the Halloween issue of ASFacts!
Newcomers are welcome with a $1.00 contribution to help pay our rent…
Remember, no outside food is allowed at St. Andrew. Please be discreet with any candy. Water/soda bottles and lidded beverage cups are permitted.
DOORS OPEN AT 7:15 PM. Enter through the back doors (northside) of church – the courtyard is locked up at 5:00 pm each day. Please do not arrive before 7:15 pm. We have to set up the room ourselves, and straighten/clean-up around 10:00 pm.
Meeting Location:
ACTIVITY ROOM (west end of building, enter through door on northside of church)
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM
(First street north of Erna Ferguson Library on San Mateo. Ponderosa is the northern border of Montgomery Park, and intersects with both San Mateo and San Pedro. The street is north of Comanche and south of Montgomery)
Among the monsters said to roam the world’s jungles and desolate deserts, none is more feared than the chupacabra—the blood-sucking beast blamed for the mysterious deaths of thousands of animals since the 1990s. To some it is a joke; to many it is a very real threat and even a harbinger of the apocalypse. Originating in Latin America yet known worldwide, the chupacabra is a contradictory and bizarre blend of vampire and shapeshifter, changing its appearance and characteristics depending on when and where it is seen. Rooted in conspiracy theory and anti-American sentiment, the beast is said to be the result of Frankenstein-like secret U.S. government experiments in the Puerto Rican jungles.
Combining five years of careful investigation (including information from eyewitness accounts, field research, and forensic analysis) with a close study of the creature’s cultural and folkloric significance, Radford’s book is the first to fully explore and try to solve the decades-old mystery of the chupacabra.
See also: Need $250? Take Ben’s Chupa Challenge!
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Not to belabor the point, but the critter is names EL CHUPACABRAS, sucker not of one goat, but of multiple goats, so it’s not like marriage.
Not your fault, Craig, but the author should know better.